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You need the SDL2 libraries installed to be able to compil & run the program

  • Here is a link to how to do it on the different platforms
  • This program should be run on a linux OS, we didn't try on others one, feel free to try and give feedback :)

How to use it :

  • Usage using command line:

    • Go in the "build" directory
    • run "cmake .."
    • run "make"
    • run the program ( options are written below )
  • Program options :

    • You need at least the -n option with another option such as -i for the input file or -r to randomly generate items
    • Format : ./bin/synthese_image -n [level to load] -i [input file] -o [output file] -r [number of elements] -s[value]
    • -n [value] : level to load
    • -i [input file] : The input file contains the scene that you want to load
    • -o [output file]: The output file is the name of the file for ppme format export
    • -r [value]: The number of elements is the number of elements you want to randomly generate
      • If the -r option is active , the input file wont be red
    • If the level number is superior to 2 , the output file wont be created
    • The levels 1 & 2 require an output file
    • -s [value] : AA(Anti aliasing) value can be 0 (default), 2, 4, 8, 16 no other values
    • -h : show this usage

How to create a file to try the program

For a material :

  • material name coefRelfection transparence indiceRefraction brillance
    • Example : material wood 100 50 100 0 For the camera :
  • camera depth position orientation
    • Exemple : camera 50 (-5 0 0) (1 0 0) For any other object :
  • type position rotation scale color angle material
    • Example : sphere (3 -3 3) (0 0 1) (1.0 1.0 1.0) (255 0 0) 0 wood


  • Program commands once launched (All have been done with a QWERTY keyboard, some controls can feel weird on an AZERTY layout):
    • Camera movement :
      • E : Move FORWARD
      • D : Move BACKWARD
      • S : Move LEFT
      • F : Move RIGHT
      • Q : Move UP
      • A : Move DOWN
    • Camera rotation :
      • W : Rotate LEFT
      • R : Rotate RIGHT
      • T : Rotate UP
      • G : Rotate DOWN

Here are some examples :

  • ./bin/Synthese_Image -n 3 -r 100 -s 4
    • This will create 100 random items in the scene, with AA set to 4
  • ./bin/Synthese_Image -n 2 -i myFile -o anotherFile.ppm
    • This will read the file, generate the objects and export the file to ppm format.


A raytracer






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