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FaceMe android Application

Build in progress
Design pattern-MVVM

A social aplication
This is a sample Facebook aplication that enables users to comment and like news items,users can even send inbox messages on each other
#Screen shots

login register

home comments

settings saved


This is is a social aplication that enables users to intercat with each other by sending messages and by sending comments and likes on the posts that impress them
Users can save posts to view later and can also send inbox messages to the users they wish to


Kotlin - Kotlin is a programming language that can run on JVM. Google has announced Kotlin as one of its officially supported programming languages in Android Studio; and the Android community is migrating at a pace from Java to Kotlin.

AndroidX - Major improvement to the original Android Support Library, which is no longer>

Room database - The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.

Kotlin Coroutines - A concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously.

Retrofit - Retrofit is a REST client for Java/ Kotlin and Android by Square inc under Apache 2.0 license. Its a simple network library that is used for network transactions. By using this library we can seamlessly capture JSON response from web service/web API.

GSON - JSON Parser,used to parse requests on the data layer for Entities and understands Kotlin non-nullable and default parameters.

Google firebase