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Fortran exceptions library

This library provides exception handling for Fortran 2003 and later. It is based the methodology in Poppe et al. 20121. It enables errors in a Fortran procedure to be communicated to the caller and, optionally, handled. Errors are encapsulated an a derived type that contains an error message and other information.

This provides the following advantages over other error handling approaches:

  • Compared with integer status codes, the derived type can provide more detailed information about what went wrong.
  • Compared with directly invoking stop or error stop, this library provides an opportunity for the program to recover from the error and continue


fortran_exceptions is built using CMake:

mkdir fortran_exceptions-build
cd fortran_exceptions-build
cmake /path/to/fortran_exceptions
make install


Another project built using CMake can load the library using find_package(fortran_exceptions) and link to the library with target_link_libraries(<target> <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> fortran_exceptions.

Throwing and handling exceptions

A procedure that may throw an exception should have an optional allocatable argument of type error_status. An exception can be thrown by passing this optional argument and a new exception to the throw subroutine. The new_exception function provides a convenient way to create the exception. For example:

subroutine throwing_procedure(status)
  !! Procedure that throws an exception and exits

  use exceptions, ONLY: throw, exception, new_exception, error_status

  implicit none

  ! Arguments
  class(error_status), intent(out), allocatable, optional::status
      !! Error status

  call throw(status, new_exception("An error occurred"))

end subroutine throwing_procedure

A calling function can check the exception type using a select type statement and, if appropriate, handle the exception. For example:

subroutine exception_handling_procedure
  use exceptions, ONLY: exception, error_status

  implicit none

  !! Procedure that calls exception-throwing procedures and handles the
  !! exception

  class(error_status), allocatable::status
      !! Error status

  ! Call a routine that throws an error
  call throwing_procedure(status)

  ! Handle the error
  select type (status)
  class is (exception)
    print *, "Handled error:", status%as_string()
    status%handled = .true.
  end select

end subroutine exception_handling_procedure

After handling an exception, the caller must set the handled attribute to .true.. If the handled attribute is false when the exception goes out of scope, the exception finalizer will invoke error stop, causing the program to exit immediately in an error state. If no exception is thrown by a function, the status will have the generic type error_status and the program will continue running normally.


Custom exception types can be created extending the generic exception type. Examples of this are provided in the documentation.



DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited


  1. Poppe, K., Cools, R., & Vandewoestyne, B. (2012). Error handling in Fortran 2003. ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum, 31(2), 7–19.


Exception handling for Fortran 2008







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