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This project aims at providing a stand-alone OAuth v2 Authorization Server that is easy to integrate with your existing REST services, written in any language, without requiring extensive changes.

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Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This rougly means that if you use this software in your service you need to make the source code available to the users of your service (if you modify it). Refer to the license for the exact details.


  • PDO (database abstraction layer for various databases) storage backend for OAuth tokens
  • OAuth v2 (authorization code and implicit grant) support
  • SimpleAuth authentication support (php-simple-auth)
  • SAML authentication support (simpleSAMLphp)
  • Mozilla Persona authentication support using (php-browserid)
  • Token introspection for resource servers


This is a screenshot of the OAuth consent dialog.



The installation requirements on Fedora/CentOS can be installed like this:

$ su -c 'yum install git php-pdo php httpd'

On Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install git sqlite3 php5 php5-sqlite


NOTE: in the chown line you need to use your own user account name! NOTE: On Ubuntu (Debian) you would typically install in /var/www/php-oauth and not in /var/www/html/php-oauth and you use sudo instead of su -c.

$ cd /var/www/html
$ su -c 'mkdir php-oauth'
$ su -c 'chown fkooman:fkooman php-oauth'
$ git clone git:
$ cd php-oauth

Install the external dependencies in the vendor directory using Composer:

$ php /path/to/composer.phar install

Now you can create the default configuration files, the paths will be automatically set, permissions set and a sample Apache configuration file will be generated and shown on the screen (see below for more information on Apache configuration).

$ docs/

Next make sure to configure the database settings in config/oauth.ini, and possibly other settings. If you want to keep using SQlite you are good to go without fiddling with the database settings. Now to initialize the database, i.e. to install the tables, run:

$ php docs/initOAuthDatabase.php

It is also possible to already preregister some clients which makes sense if you want to use the management clients mentioned below. The sample registrations are listed in docs/registration.json. By default they point to http:https://localhost, but if you run this software on a "real" domain you need to modify the docs/registration.json file to point to your domain name and full path where the management clients will be installed.

To modify the domain of where the clients will be located in one go, you can run the following command:

$ sed 's|http:https://localhost||g' docs/registration.json > docs/myregistration.json

You can still modify the docs/myregistration.json by hand if you desire, and then load them in the database:

$ php docs/registerClients.php docs/myregistration.json

This should take care of the initial setup and you can now move to installing the management clients, see below.

Management Clients

There are two reference management clients available:

These clients are written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript only and can be hosted on any (static) web server. See the accompanying READMEs for more information. If you followed the client registration in the previous section they should start working immediately if you install the applications at the correct URL. Do not forget to enable the management API in config/oauth.ini.


The install script already takes care of setting the file permissions of the data/ directory to allow Apache to write to the directory. If you want to use the Mozilla Persona authentication plugin you also need to give Apache permission to access the network. These permissions can be given by using setsebool as root:

$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=on

If you want the logger to send out email, you need the following as well:

$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail=on

This is only for Red Hat based Linux distributions like RHEL, CentOS and Fedora.

If you want the labeling of the data/ directory to survive file system relabeling you have to update the policy as well.

FIXME: add how to update the policy...


There is an example configuration file in docs/apache.conf.

On Red Hat based distributions the file can be placed in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php-oauth.conf. On Debian based distributions the file can be placed in /etc/apache2/conf.d/php-oauth. Be sure to modify it to suit your environment and do not forget to restart Apache.

The docs/ script from the previous section outputs a config for your system which replaces the /PATH/TO/APP with the actual install directory.


Please follow the recommended Apache configuration, and set the headers mentioned there to increase security. Important headers are Content-Security-Policy, X-Frame-Options and Strict-Transport-Security.

You MUST also disable any connection to this service over HTTP, and only use HTTPS.


There are thee plugins provided to authenticate users:

  • DummyResourceOwner - one static account configured in config/oauth.ini
  • SimpleAuthResourceOwner - very simple username/password authentication
  • SspResourceOwner - simpleSAMLphp plugin for SAML authentication
  • PersonaResourceOwner - Mozilla Persona plugin

You can configure which plugin to use by modifying the authenticationMechanism setting in config/oauth.ini.


A more complex part of the authentication and authorization is the use of entitlements. This is a bit similar to scope in OAuth, only entitlements are for a specific resource owner, while scope is only for an OAuth client.

The entitlements are for example used by the php-oauth API. It is possible to write a client application that uses the php-oauth API to manage OAuth client registrations. The problem now is how to decide who is allowed to manage OAuth client registrations. Clearly not all users who can successfully authenticate, but only a subset. The way now to determine who gets to do what is accomplished through entitlements.

In the [Api] section the management API can be enabled:

enableApi = TRUE

In particular, the authenticated user (resource owner) needs to have the urn:x-oauth:entitlement:applications entitlement in order to be able to modify application registrations. The entitlements are part of the resource owner's attributes. This maps perfectly to SAML attributes obtained through the simpleSAMLphp integration.


For instance in the DummyResourceOwner section, the user has this entitlement as shown in the snippet below:

; Dummy Configuration
uid           = "fkooman"
entitlement[] = "urn:x-oauth:entitlement:applications"
entitlement[] = "foo"
entitlement[] = "bar"

Here you can see that the resource owner will be granted the urn:x-oauth:entitlement:applications, foo and bar entitlements. As there is only one account in the DummyResourceOwner configuration it is quite boring.


The entitlements for the SimpleAuthResourceOwner are configured in the entitlement file, located in config/simpleAuthEntitlement.json. An example is also available. You can assign entitlements to resource owner identifiers.

The users listed match the default set from php-simple-auth. You can copy the example file to config/simpleAuthEntitlement.json and modify it for your needs. This authentication backend is not meant for production use as it will require a lot of manual configuration per user. Better use the SspResourceOwner authentication library for serious deployments.

For this authentication source you also need to install and configure (php-simple-auth).


Now, for the SspResourceOwner configuration it is a little bit more complex. Dealing with this is left to the simpleSAMLphp configuration and we just expect a certain configuration.

In the configuration file config/oauth.ini only a few aspects can be configured. To configure the SAML integration, make sure the following settings are at least correct.

authenticationMechanism = "SspResourceOwner"

; simpleSAMLphp configuration
sspPath = "/var/simplesamlphp"
authSource = "default-sp"
;resourceOwnerIdAttribute = "eduPersonPrincipalName"

Now on to the simpleSAMLphp configuration. You configure simpleSAMLphp according to the manual. The snippets below will help you with the configuration to get the entitlements right.

First the metadata/saml20-idp-remote.php to configure the IdP that is used by the simpleSAMLphp as SP:

$metadata['http:https://localhost/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php'] = array(
    'SingleSignOnService' => 'http:https://localhost/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php',
    'SingleLogoutService' => 'http:https://localhost/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutService.php',
    'certFingerprint' => '4bff319a0fa4903e4f6ed52956fb02e1ebec5166',

You need to modify this (the URLs and the certificate fingerprint) to work with your IdP and possibly the attribute mapping rules.

Resource Servers

If you are writing a resource server (RS) an API is available to verify the Bearer token you receive from the client. Currently a draft specification (draft-richer-oauth-introspection) is implemented to support this.

An example, the RS gets the following Authorization header from the client:

Authorization: Bearer eeae9c3366af8cb7acb74dd5635c44e6

Now in order to verify it, the RS can send a request to the OAuth service:

$ curl http:https://localhost/php-oauth/introspect.php?token=eeae9c3366af8cb7acb74dd5635c44e6

If the token is valid, a response (formatted here for display purposes) will be given back to the RS:

    "active": true, 
    "client_id": "testclient", 
    "exp": 2366377846, 
    "iat": 1366376612, 
    "scope": "foo bar", 
    "sub": "fkooman", 
    "x-entitlement": [

The RS can now figure out more about the resource owner. If you provide an invalid access token, the following response is returned:

    "active": false

If your service needs to provision a user, the field sub SHOULD to be used for that. The scope field can be used to determine the scope the client was granted by the resource owner.

There are two proprietary extensions to this format: x-entitlement and x-ext. The former one gives the entitlement values as an array. The x-ext provides additional "raw" information obtained through the authentication framework. For instance all SAML attributes released are placed in this x-ext field. They can contain for instance an email address or display name.

A library written in PHP to access the introspection endpoint is available here.

Resource Owner Data

Whenever a resource owner successfully authenticates using some of the supported authentication mechanisms, some user information, like the entitlement a user has, is stored in the database. This is done to give this information to registered clients and to resource servers that have a valid access token.


PHP OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server






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