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Dotfiles Configurations

This is my dotfile configurations for Arch-based Linux distro's. It has both Qtile and BSPWM configurations, both using Alacritty terminal and sxhkd for keyboard shortcuts.

Qtile Desktop is based on the Darcula Color Scheme whereas the BSPWM picks up its colors from the wallpaper using pywal

Qtile Screenshots

Qtile Terminal Screenshot Nvim Terminal Editor Notification

BSPWM Screenshots

BSPWM Terminal Screenshot Nvim Terminal Editor Multiple Terminals


You may want to download the zip file and extract it or use

git clone

Extract all the files into your /home/<username> directory and replace/merge the .config directory.

The .packages.txt file contains all the packages that are installed in my system. There might exist some conflicts if you already have a preconfigured system but generally there shouldn't be any issues if you're doing this on ArcoLinux.

Run the following command if you're using paru as an AUR helper or replace it with yay if you use that.

cat .packages.txt |xargs paru -S --needed

Before running the above command, I recommend you go through the text file and remove or replace any packages you might not need. For example, I do GO development so it is present in the text file, you may not have any use for the GO compiler so you may remove it.

Nvim Configuration is not included in the above configurations, i recommend using the original install script to install it. Link is down bellow.

For Qtile

If you're not already using a Qtile-based system then create a qtile.desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/ folder. It should look somewhat like this,

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Qtile Session
Exec=qtile start


This configuration uses Polybar-themes by adi1090x. I recommend using the original install script first to install all dependencies and then cloning the config files over to .config/polybar.

Pywal is used to set the wallpaper, it also creates a color scheme depending on the wallpaper which is then taken up by the terminal and polybar.

If you're not already using a BSPWM-based system then create a bspwm.desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/ folder. It should look somewhat like this,

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Binary space partitioning window manager

After you're done with all the steps, restart the system, select Qtile or BSPWM in your login manager and login to the system.

Post Installation

You may want to tinker with the keyboard shortcuts.

All Keyboard shortcuts for qtile are present in .config/qtile/sxhkd/sxhkdrc and all Qtile-WM related Keybindings will be available in .config/qtile/

All BSPWM related keybindings can be found in .config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc

I use dunst for my notifications, in case you run into some trouble while using, check out the Dunst Arch Wiki or you may replace it with something else entirely.

My shell of choice zsh and i use oh-my-zsh along with a few extra plugins, if you want to play around with that, check out .zshrc and .zshrc-personal

External Links

Following are the repositories which have been utilised in my configuration :


Since these are my personal configurations, you may run into some trouble if you intend to use these. If you do run into some trouble, raise an issue, would be more than happy to help.


Dotfile configurations for my Arch Linux







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