List of useful, silly and awesome lists curated on GitHub. Contributions welcome!
50 – Grants, scholarships and FA that encourages diversity in STEM fields among half the world's population.
50-DI – Curated Diversity Index of grants, scholarships and FA that encourages diversity in STEM fields aimed at half the world's population.
Annual-Reading-List – A list of things to read every year.
I feel like a lot of people read important ideas once and never get the chance to implement them. The purpose of this list is that ideas that are important to me get the chance to take hold in my mind. By reading these works annually, I will be introduced to these ideas again and again until they become habitual to me.
awesomebandnames – The open-source list of awesome band names.
awesome-biology – Learning resources, research papers, tools and other resources related to Biology.
awesome-glasgow – Some highlights around Glasgow, Scotland.
awesome-health – Useful health resources.
awesome-images – Free (stock) photo resources for your projects.
awesome-kimchi – Kimchi of the people, by the people, for the people.
cocktails – Cocktail Recipes
corporate-logos – Curated repo of publicly listed co. logos, identified by ticker. Almost 1500 logos
creative-commons-media – Audio, graphics and other resources that provide media licensed under Creative Commons licenses.
dissertation-tips – Resources to help PhD students complete their dissertation successfully.
food-recipes – Honest-to-goodness "real food" recipes
lawrence-veggie – List of vegetarian/vegan restaurants in Lawrence, KS.
mining-resources – Natural resources mining.
recipes by @bzimmerman – This repository contains tasty open-source recipes.
recipes by @csswizardy – Collection of things I like cooking
recipes by @csclug – Delicious open source
shelfies – Bookshelves of awesome people, community-transcribed.
SiliconValleyThingsToDo – Things to do and activities within Silicon Valley.
soylent – Soylent recipes
sf-vegetarian-restaurants – A list of awesome vegetarian-friendly restaurants in SF
teesites – A public list of great sites to buy awesome t-shirts and other cool stuff.
tacofancy – community-driven taco repo. stars stars stars.
visual-illusions – List of Visual Illusions.
- 101 – Resources on running a software biz.
- above-the-fold-css-tools – Tools to help prioritize above-the-fold CSS.
- alternative-internet – A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
- android-awesome-libraries – Useful Android development libraries with usage examples.
- android-open-project In Chinese – Collect and classify android open source projects.
- android-security-awesome – “A lot of work is happening in academia and industry on tools to perform dynamic analysis, static analysis and reverse engineering of android apps.”
- angular-education – Useful resources to learn and improve your AngularJS skills.
- angularjs-fellows – Free resources for learning AngularJS.
- ansible-gentoo-roles – Ansible roles for Gentoo Linux.
- apiPlatforms – Cool and awesome APIs
- awesomelinks – Web Development Links by @richardbenjamin.
- badass-dev-resources – #bada55 front-end developer resources.
- beautiful-docs – Pointers to useful, well-written, and otherwise beautiful documentation.
- best-of-awesomeness-and-usefuless-for-webdev – Digest of the most useful tools and resources for the last year.
- bigdata-ecosystem – Big-data related projects packed into a JSON dataset.
- bioinformatics-tool-list – Bioinformatics and computational biology tools.
- bookmarklets – Bookmarklets that are useful on the web
- bookshelf – Reading lists for learners
- content-management-systems – Open source & proprietary content management systems.
- crypto-might-not-suck – Crypto Projects that Might not Suck.
- css-resources
- curated-list-espresso-sugar-plugins – Sugar plugins for Espresso, the code editor by MacRabbit.
- Curated-List-of-Awesomeness – Web resources.
- cyberDigest In Russian – Digest of knowledge about crypto networks (including cryptocurrencies).
- daemon – A curated list of resources for a more literate programming.
- datajournalists-toolbox – Tools for datajournalists, with examples and gists.
- datasciencemasters – The Curriculum for learning Data Science, Open Source and at your fingertips.
- Developer-Conferences – List of upcoming developer conferences.
- devops_resources
- dev-resource – Resources for devs online and offline.
- EducationalToolsResources – Tools and resources for educators and virtual teachers.
- erlang-bookmarks – All about erlang programming language.
- erlang-watchlist – Where to find good code to master Erlang idioms
- es6-tools – An aggregation of tooling for ES6
- Facets – One-liners in Ruby
- flat-file-cms – Stictly flat-file cms systems.
- free-programming-books
- free-programming-courses – Online programming/CS courses.
- free-software-testing-books – List of free software testing books.
- frontdesk – Community driven list of useful things for Front End Developers
- Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions – A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
- frontend-dev-bookmarks – A huge list of frontend development resources I collected over time.
- frontend-resources by @JonathanZWhite
- frontend-resources by @zedix
- frontend-tools – An opinionated list of tools for frontend (i.e. html, js, css) desktop/laptop (i.e. does not include tablet or phone yet) web development
- games – A list of popular/awesome videos games, add-on, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub.
- github-cheat-sheet – Cool features of Git and GitHub.
- github-hall-of-fame – Hall of Fame for spectacular things on Github.
- hackathon_resources by @myearwood – Learning Resources for Hackathon Organizers.
- Hackathon-Resources by @xasos – Hackathon Resources for organizers.
- HeadlessBrowsers
- ideas – One Hundred Ideas for Computing
- Inspire – A collection of links to assist you in web design and development.
- InterviewThis – Developer questions to ask prospective employers
- ios-awesome-libraries – Useful iOS development libraries with usage examples.
- iOSDevResource
- javascript-patterns – JavaScript Patterns
- javascript-resources
- jslibs – My picks of promising/useful Javascript libraries.
- See also JSwiki
- js-must-watch – Must-watch videos about javascript
- jsonauts – The ultimate reference for JSON tooling and specs.
- jstools – Foundational JavaScript Tools
- Julia.jl – Curated decibans of Julia language.
- killer-talks – Talks that are worth watching.
- Laravel-Resources – Laravel Framework Resources and Blogs.
- learn-drupal – Stuff to help you learn Drupal.
- learn-python - A list of links that teach Python.
- learnxinyminutes-docs – Code documentation written as code!
- lifeofjs – Curated source for all types of awesome resources available for JavaScript.
- ListOfMinimalistFrameworks – Minimalist frameworks (simple and lightweight).
- magictools – Game Development resources to make magic happen.
- markdown-resources – Markdown resources: apps, dialects, parsers, people, …
- my_tech_resources by @JamesLavin
- must-watch-css – Must-watch videos about CSS.
- nashville-lispers/resources – Lisp Resources: exercises, great books, videos, etc.
- node-daily In Chinese – Daily article about Node.js.
- node-frameworks – Comparison of server-side Node frameworks.
- nodejs-conference-cfps – NodeJS and Javascript Conference Call for Presentations.
- NodeJS-Learning – Resources to help you learn Node.js and keep up to date.
- offline-first – Everything you need to know to create offline-first web apps.
- papers – A collection of papers found across the web.
- papers-we-love – Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. (Contains actual papers)
- pattern_classification – A collection of tutorials and examples for solving and understanding machine learning and pattern classification tasks.
- PHPVietnam – PHP resources for Vietnamese.
- PlacesToPostYourStartup – “Where can I post my startup to get beta users?”
- programmers-proverbs – Proverbs from the programmer
- Projects – Practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
- pycrumbs – Bits and Bytes of Python from the Internet.
- python-github-projects – Collect and classify python projects on Github.
- pythonidae – Curated decibans of Python scientific programming resources.
- python_reference – Useful functions, tutorials, and other Python-related things.
- – Job queues, message queues and other queues.
- resource-list – Design & Development Resources.
- resources – JavaScript resources for and by Hack Reactor 14 & 15.
- resources – Free, online resources for various technologies, languages, and tools.
- Resources – Tools for front end devs.
- ruby-bookmarks – Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection.
- ruby-dev-bookmarks – Ruby development resources I've collected.
- ruby-trivia – Questions about Ruby programming you can use to quiz yourself.
- rss-readers-list – Reader replacements megalist
- scalable-css-reading-list – Collected dispatches from The Quest for Scalable CSS.
- secure-email – Overview of projects working on next-generation secure email.
- services-engineering – A reading list for services engineering, with a focus on cloud infrastructure services.
- shellshocker-pocs – Proof of concepts and potential targets for Shellshock.
- spawnedshelter – Erlang Spawned Shelter – the best articles, videos and presentations related to Erlang.
- StartupKnowledgeBase – Insightful articles related to startups.
- startupreadings – Reading list for all things startup-related.
- startup-resources
- static-site-generator-comparison
- Static-Site-Generators
- streaming-papers – Papers on streaming algorithms.
- sublime-bookmarks – Sublime Text essential plugins and resources.
- SwiftInFlux – An attempt to gather all that is in flux in Swift.
- tech-weekly - List of weekly technical newsletters
- Toolbox – Open source iOS stuff.
- tool_lists – Links to tools by theme. Verification, synthesis, and static analysis.
- tools – Tools for web.
- ToolsOfTheTrade – Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News.
- twofactorauth – Sites with two factor auth support which includes SMS, email, phone calls, hardware, and software.
- type-findings – Posts about web typography.
- webdevresourcecuration
- web-dev-resources – A table of contents for web developer resources across the internet.
- web-development-resources
- awesome – Useful plugins and libraries.
- awesome-2048-and-beyond – Waste and lose at least 8 hours of your life… then multiply it…
- awesome-acf – Add-ons for the Advanced Custom Field plugin for WordPress.
- awesome-activeadmin – Active Admin resources, extensions, posts and utilities. For Rails.
- awesome-algorithms – Places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
- awesome-analytics – Analytics services, frameworks, software and other tools.
- awesome-android by @Jackgris In Spanish.
- awesome-android by @JStumpp
- awesome-angular by @hugoleodev
- awesome-angularjs by @gianarb
- awesome-apple – 3rd party libraries and tools for Apple platforms development.
- awesome-arabic – Arabic supporting tools, fonts, and development resources.
- awesome-asciidoctor – Collection of asciidoctor’s intros, exampes and usages.
- awesome-AutoHotkey – AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
- awesome-avr
- awesome-bem – Tools, sites, articles about BEM (frontend development method).
- awesome-bigdata – Big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.
- Awesome-Bioinformatics – Open-source bioinformatics software and libraries.
- awesome-bootstrap – Free Bootstrap themes I think are cool.
- awesome-cakephp – Plugins and resources for CakePHP 2 and 3.
- awesome-cassandra
- awesome-chef – Cookbooks, handlers, add-ons and other resources for Chef, a configuration management tool.
- awesome-ci – Continuous integation services.
- awesome-clojure
- awesome-cloud – Delightful cloud services.
- awesome-cloud-storage – Comparison of online storage platforms.
- awesome-coldfusion
- awesome-conference-playlists – Video playlists for conferences.
- awesome-conferences
- awesome-cordova Apache Cordova / PhoneGap
- awesome-cpp – C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources.
- awesome-css by @deepakbhattarai
- awesome-css by @ikkou
- awesome-d
- awesome-dart
- awesome-dashboard – Dashboards/visualization resources.
- awesome-datascience – An open source DataScience repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
- awesome-datasets – Datasets for papers/experiments/validation.
- awesome-db – Databse libraries and resources.
- awesome-ddd – Domain Driven Design resources.
- awesome-delphi
- awesome-derby – Components for DerbyJS.
- awesome-devenv – Tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment.
- awesome-devtools – In-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for front-end devs.
- awesome-django – Django apps and projects.
- awesome-django-cms – django CMS add-ons.
- awesome-docker by @anildigital
- awesome-docker by @veggiemonk
- awesome-doctrine – Doctrine ORM libraries and resources.
- awesome-dotfiles
- awesome-dotnet – .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- awesome-drupal
- awesome-educate – Education resources online.
- awesome-elm – Learning resources and programs for Elm, a functional reactive language.
- awesome-emacs from @emacs-tw
- awesome-emacs by @sefakilic
- awesome-emacs by @tacticiankerala
- awesome-ember – Ember.js things.
- awesome-elixir
- awesome-endless-codeforall-list – Every tool that civic hackers worldwide use to work.
- awesome-erlang
- awesome-flask – Flask Python web framework resources and plugins.
- awesome-fortran
- awesome-github by @fffaraz – Git and GitHub references.
- awesome-github by @Kikobeats – GitHub secrets and goodies.
- awesome-go by @avelino
- awesome-go-books – Online and free golang books.
- awesome-grails
- awesome-groovy
- awesome-hadoop – Hadoop and Hadoop ecosystem resources.
- awesome-haskell
- awesome-hierarchical-matrices – Hierarchical matrices frameworks, libraries, and software.
- awesome-html5
- awesome-ios
- awesome-IoT – Internet of Things platforms, libraries and apps.
- awesome-java
- awesome-javascript
- awesome-javascript-books – Online and free JavaScript books.
- awesome-julia
- awesome-knockout – Plugins for Knockout MVVM framework.
- awesome-koans – Programming kōans in various languages.
- awesome-languages – Open-source programming languages.
- awesome-laravel by @chiraggude
- awesome-laravel by @TimothyDJones
- awesome-lua by @forhappy
- awesome-lua by @LewisJEllis
- awesome-luvit – Luvit frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-machine-learning
- awesome-mesos – Apache Mesos.
- awesome-nodejs by @sindresorhus
- awesome-nodejs by @vndmtrx
- awesome-objc-swift
- awesome-ocaml
- awesome-open-science
- awesome-pentest – Penetration testing resources and tools.
- awesome-perfocards See perfokaart.
- awesome-perl
- awesome-persian – Persian/Farsi supporting tools, fonts, and development resources.
- awesome-php
- awesome-pipeline – Pipeline toolkits.
- awesome-play1 – Play Framework 1.x modules, tools, and resources.
- awesome-puppet
- awesome-pyramid – Resources for Pyramid Python web framework.
- awesome-python
- awesome-python-talks – An opinionated list of awesome videos related to Python, with a focus on training and gaining hands-on experience.
- awesome-qt – Libraries and resources for the Qt framework.
- awesome-radio – Radio and citizens band (CB) radio resources.
- awesome-R
- awesome-rails by @dpaluy
- awesome-rails by @ekremkaraca – Projects and sites made with Rails.
- awesome-rails by @ruby-vietnam – Rails libraries/app examples/ebooks/tutorials/screencasts/magazines/news.
- awesome-react – ReactJS tools, resources, videos.
- awesome-recommender-system – Recommender System frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-ruby by @markets
- awesome-ruby by @Sdogruyol
- awesome-rust
- awesome-sarl – Resources for SARL Agent-Oriented Programming Language.
- awesome-sass – Sass/SCSS extensions, articles, and examples.
- awesome-scala
- awesome-security – Software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cool stuff about security.
- awesome-selenium
- awesome-services – Services that make a painful programmer's life easier.
- awesome-sharepoint by @sergey-tihon
- awesome-SharePoint by @siaf
- awesome-shell – Command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
- awesome-sqlalchemy – Extra libraries for SQLAlchemy, a Python ORM.
- awesome-static-generators – Static web site generators.
- awesome-styleguides
- awesome-svg
- awesome-swift by @matteocrippa
- awesome-swift by @Wolg
- awesome-symfony2 – Symfony 2 bundles, utilities and resources.
- awesome-sysadmin – Open source sysadmin resources.
- awesome-talks
- awesome-umbraco – Resources for Umbraco 7, a .NET CMS.
- awesome-unity – Assets and resources for Unity game engine.
- awesome-vagrant
- awesome-vim by @akrawchyk
- awesome-vim by @matteocrippa
- awesome-webservice – Web and cloud services, SaaS.
- awesome-weekly – Quality weekly subscription newsletters from the software world.
- awesome-wikipedia – Wikipedia-related frameworks, libraries, software, datasets and references.
- awesome-wordpress by @endel
- awesome-wordpress by @miziomon
- awesome-yamada Dancing Yamada
- awesome-yii – Yii Framework extensions, tutorials and other nice things.
- awesome-yii-1 – Libraries, books, sites and team of Yii Framework v1.x.
- awesome-zsh-plugins
- awesome – A curated list of awesome lists.
- awesome-all – A curated list of awesome lists of awesome frameworks, libraries and software
- awesome-awesome by @emijrp – A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics.
- awesome-awesome by @erichs – A curated list of awesome curated lists! Inspired by inspiration.
- awesome-awesome by @oyvindrobertsen – A curated list of curated lists of libraries, resources and shiny things for various languages.
- awesome-awesomeness – A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- awesome-awesomes – Awesome collection of awesome lists of libraries, tools, frameworks and software for any programming language
- awesome-collection – A list of awesome repos.
- ListOfGithubLists – List of github lists
- list-of-lists – A meta list of lists of useful open source projects and developer tools.
- must-watch-list – List of must-watch lists.
- this one
- wiki In Chinese – A curated list of awesome lists.
- awesome-awesome-awesome – A a curated list of curated lists of awesome lists.
- awesomecubed – A curated list of awesome awesomeness awesomenesses.
- lologl – List of Lists of Github Lists.
- meta-awesome
- the one above