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An open source toolkit for Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning on real and simulated robots.


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robo-gym is an open source toolkit for distributed reinforcement learning on real and simulated robots.

robo-gym provides a collection of reinforcement learning environments involving robotic tasks applicable in both simulation and real world robotics. Additionally, we provide the tools to facilitate the creation of new environments featuring different robots and sensors.

Main features :

  • OpenAI Gym interface for all the the environments
  • simulated and real robots interchangeability, which enables a seamless transfer from training in simulation to application on the real robot.
  • built-in distributed capabilities, which enable the use of distributed algorithms and distributed hardware
  • based only on open source software, which allows to develop applications on own hardware and without incurring in cloud services fees or software licensing costs
  • integration of 2 commercially available industrial robots: MiR 100, UR 10 (more to come)
  • it has been successfully deployed to train a DRL algorithm to solve two different tasks in simulation that was able to solve the tasks on the real robots as well, without any further training in the real world

A paper describing robo-gym has been accepted for IROS 2020. A video showcasing the toolkit's capabilities and additional info can be found on our website

IROS 2020 is live! This year the event is on-demand and accessible for free to everyone. You can register at and find the presentation of our paper about robo-gym here .

NOTE: We are continuously working to improve and expand robo-gym. If you are interested in reproducing the results obtained in the IROS 2020 paper please refer to v.0.1.0 for all the 3 repositories involved in the framework: robo-gym, robo-gym-robot-servers, robo-gym-server-modules.

See the News section

Table of Contents


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The robo-gym framework is composed of several building blocks. Detailed information on them is given here and in the paper.

robo-gym framework

The framework can be subdivided in two main parts:

  • The Robot Server Side (in green) is the one directly interacting with the real robot or simulating the robot. It is based on ROS Kinetic, Gazebo 7 and Python 2.7. It includes the robot simulation itself, the drivers to communicate with the real robot and additional required software tools.

  • The Environment Side is the one providing the OpenAI Gym interface to the robot and implementing the different environments. It works with Python > 3.5.

The Robot Server Side and the Environment Side can run on the same PC or on different PCs connected via network. Given the different Python version requirements when running the Robot Server Side and the Environment Side on the same PC, it is necessary to create two isolated Python virtual environments. See the following section for further details.


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Environment Side

Requirements: robo-gym requires Python >= 3.5

You can perform a minimal install of robo-gym with:

git clone
cd robo-gym
pip install -e .

If you prefer, you can do a minimal install of the packaged version directly from PyPI:

pip install robo-gym

Robot Server Side

The Robot Server Side can be installed on the same machine running the Environment Side and/or on other multiple machines.

For the Robot Server Side there are two types of installation.

Simplified Installation

The Simplified Installation is intended for the users that want to use the provided simulated environments as they come. The whole Robot Server Side is provided as a Docker Container including Server Manager, Robot Servers, Command Handlers and Simulated Robots allowing to get the standard robo-gym environments running with minimal effort.

At the moment the Simplified Installation cannot be used with the Real Robots.

  1. Install Docker following the official documentation.

  2. Execute the following command to pull and and start the Docker container provided:


The command is installed with the robo-gym installation, so make sure you have installed robo-gym (Environment Side) before you try this out.

NOTE: At the moment the Simplified Installation does not support the visualization of the environments. The gui option is not working.

Standard Installation

Requirements: The Standard Installation requires Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.

The Standard Installation is intended to be used with Real Robots, for one or multiple Simulated Robots and for development purposes.

  1. Install robo-gym-robot-servers following the instructions in the repository's README.

  2. Install robo-gym-server-modules for the system-wide Python 2.7 with:

pip install robo-gym-server-modules
Test the installation

To test the installation of robo-gym-server-modules try to run: start-server-manager .

If you get: start-server-manager: command not found it is most probably because your $PATH is not set correctly, to fix the problem add:

export PATH="/home/<your_username>/.local/bin:$PATH"

to your .bashrc file.

In a second terminal window activate the Python 3.6 virtual environment and run:

import gym, robo_gym

env = gym.make('NoObstacleNavigationMir100Sim-v0', ip='localhost', gui=True)


If you are running the ServerManager on a different PC replace localhost with the IP address of the machine.

After running the command you should see the robot simulation starting and the initial state of the environment printed in the terminal window.

Once you are done run kill-server-manager in a terminal window to kill the RobotServer and the ServerManager.

Managing Multiple Python Versions

Here you can find some additional information on how to deal with multiple Python versions on the same machine.

How to use

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The environments provided with robo-gym can be used in the same way of any other OpenAI Gym environment. To get started is enough to run:

import gym, robo_gym

# for a simulated robot environment
env = gym.make('EnvironmentNameSim-v0', ip='<server_manager_address>')
# for a real robot environment
env = gym.make('EnvironmentNameRob-v0', rs_address='<robot_server_address>')


Each environment comes with a version to be run with a simulated version of the robot and the scenario and version to be run with the real robot. Simulated environments have a name ending with Sim whereas real robot environments have a name ending with Rob.

Simulated Environments

Before making a simulated environment it is necessary to start the Server Manager. Depending on the type of installation and setup that you chose the Server Manager could be running on the same machine where you are calling env.make() or on another machine connected via network.

The commands to control the Server Manager are:

  • start-server-manager starts the Server Manager in the background
  • attach-to-server-manager attaches the console to the Server Manager tmux session allowing to visualize the status of the Server Manager
  • Ctrl+B, D detaches the console from the Server Manager tmux session
  • kill-all-robot-servers kills all the running Robot Servers and the Server Manager
  • kill-server-manager kills the Server Manager

The Server Manager must be started in a terminal running the default Python 2.7. It is necessary to make sure that ROS and the robo-gym workspace are sourced with:

(Python 2.7)

# Source ROS Melodic
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
# Source ROS Kinetic
# source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source ~/robogym_ws/devel/setup.bash

It is then sufficient to run start-server-manager in the same shell.

The IP address of the machine on which the Server Manager is running has to be passed as an argument to env.make, if the Server Manager is running on the same machine use ip='localhost'.

By default the simulated environments are started in headless mode, without any graphical interface.

The environment itself can be initialized in a Python >3.5 environment.

To start a simulated environment with GUI use the optional gui argument:

(Python >=3.5 / robo-gym virtual environment)

env = gym.make('EnvironmentNameSim-v0', ip='<server_manager_address>', gui=True)

Additional commands for Simulated Environments

The Simulation wrapper provides some extra functionalities to the Simulated Environments.

restart simulation
kill simulation
Exception Handling Wrapper

The Exception Handling Wrapper comes in handy when training on simulated environments. The wrapper implements reaction strategies to common exceptions raised during training. If one of the know exceptions is raised it tries to restart the Robot Server and the Simulation to recover the system. If the exceptions happen during the reset of the environment the Robot Server is simply restarted in the background, whereas, if exceptions happen during the execution of an environment step the environment returns:

return self.env.observation_space.sample(), 0, True, {"Exception":True, "ExceptionType": <Exception_type>}

Adding the wrapper to any simulated environment is very easy:

import gym, robo_gym
from robo_gym.wrappers.exception_handling import ExceptionHandling

env = gym.make('EnvironmentNameSim-v0', ip='<server_manager_address>')
env = ExceptionHandling(env)

Real Robot Environments

When making a real robot environment the Robot Server needs to be started manually, once this is started, its address has to be provided as an argument to the env.make() method call.


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Mobile Robots

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Mobile Industrial Robots Mir100

'NoObstacleNavigationMir100Sim-v0', 'NoObstacleNavigationMir100Rob-v0'

In this environment, the task of the mobile robot is to reach a target position in a obstacle-free environment. At the initialization of the environment the target is randomly generated within a 2x2m area. For the simulated environment the starting position of the robot is generated randomly whereas for the real robot the last robot's position is used.

The observations consist of 4 values. The first two are the polar coordinates of the target position in the robot's reference frame. The third and the fourth value are the linear and angular velocity of the robot.

The action is composed of two values: the target linear and angular velocity of the robot.

The base reward that the agent receives at each step is proportional to the variation of the two-dimensional Euclidean distance to the goal position. Thus, a positive reward is received for moving closer to the goal, whereas a negative reward is collected for moving away. In addition, the agent receives a large positive reward for reaching the goal and a large negative reward when crossing the external boundaries of the map.

'ObstacleAvoidanceMir100Sim-v0', 'ObstacleAvoidanceMir100Rob-v0'

In this environment, the task of the mobile robot is to reach a target position without touching the obstacles on the way. In order to detect obstacles, the MiR100 is equipped with two laser scanners, which provide distance measurements in all directions on a 2D plane. At the initialization of the environment the target is randomly placed on the opposite side of the map with respect to the robot's position. Furthermore, three cubes, which act as obstacles, are randomly placed in between the start and goal positions. The cubes have an edge length of 0.5 m, whereas the whole map measures 6x8 m. For the simulated environment the starting position of the robot is generated randomly whereas for the real robot the last robot's position is used.

The observations consist of 20 values. The first two are the polar coordinates of the target position in the robot's reference frame. The third and the fourth value are the linear and angular velocity of the robot. The remaining 16 are the distance measurements received from the laser scanner distributed evenly around the mobile robot. These values were downsampled from 2*501 laser scanner values to reduce the complexity of the learning task.

The action is composed of two values: the target linear and angular velocity of the robot.

The base reward that the agent receives at each step is proportional to the variation of the two-dimensional Euclidean distance to the goal position. Thus, a positive reward is received for moving closer to the goal, whereas a negative reward is collected for moving away. In addition, the agent receives a large positive reward for reaching the goal and a large negative reward in case of collision.

Robot Arms

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Universal Robots UR10

'EndEffectorPositioningUR10Sim-v0', 'EndEffectorPositioningUR10Rob-v0'

The goal in this environment is for the robotic arm to reach a target position with its end effector.

The target end effector positions are uniformly distributed across a semi-sphere of radius 1200 mm, which is close to the full working area of the UR10. Potential target points generated within the singularity areas of the working space are discarded. The starting position is a random robot configuration.

The observations consist of 15 values: the spherical coordinates of the target with the origin in the robot's base link, the six joint positions and the six joint velocities.

The robot uses position control; therefore, an action in the environment consists of six normalized joint position values.

The base reward that the agent receives at each step is proportional to the variation of the three-dimensional Euclidean distance to the goal position. Thus, a positive reward is received for moving closer to the goal, whereas a negative reward is collected for moving away. Both self collisions and collisions with the ground are taken into account and punished with a negative reward and termination of the episode.

'EndEffectorPositioningUR10DoF5Sim-v0', 'EndEffectorPositioningUR10DoF5Rob-v0'

Same as 'EndEffectorPositioningUR10Sim-v0' and 'EndEffectorPositioningUR10Rob-v0' but with wrist_3 joint fixed (5DoF).

! When resetting the Real Robot environment the robot could go in self collision, please be cautious. We are working on a solution to fix this.

Universal Robots UR5

'EndEffectorPositioningUR5Sim-v0', 'EndEffectorPositioningUR5Rob-v0'

Same as 'EndEffectorPositioningUR10Sim-v0' and 'EndEffectorPositioningUR10Rob-v0' with the UR5 robot.

'EndEffectorPositioningUR5DoF5Sim-v0', 'EndEffectorPositioningUR5DoF5Rob-v0'

Same as 'EndEffectorPositioningUR5Sim-v0' and 'EndEffectorPositioningUR5Rob-v0' but with wrist_3 joint fixed (5DoF).

! When resetting the Real Robot environment the robot could go in self collision, please be cautious. We are working on a solution to fix this.

Create your own Environments

Thanks to the modularity of robo-gym it is fairly simple to create new Environments, a guide on this is provided here


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Random Agent MiR100 Simulation Environment

import gym
import robo_gym
from robo_gym.wrappers.exception_handling import ExceptionHandling

target_machine_ip = 'localhost' # or other machine ''

# initialize environment
env = gym.make('NoObstacleNavigationMir100Sim-v0', ip=target_machine_ip, gui=True)
env = ExceptionHandling(env)

num_episodes = 10

for episode in range(num_episodes):
    done = False
    while not done:
        # random step in the environment
        state, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())

Additional examples can be found here


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New environments and new robots and sensors implementations are welcome!

More details and guides on how to contribute will be added soon!

If you encounter troubles running robo-gym or if you have questions please submit a new issue.


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  title={robo-gym--An Open Source Toolkit for Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning on Real and Simulated Robots},
  author={Lucchi, Matteo and Zindler, Friedemann and M{\"u}hlbacher-Karrer, Stephan and Pichler, Horst},
  journal={2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},


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An open source toolkit for Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning on real and simulated robots.







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  • Python 99.6%
  • Other 0.4%