This client supports the CircleCI V2 API.
Note this client is in beta. While I am using this client in my personal projects, many of the methods are not yet used in real projects and have not been fully tested. Therefore, this client may involve some breaking changes until it reaches v1.0. If you find any missing features or bugs, please kindly report it via an Issue or Pull Request.
Installation can be done with a normal go get
go get -u
import ""
Construct a new CircleCI client, then use the various services on the client to access different parts of the CircleCI API. For example, to list all contexts:
config := circleci.DefaultConfig()
config.Token = "put-your-circleci-token-here"
client, err := circleci.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
contexts, err := client.Contexts.List(context.Background(), circleci.ContextListOptions{
OwnerSlug: circleci.String("org"),
if err != nil {
TODO: Write code comments for Go Doc.
If you find any issues with this package, please report an Issue.
- Support the CircleCI Schedule API.
- Provide detailed Documentation in Go Doc.