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Strongly decoupled data component of the eArc libraries.

Use this library if you want maximal control of the persistence process. Update/request your databases, caches, search indices, etc. during entity persistence/load processing in an optimal order determined by your project. You can even exchange them, stack them up or remove parts with minimal effort and without touching your business logic.

It works best with key-value based persistence like you would use with a redis server backed up by a search index server like elasticsearch, and a memory based entity caching. Checkout the eArc components earc/data-redis and earc/data-elasticsearch earc/data-elasticsearch for easy integration.

The usage of a traditional sql databases is possible too, but comes with a bit more effort on your side. Check the writing your own bridge section for a deeper insight.

table of contents



  • strongly decoupled - write your business logic first and decide then about the persistence layer (databases, caches, search indices with respect to entities)
  • no configuration overhead - there are no attributes that need to be kept in sync with the database relations. Just use the abstract classes (or the interfaces if you need more control).
  • use of global functions - once initialized there is no need to inject a repository or a manager in any class.
  • use it everywhere - saving and loading data works even in vanilla functions and closures.
  • architectural optimized code - processing works in linear time to the size and count of your entities. No headache about an entity manager slowing down after persisting a couple of entities.
  • support for all standard dependency enrichment techniques - like pre/post load/persist/remove events, wakeup/sleep events, cascading removals/updates.
  • support for immutables
  • write transactions for the complete persistence infrastructure
  • extendable - integrates with nearly all kinds of persistence handling.


  • dependency on a data library - although it's a much softer coupling than for example doctrine provides.
  • small overhead - entity, collection and event processing need some programming logic


Install the earc data library via composer.

$ composer require earc/data

basic usage

The data_* functions need to be imported. Use this in yourindex.php, bootstrap or configuration script.

use eArc\Data\Initializer;


Then register your persistence infrastructure to the onLoad, onPersit, onRemove, onFind and onAutoPrimaryKey events.

use eArc\Data\ParameterInterface;

di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_LOAD, MyCacheBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_LOAD, MyDataBaseBridge::class);

di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_PERSIST, MyCacheBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_PERSIST, MyDataBaseBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_PERSIST, MySearchIndexBridge::class);

di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_REMOVE, MyCacheBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_REMOVE, MyDataBaseBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_REMOVE, MySearchIndexBridge::class);

di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_FIND, MySearchIndexBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_FIND, MyDataBaseBridge::class);

di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_AUTO_PRIMARY_KEY, MyDataBaseBridge::class);

After that entities can be loaded and saved via the data_* functions.

$entity = new MyEntity('some arguments');

data_persist($entity); // saves the entity
$pk = $entity->getPrimaryKey(); // yields the primary key - may be set prior persistence
data_load(MyEntity::class, $pk); // returns the entity of MyEntity::class with the primary key $pk
data_delete($entity); // removes the entity
data_remove(MyEntity::class, $pk); // removes the entity without the need of being loaded before
data_find(MyEntity::class, ['name' => ['Anton', 'Max', 'Simon'], 'age' => 42]); // returns the primary keys for all MyEntity instances where the name property is equal to 'Anton', 'Max' or 'Simon' and the age property is 42

// expert functions - use only if you really know what you are doing
data_schedule($entity); // schedules the saving process until `data_persist` is called with any argument
data_detach(get_class($entity), [$pk]); // removes the entity from the earc/data entity cache

You can call the data_* functions from everywhere (i.e. constructors, methods, vanilla functions or plain code).


There are five types of entity related objects pure entities, collections of pure entities, embedded entities, embedded collections and immutable entities. The related interfaces are used in the persisting/loading process.


Entities are objects that are associated to a primary key, to identify them (in combination with their class name) for loading. They implement the EntityInterface and the PrimaryKeyInterface. To create an entity class just extend the AbstractEntity class and wire the primaryKey property.

For reverencing entities within other entities you have to use the primary key as property (like you would do it in a sql database).

use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEntity;

class MyReverencedEntity extends AbstractEntity {/*...*/}

class Entity extends AbstractEntity
    protected string $myReverencedEntityPK;
    public function setMyReverencedEntity(MyReverencedEntity $myReverencedEntity)
        $this->myReverencedEntityPK = $myReverencedEntity->getPrimaryKey();
    public function getMyReverencedEntity(): MyReverencedEntity
        return data_load(MyReverencedEntity::class, $this->myReverencedEntityPK);

This gives the advantage, that reverences between entities does not need to be managed by earc/data, and your reverenced entity is lazy loaded. Both saves a lot of overhead and gives you more control without doing much more programming.


Reverencing many entities follows the same principles. To make it easy use the Collection class. The presence of the CollectionInterface is mandatory for the persistence/loading process.

use eArc\Data\Collection\Collection;
use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEntity;

class MyReverencedEntity extends AbstractEntity {/*...*/}

class EntityWithCollection extends AbstractEntity
    protected Collection $myReverencedEntityCollection;
    public function __construct()
        $this->myReverencedEntityCollection = new Collection($this, MyReverencedEntity::class);
    public function getMyReverencedEntityCollection(): Collection
        return $this->myReverencedEntityCollection;

$entityWithCollection = new EntityWithCollection();
$myReverencedEntity = new MyReverencedEntity();
$collection = $entityWithCollection->getMyReverencedEntityCollection();
foreach ($collection as $primaryKey) {
    echo $primaryKey;
foreach ($collection->asArray() as $entity) {
    echo $entity->getPrimaryKey();

Collections consist always of one type of entities.

Hint: If you extend the type of the entities used by your collection, you can add instances of this to the collection, but earc/data neither guarantees that the additional data is saved nor that it is not.

embedded entities

If two entities are strongly coupled (one entity is needed nearly every time while working with the other and vice versa) for example within xml like document structures or products and their attributes, you should consider using embedded entities. They may have a better performance on loading and saving as the underlying datastructure is hit only once.

Embedded entities are saved and loaded with the root entity. The root entity is always a pure entity and has a primary key. The embedded entities do not have a primary key. They always hold a reverence to their parent (the embedding) entity. Embedded entities may be embedded within other embedded entities. They can form an entity tree.

They implement the EmbeddedEntityInterface. To create an embedded entity class just extend the AbstractEmbeddedEntity class and wire the ownerEntity property.

use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEntity;
use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEmbeddedEntity;

class MyEmbeddedEntity extends AbstractEmbeddedEntity
    public function setParent(MyRootEntity $parent)
        $this->ownerEntity = $parent;    

class MyRootEntity extends AbstractEntity
    protected MyEmbeddedEntity $myEmbeddedEntity;
    public function setMyReverencedEntity(MyEmbeddedEntity $myEmbeddedEntity)
        $this->myEmbeddedEntity = $myEmbeddedEntity;
    public function getMyEmbeddedEntity(): MyEmbeddedEntity
        return $this->myEmbeddedEntity;

embedded collections

Embedded collections are collections of embedded entities embedded within other entities. Use the EmbeddedCollection class for them. The presence of the EmbeddedCollectionInterface is mandatory for the persistence/loading process.

use eArc\Data\Collection\EmbeddedCollection;
use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEntity;
use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEmbeddedEntity;

class MyEmbeddedEntity extends AbstractEmbeddedEntity {/*...*/}

class MyRootEntity extends AbstractEntity
    protected EmbeddedCollection $myEmbeddedEntityCollection;
    public function __construct()
        $this->myEmbeddedEntityCollection = new EmbeddedCollection($this, MyEmbeddedEntity::class);
    public function getMyEmbeddedEntityCollection(): EmbeddedCollection
        return $this->myEmbeddedEntityCollection;

$rootEntity = new MyRootEntity();
$myEmbeddedEntity = new MyEmbeddedEntity();
$collection = $rootEntity->getMyEmbeddedEntityCollection();
foreach ($collection as $entity) {
    echo $entity::class;
foreach ($collection->asArray() as $entity) {
    echo $entity::class;

Embedded collections consist always of one type of entities.

Hint: If you extend the type of the entities used by your collection, you can add instances of this to the collection and this time earc/data guarantees that the additional data is saved.

Embedded collections expose a findBy() method to search the collection in a key value based fashion.

$rootEntity = new MyRootEntity();
$collection = $rootEntity->getMyEmbeddedEntityCollection();
$entities = $collection->findBy(['name' => 'Claudia', 'age' => [31,32,33]]);
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
    echo $entity::class === MyEmbeddedEntity::class
        && $entity->getName() === 'Claudia'
        && in_array($entity->getAge(), [31, 32, 33]) ? 'true' : 'something went wrong';

Hint: If you reverence an object by a property of an entity that is no embedded entity and not an embedded collection earc/data neither guarantees that the data of the property is saved nor that it is not. It should be avoided, but it is not permitted. If you use your own bridge and serializer it may make sense.


earc/data uses functions instead of services to give maximal freedom to your code.

data persist

data_persist takes one entity as argument. The data of the entity will be saved. If the getPrimaryKey() method returns null an exception is thrown. There is only one exception to the rule: if the entity implements the OnAutoPrimaryKeyInterface and at least one callable registered to the OnAutoPrimaryKeyInterface event returns a string result. Then this result is used as primary key.

On calling data_persist all entities scheduled via data_schedule will be saved first. data_persist can be called without argument, to trigger the saving of the scheduled entities without the need to explicit save any entity.

To save multiple entities there is a data_persist_batch function.

data load

data_load takes the class name and primary key as arguments. It returns the entity.

data_load returns the same instance on successive calls when the same arguments are provided.

You can change this behaviour by calling data_detach in between. Please note the resulting behaviour might be unexpected for inattentive developers. Use with great care.

data_load takes a third facultative flag. If it is set to DataStoreInterface::LOAD_FLAG_USE_FIRST_LEVEL_CACHE_ONLY, only entities already loaded are returned. If it is set to DataStoreInterface::LOAD_FLAG_SKIP_FIRST_LEVEL_CACHE, earc/data does not look up the already loaded entities and does not add the loaded entities to the already loaded ones - the retrieved entities are in a detached state and will be another instance than the same entities loaded before or after that.

There is a data_load_batch function to load multiple entities at once.

data delete

data_delete takes an entity as argument. It removes the entity data.

Entities implementing the ImmutableEntityInterface can only be deleted if the force flag has been set.

This function has a multiple counterpart data_delete_batch.

data remove

data_remove takes the entity class name and primary key as arguments. It works as data_delete but without the need of the entity being loaded prior removal.

To delete multiple entities of the same class use the data_remove_batch function.

data find

data_find takes the entity class nam as argument. If it is called without further arguments, it returns all primary keys of the corresponding persisted entities.

The second optional argument takes key value pairs with keys equal to the property names of the entity. The value of each key has to be a data value or array of data values. Key value pairs are joint via logic AND. Value arrays are interpreted as IN. Not all key value pairs or value arrays may be supported. It depends on the used infrastructure, the setting (for example the usable sql indices) and the implementation of the bridge. If one or more key value pairs are not supported a QueryException is thrown.

Instead of calling data_load_batch($fQCN, data_load($fQCN, $keyValuePairs) you can use the shorthand data_find_entities($fQCN, $keyValuePairs).

Hint: Beside this function there may be more ways to search for entities. These are not part of the earc/data abstraction.

data schedule

Server responses should be as fast as possible. To support this goal earc/data has the data_schedule function. The persisting of the supplied entity will be scheduled until data_persist is called. If you call data_persist in a shutdown function you can build and send your server response without being delayed by writing data to a database or index.

data detach

earc/data holds a reverence to each loaded entity to ensure every entity exists only once. To circumvent this behaviour data_detach can be called. It deletes the reverence.

data_detach without arguments will delete all reverences. data_detach with a class name as argument will delete all reverences to entities of this class. data_detach called with class name and primary key deletes the reverence to only one entity.

There are three reasons for calling data_detach:

  1. Changing the primary key without deleting the entity first.
  2. Generating different instances from the same data.
  3. Garbage collection.

Hint: If you change the primary key of a persisted entity without calling data_detach first you may encounter unexpected behaviour.

livecycle events

There are six livecycle events. They are represented by six interfaces (PreLoadInterface, PostLoadInterface, PrePersistInterface, PostPersistInterface, PreRemoveInterface, PostRemoveInterface). Each event exists as entity event and as service event. The service event is triggered prior the entity event. The interface method of the registered services are called every time the event is triggered, the interface methods of the entity only if the entity is affected by the event.

Any interface method will be called with the entity (if the method is not static) or class name and primary key (if the method is static). Returns are not evaluated, thus all interface methods have void return types.

via entity

To use the livecycle events via an entity, the entity has to implement the corresponding interface.

Use cases are wakeup/sleep procedures or cascading removals/persistence.

A cascade persist can be implemented as follows:

use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEntity;
use eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\EntityInterface;
use \eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\Events\PrePersistInterface;

class MyReverencedEntity extends AbstractEntity {/*...*/}

class SomeEntity extends AbstractEntity implements PrePersistInterface
    protected string $myReverencedEntityPK;
    public function setMyReverencedEntity(MyReverencedEntity $myReverencedEntity)
        $this->myReverencedEntityPK = $myReverencedEntity->getPrimaryKey();
    public function getMyReverencedEntity(): MyReverencedEntity
        return data_load(MyReverencedEntity::class, $this->myReverencedEntityPK);
    public function prePersist(EntityInterface $entity): void
        if ($entity = data_load(MyReverencedEntity::class, $this->myReverencedEntityPK, true)) {

An implementation via a referenced service method and attributes might be more structured but also a bit slower. earc/data gives you the freedom to shape it for your needs or use third party plugins if available.

via service

Warning: Use service events only if you really need to process events globally, or your application is slowed down unnecessarily.

use eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\Events\PreRemoveInterface;

di_tag(PreRemoveInterface::class, MyPreRemoveService::class); // <- this comes in your bootstrap section

class MyPreRemoveService implements PreRemoveInterface 
    public static function preRemove(string $fQCN, string $primaryKey): void
        // pre remove logic goes here...

autogenerate keys

On pure and immutable entities implementing the AutoPrimaryKeyInterface the primary keys will be set automatically, if persist_entity is called without the entities having proper primary keys.

To handle key generation there exists the OnAutoPrimaryKeyInterface. Every class tagged with di_tag by this interface name will be called upon via di_get (see earc/di for further reference). It has to implement the OnAutoPrimaryKeyInterface as well. The callables received this way will be called (with the entity as argument) until a string is returned. This string is set as primary key.

You are completely in charge and responsible for key generation. You can use for example attribute driven libraries or write your own generators. Some bridges may handle this too.


earc/data is an abstraction layer. It is responsible for two major apis: 1. It is an api you call to save/load and in a restricted way find your entities, without bothering about the persisting media (filesystem, databases, memory, search indexes, etc.). 2. It is an api where the persisting infrastructure plugs in.

It was all about the first api until now. The bridges chapter is about the second api. It tells you how to plug in the persisting infrastructure.

There are five livecycle events that call upon the persisting media, each have a tag and an interface:

  • data persist -> OnPersistInterface -> ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_PERSIST
  • data load -> OnLoadInterface -> ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_LOAD
  • data remove -> OnPersistInterface -> ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_PERSIST
  • data find -> OnFindInterface -> ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_FIND
  • primary key generation -> OnAutoPrimaryKeyInterface -> ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_AUTO_PRIMARY_KEY

Any library implementing this five interfaces is a valid bridge for earc/data.

Some library will only implement a subset. Think of a search index. Only the data persist/remove/find events are relevant for it.

There exist some prebuild bridges:

plug in a bridge

To activate a bridge you have to tag the interfaces.

use eArc\Data\ParameterInterface;

di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_PERSIST, MyDataBaseBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_LOAD, MyDataBaseBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_REMOVE, MyDataBaseBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_FIND, MyDataBaseBridge::class);
di_tag(ParameterInterface::TAG_ON_AUTO_PRIMARY_KEY, MyDataBaseBridge::class);

You can register as many services as you like. The order of tagging is the order they will be called.

Tagging has to be done after initializing the dependency injection component earc/di and before calling any data_* function.

use eArc\DI\DI;


You can skip initializing earc/di, if you initialize earc/data first.

use eArc\Data\Initializer;


This will init earc/di as well.

advanced usage

immutable entities

Immutable entities are a special case of pure entities. They implement the ImmutableEntityInterface. Immutable entities can not be updated and only deleted with the force flag.

If immutable entities implement the AutoPrimaryKeyInterface a new primary key will be generated on persist, if there is a data set with this primary key already.

mutable references

A common use case for immutable entities is to track the changes of a common entity by a chain of immutables. You cannot reference the entity represented by the chain via the primary key as every immutable entity has its own primary key. You cannot use another key either, because you can not remove it from the older immutables. You may attach a counter and search for the maximal value, but that may slow down entity loading significantly as the chain grows.

The solution is a second mutable entity which keeps track of the chain of immutables and updates its reverence. It can be a bit laborious and error-prone to manage this in your code. By implementing the MutableReverenceKeyInterface in the immutable entity the update of the mutable entity (which has to implement the MutableEntityReferenceInterface) is done automatically by earc/data.

There are two restriction on this concept:

  1. The mutable entity has to have a primary key, when the mutable reverence from the immutable to the mutable is established.
  2. There can only be one mutable reference entity. If you need more references from other entities to the immutable, they have to use the mutable reference entity as proxy.
use eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\MutableEntityReferenceInterface;
use eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\PrimaryKey\MutableReverenceKeyInterface;
use eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\ImmutableEntityInterface;
use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEntity;
use eArc\Data\Exceptions\DataException;

class MyClassReverencingAImmutable extends AbstractEntity implements MutableEntityReferenceInterface
    protected string|null $myImmutablePK;


    public function setMutableReverenceTarget(MutableReverenceKeyInterface $entity): void
        $this->myImmutablePK = $entity->getPrimaryKey();
    public function getMyImmutable(): MyImmutable|null
         return is_null($this->myImmutablePK) ? null : data_load(MyImmutable::class, $this->myImmutablePK);
    public function setMyImmutable(MyImmutable $immutable)
        // If the current class does not have a primary key yet, we have to persist it first.
        // A post persist event does not reduce the effort and may lead into a infinity loop. 
        // You may use the solution for reverences between two immutables to circumvent this.
        if (is_null($this->primaryKey)) {
            throw new DataException('Primary key is missing. Try to persist this entity first.');
        // The reverse key is set on persist.

class MyImmutable extends AbstractEntity implements MutableReverenceKeyInterface, ImmutableEntityInterface
    protected string|null $mutableReferencePrimaryKey;

    public function getMutableReverenceKey(): string
        return $this->mutableReferencePrimaryKey;

    public function setMutableReverenceKey(string $mutableReferencePrimaryKey): void
        $this->mutableReferencePrimaryKey = $mutableReferencePrimaryKey;

    public function getMutableReverenceClass(): string
        return MyClassReverencingAImmutable::class;

class ReferenceUsingProxy extends AbstractEntity
    protected string $myImmutableProxyFQCN;
    protected string $myImmutableProxyPK;
    public function setMyImmutable(MyImmutable $immutable) 
        $this->myImmutableProxyFQCN = $immutable->getMutableReverenceClass();
        $this->myImmutableProxyPK = $immutable->getMutableReverenceKey();
    public function getMyImmutable(): MyImmutable
        $proxy = data_load($this->myImmutableProxyFQCN, $this->myImmutableProxyPK)->getMyImmutable();
        return $proxy->getMyImmutable();

To implement a mutable reference between two immutable entity chains you can use the GenericMutableEntityReference as link between them.

use eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\PrimaryKey\MutableReverenceKeyInterface;
use eArc\Data\Entity\Interfaces\ImmutableEntityInterface;
use eArc\Data\Entity\AbstractEntity;
use eArc\Data\Entity\GenericMutableEntityReference;

class MyImmutableClassReverencingAImmutable extends AbstractEntity
    protected string|null $myImmutableLinkPK;

    public function getMyImmutable(): MyImmutable|null
         return is_null($this->myImmutableLinkPK) ? null : 
            data_load(GenericMutableEntityReference::class, $this->myImmutableLinkPK)->getMutableReverenceTarget();
    public function setMyImmutable(MyImmutable $immutable)
        $this->myImmutableLinkPK = $immutable->getMutableReverenceKey();


class MyImmutable extends AbstractEntity implements MutableReverenceKeyInterface, ImmutableEntityInterface
    protected string|null $mutableReferencePrimaryKey;

    public function __construct(GenericMutableEntityReference|null $mutableReference)
        if (is_null($mutableReference)) {
            $mutableReference = new GenericMutableEntityReference();            
        if (is_null($mutableReference->getPrimaryKey())) {
        $this->mutableReferencePrimaryKey = $mutableReference->getPrimaryKey();
    public function getMutableReverenceKey(): string
        return $this->mutableReferencePrimaryKey;

    public function getMutableReverenceClass(): string
        return GenericMutableEntityReference::class;


writing your own bridge

If there is no bridge available for your persistence infrastructure, or you need maximal control of the persisting process, you can write your own bridge.

For writing a bridge all you have to do is to implement the interfaces for the data persist/load/remove/find and primary key generation events.

on data persist

The onPersist() method of the OnPersistInterface will be called with the entities to persist as argument. Persistence must not fail silently.

on data load

The onLoad() method of the OnLoadInterface will be called with fully qualified class name and the primary keys of the entities as arguments. It has to return the entity objects on success. If the entity could not be found the callable must not throw an error, but simply not return it. Other services may return the entity object thereafter.

The interface passes as third argument an array of callables. If a service fails to load an entity, it can add a callback to the array. The callables will be called when all entities are loaded, with the entities as argument. Thus, a cache can save missing entities, without the need to listen at every post load event.

on data remove

The onRemove() method of the OnReturnInterface will be called with fully qualified class name and the primary keys of the entities as arguments. Removing an entity must not fail silently unless it has not existed yet.

on data find

The onFind() method of the OnFindInterface will be called with fully qualified class name and key-value-pairs of the entity as arguments. It has to return an array of primary keys. It may be empty if no entity fits to the key-value-pairs. They have to return null, if they cannot process the key-value-pairs because of the infrastructure or missing data, but they have to throw an earc/data QueryExceptionInterface if just a configuration or index is missing.

The empty key-value-pairs array witch has to return all existing primary keys of the entity class has to be supported always. The other key-value-pairs may not be supported or depend on configuration or indices.

Key value pairs have to be joint via logic AND. Value arrays have to be interpreted as IN.

For example callable(User::class, ['firstname' => 'Max', 'age' => [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]) has to return all users with first name Max and age between 18 and 23.

Bridges may extend this syntax to support a wider range of search requests.

on primary key generation

The onAutoPrimaryKey() method of the OnAutoPrimaryKeyInterface will be called with the entity in need for a new primary key as argument. It has to return a string, or null if it is not willing to process the request.

The key generation is called upon before saving the entity. This may be a contradiction to the infrastructure, for example if the entity is persisted to a sql database which generates the key. In these cases the method has to return an empty string. Of course this must be recognised by the on data persist services.


release 0.0.1

  • transactions (beta - documentation in code only, no tests, interfaces may change)
  • CollectionBaseInterface implements EmbeddedEntityInterface
  • added setOwnerEntity() method to EmbeddedEntityInterface
  • removed getOwner() method from CollectionBaseInterface

release 0.0

  • the first official release
  • PHP ^8.0 support
  • IDE support for PHPStorm:
    • return type support for data_load, data_load_batch and data_find_entities


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