- see more on: https://konrad1991.github.io/ast2ast/
- 11-04-2023: version 0.3.1 is now on CRAN
- I gave a talk at the useR! 2022 conference about ast2ast. The record can be watched using the following link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5NDPOLunQTA&list=PL77T87Q0eoJjvKVFHuJZ5_BGVbPPpB8LL&index=8,
Translates an R function into a C++ function. An external pointer to the C++ function or an R function is returned to the user. To install the Github version of the package use devtools::install_github("Konrad1991/ast2ast", build_vignettes = TRUE). The package is also on CRAN and can be installed via install.packages("ast2ast").
The motivation to write the package was that it is often cumbersome using R functions in applications which have to call the R function very often (> 100 calls) (e.g. ODE solving, Optimization). One possiblity is to write the function in a faster programming language e.g. C. However, learning languages such as C is difficult and time consuming. Therefore ast2ast is a decent alternative as the function can be written in R.
As an example solving a simple ODE-System. The translated code is considerable faster then R code and almost as fast as C++. Code for the example can be found in the vignettes.
Documentation for the function translate. If you want a detailed documentation please read this vignette: https://konrad1991.github.io/ast2ast/DetailedDocumentation.html In case you are interested on using ast2ast in your R package please refer to: https://konrad1991.github.io/ast2ast/InformationForPackageAuthors.html
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