Tags: Kong/lua-resty-events
Toggle 0.3.1's commit message
chore(*): release 0.3.1 (#73 )
Toggle 0.3.0's commit message
Toggle 0.2.1's commit message
Toggle 0.2.0's commit message
feat(lib): increase max payload to at most 16MB (#37 )
* increase max payload
* remove limitation test case
* readme
* bump to 0.2.0
* test 64kb data
* optimize sock:send
* tablepool
* test send 1mb
* tablepool_release
* remove tablepool
* tests
* bytes_to_uint
* opt max_payload_len
* readme
* init param check
* worker.lua
* style fix
* more tests
* tests
Toggle 0.1.6's commit message
chore(lib): bump to 0.1.6 (#36 )
* chore(lib): bump to 0.1.6
Toggle 0.1.5's commit message
Toggle 0.1.4's commit message
feat(*): add `testing=true` for resty cli testing (#24 )
Add a new option `testing=true`
Toggle 0.1.3's commit message
feat(broker) forward unique event to a random worker (#19 )
* random unique events worker
* use nkeys
* code clean
* code clean
* bump to 0.1.3
Toggle 0.1.2's commit message
perf(worker) optimize worker queue (#17 )
* rename queue
* rename to events_thread
* push sub events in queue
* change error msg
* log event data when push queue failed
* bump to 0.1.2
* small clean
* check broken pipe
* yield in events_thread
Toggle 0.1.1's commit message
fix(worker) check sock file existence (#12 )
* use access to check sock file
* bump to 0.1.1
You can’t perform that action at this time.