Alchemy Helper is a Resource Pack that changes some languages in Minecraft to add potion effects information right next to names of each alchemy ingredient.
It also adds aditional information to flowers, so you can easily craft your Suspicious Stews without looking at the Minecraft Gamepedia!
💬 Currently Supported languages:
- English (CA)
- English (GB)
- English (NZ)
- English (US)
- Polish (PL)
- Russian (RU)
- Spanish (AR)
- Spanish (CL)
- Spanish (EC)
- Spanish (ES)
- Spanish (MX)
- Spanish (UY)
- Spanish (VE)
- Turkish (TR)
- Vietnamese (VI)
🌐 For support & troubleshooting, join the UPROJECTS Discord server!
✏ Credits:
- moxwel (Spanish language support)
- SkadiSenpai (Turkish language support)
- Phobos7K (Russian language support)
- bl205vn (Vietnamese language support)