devMobile Software
- Christchurch, New Zealand
- https://blog.devmobile.co.nz
- @kiwibryn
- Pro
🚀 Use YOLO11 in real-time for object detection tasks, with edge performance ⚡️ powered by ONNX-Runtime.
📦 This repo includes .NET nanoFramework implementations for various sensors, chips, displays, hats and drivers
ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
YOLOv5 object detection with C#, ML.NET, ONNX
Visual Studio Extension to Debug C# on Raspberry Pi
🏠 The landing page for .NET nanoFramework repositories.
An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
⚙️ nanoFramework Interpreter, CLR, HAL, PAL and reference target boards
A Windows IoT Core library for the Dragino LoRa expansion boards