Symbolic chat representation.
AIChatObject["System info for the bot"]
"APIToken" -> SystemCreadential["OPENAI_API_KEY"],
"Endpoint" -> "",
"MaxTokens" -> 70000,
"Model" -> "gpt-4-turo-preview",
"Temperature" -> 0.7,
"Tools" -> {pluginFunc1, pluginFunc2, ...},
"ToolsChoice" -> "auto" | "none" | pluginFunc1
Complete the given chat.
AIChatComplete[chatObject, "prompt"]
AIChatComplete[..., chatObjectOptions]
Async chat completion.
When the body is received, a callback executes.
AIChatCompleteAsync["prompt", callbackFunction]
AIChatComplete[chatObject, callbackFunction]
AIChatComplete[chatObject, "prompt", callbackFunction]
AIChatComplete[..., callbackFunction, chatObjectOptions]
The chat is a mutable object.
It has properties that give access to chat messages and additional information.
chat = AIChatObject[];
AIChatComplete[chat, "Hi!"];
(*Out[] = {
<|"role" -> "user", "content" -> "Hi!"|>,
<|"role" -> "assistant", "content" -> "Hello! How can I assist you today?"|>
As a plugin, the chat expects a simple function in the Wolfram Language. It must have arguments of type String and a usage description. For example a simple function that gives access to Wolfram Alpha:
wolframAlpha::usage =
"wolframAlpha[query] returns answer from WolframAlpha using query.";
wolframAlpha[query_String] :=
WolframAlpha[TextTranslation[query, "English"], "ShortAnswer"]
Now let's create a chat + plugin and let's make request to OpenAI:
chat = AIChatObject[
"You are bot with access to WolframAlpha with function wolframAlpha(query).",
"Tools" -> {wolframAlpha}
AIChatComplete[chat, "Hi, what is date today?"]["Messages"]
<|"role" -> "system", "content" -> "You are bot with access to WolframAlpha with function wolframAlpha(query)."|>,
<|"role" -> "user", "content" -> "Hi, what is date today?"|>,
<|"role" -> "assistant", "content" -> Null, "tool_calls" -> {
<|"id" -> "call_mlXTrFY070v2kdJRaNgjcUBu", "type" -> "function", "function" -> <|
"name" -> "wolframAlpha",
"arguments" -> "{\"query\":\"current date\"}"|>|>}|>,
<|"role" -> "tool", "content" -> "Tuesday, April 9, 2024",
"name" -> "wolframAlpha", "tool_call_id" -> "call_mlXTrFY070v2kdJRaNgjcUBu"|>,
<|"role" -> "assistant", "content" -> "Today is Tuesday, April 9, 2024."|>