A Minimalistic Yu-Gi-Oh Proxy Generator where it generates a printable PDF with only the information you need.
All card information is pulled from
Yu-Gi-Oh Fandom
- Make sure you have atleast Java 8 installed on your machine
- You will also need to download 2 libraries (should be located in the libs folder)
- JSoup 1.12.1.jar
- iTextPDF-5.5.10.jar
Currently you can only use the command line to generate a deck You can generate 3 types of proxies
- Informational Proxies (Text based card using information from real life card)
- Colored Informational Proxies
- Full Card Art Proxies (Image taken from
- Download the lastest version of the Yugioh Proxy Maker
- Open the command prompt
- Navigate to where you have downloaded the .jar file in the command promt
- Type
java -jar Yugioh-Proxy-Maker-1.4.0.jar <desk_list_location>
to generate a Simple Deck (Be sure to replace<deck_list_location>
with the .ydk file located on your computer) - The pdf that was generated should be located in the folder where you downloaded the .jar file
- Print the PDF.
java -jar Yugioh-Proxy-Maker-1.4.0.jar <desk_list_location>
java -jar Yugioh-Proxy-Maker-1.4.0.jar <desk_list_location> <destination>
java -jar Yugioh-Proxy-Maker-1.4.0.jar <desk_list_location> <use_image> <colored>
java -jar Yugioh-Proxy-Maker-1.4.0.jar <desk_list_location> <destination> <use_image> <colored> [--left=<px>] [--top=<px>] [--right=<px>] [--bottom=<px>]
<deck_list_location> Where the .ydk file is located
<destination> Where to save the file (Note: you must include a file name)
<use_image> (true/false), set to true,to use the image on the fandom website
instead of using the minimalistic design
<colored> (true/false), if you want colored images or grayscale
--left=<px> the left margin of the pdf in pixels [default: 36]
--top=<px> the top margin of the pdf in pixels [default: 50]
--right=<px> the right margin of the pdf in pixels [default: 36]
--bottom=<px> the bottom margin of the pdf in pixels [default: 50]
- Simple Deck - This will generate a minimalistic deck with just text and will be saved on the desktop
java -jar Yugioh-Proxy-Maker-1.4.0.jar "C:/Users/<NAME>/Desktop/Decklist.ydk"
- Deck with Original Images - This will generate a deck with the image of the card pulled from the Yugioh Fandom
java -jar Yugioh-Proxy-Maker-1.4.0.jar "C:/Users/<NAME>/Desktop/Decklist.ydk" true true
In order to print with the correct dimensions of a Yu-Gi-Oh card, set the scale of the print to 100%
Recommended Software: Adobe Acrobat Reader