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Build Status Kinetic C Client Library

The Github kinetic-c Git repository contains code for producing Kinetic C clients for interacting with Kinetic storage object-based storage. The library uses the cross-platform Seagate Kinetic protocol for standardizing interaces between the Java simulator and Kinetic Device storage clusters.

Reference code is included as part of the kinetic-c client library test utility (kinetic-c-util), which builds and links against the installed kinetic-c-client static library. Additional examples are included for the various types of I/O operations (e.g. blocking/non-blocking, single/multi-threaded). See below for more details.

The project Makefile can be used as a reference for developing a Makefile-based project for building for a custom Kinetic Storage C client driver and/or a high-level C library.

The C library currently does not support Windows at this time because of existing library requirements. If you need Windows please post an issue.

The library has been tested in OSX and Linux, currently it does not have support for Windows (see #23).

Kinetic Protocol Support

Built using:


  • Open SSL for security and encryption
    • Installation (if you don't already have OpenSSL installed)
      • Linux (using apt-get)
        • > sudo apt-get install openssl
      • Linux (using yum)
        • > sudo yum install openssl
      • OSX (using Homebrew)
        • > brew install openssl
  • json-c for JSON-formatted ACL definition files
    • Installation
      • via package manager
        • Linux (using apt-get)
          • > sudo apt-get install json-c
        • Linux (using yum)
          • > sudo yum install json-c
        • OSX (using Homebrew)
          • > brew install openssl
      • via Git submodule (from bundled source)
        • > make json
        • > sudo make install_json

A release of OpenSSL that provides TLS 1.1 or newer is required.

If the OpenSSL installation is not found, the OPENSSL_PATH environment variable may need to be set to its base path, e.g. export OPENSSL_PATH=/usr/local/openssl/1.0.1k/.

Getting Started

Clone the repo

> git clone --recursive
> cd kinetic-c

Update to the latest version (previously cloned)

> git pull
> make config # ensures all git submodules are up to date

Build and install static library

> make
> sudo make install

Clean and uninstall any old versions

> make clean
> sudo make uninstall

Build example utility and run tests against Kinetic Device simulator

> make start_sims # starts bundled kinetic-java simulators for testing
> make all # this is what Travis-CI build does does for regression testing
> make stop_sims # stops all locally running simulators

API Documentation

Kinetic-C API Documentation (generated with Doxygen)

NOTE: Configuration structures KineticClientConfig and KineticSessionConfig should be initialized per C99 struct initialization or memset to 0 prior to use in order to ensure forward/backward compatibility upon changes to these structure definitions!

Developer Documentation

Client Test Utility

Code examples are included for reference as part of a test utility. The source code for the utility is used to build both a static and dynamically linked verion of the kinetic-c-client library.

  • kinetic-c-util builds/links against Kinetic C static library (.a)


$ cd bin
$ ./kinetic-c-util --help
Usage: ./bin/kinetic-c-util --<cmd> [options...]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --help
./bin/kinetic-c-util --noop [--host <ip|hostname>] [--port <port>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --put --key <key> --value <value> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--port <port>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --get --key <key> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--port <port>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --getnext --key <key> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--port <port>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --getprevious --key <key> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--port <port>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --delete --key <key> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--port <port>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --getlog --logtype <utilizations|temperatures|capacities|configuration|statistics|messages|limits> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --getdevicespecificlog --devicelogname <name|ID> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --setclusterversion --newclusterversion <newclusterversion> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --seterasepin --pin <oldpin> --newpin <newerasepin> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --instanterase --pin <erasepin> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --secureerase --pin <erasepin> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --setlockpin --pin <oldpin>> <--newpin <newpin> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --lockdevice --pin <lockpin> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --unlockdevice --pin <lockpin> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --setacl --file <acl_json_file> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--tlsport <tlsport>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]
./bin/kinetic-c-util --updatefirmware --file <file> --pin <pin> [--host <ip|hostname>] [--port <port>] [--clusterversion <clusterversion>]

Kinetic C Client I/O Examples