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Hayden Roszell committed Feb 13, 2023
1 parent b813a7c commit 333a7b3
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Showing 122 changed files with 26,962 additions and 0 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)

# Folders

# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes




# GoLand
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
GIT_USER_ID = Keyfactor
GIT_REPO_NAME = ejbca-go-client-sdk

generate: clean
@echo "Initializing..."
@wget$(OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION)/openapi-generator-cli-$(OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION).jar -O openapi-generator-cli.jar
@echo "Generating..."
@java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i $(OPENAPI_YAML) -p packageName=$(GO_PACKAGE_NAME) $(OPENAPI_ARGS) -g go -p isGoSubmodule=true -p disallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent=false --git-user-id $(GIT_USER_ID) --git-repo-id $(GIT_REPO_NAME)
@mkdir ./api/$(GO_PACKAGE_NAME) || (echo /api/$(GO_PACKAGE_NAME) exists)
@mv ./*.go ./api/$(GO_PACKAGE_NAME) -f || (echo no files to move)
@rm .travis.yml || (echo no .travis.yml to remove)
@rm .openapi-generator-ignore || (echo no .openapi-generator-ignore to remove)
@rm || (echo no to remove)
@echo "Cleaning up..."
@rm openapi-generator-cli.jar
@echo "Done."

@echo "Cleaning..."
@rm -rf ./api/$(GO_PACKAGE_NAME) || (echo no ./api/$(GO_PACKAGE_NAME) to remove)
@rm -rf ./go.mod || (echo no ./go.mod to remove)
@rm -rf ./go.sum || (echo no ./go.sum to remove)
@rm -rf ./docs || (echo no ./docs to remove)
@rm -rf ./test || (echo no ./test to remove)
208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# Go API client for ejbca

API reference documentation.

## Overview
This API client was generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project. By using the [OpenAPI-spec]( from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen

## Installation

Install the following dependencies:

go get
go get

Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import ejbca ""

To use a proxy, set the environment variable `HTTP_PROXY`:

os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http:https://proxy_name:proxy_port")

## Configuration of Server URL

Default configuration comes with `Servers` field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.

### Select Server Configuration

For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value `sw.ContextServerIndex` of type `int`.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), ejbca.ContextServerIndex, 1)

### Templated Server URL

Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value `sw.ContextServerVariables` of type `map[string]string`.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), ejbca.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
"basePath": "v2",

Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.

### URLs Configuration per Operation

Each operation can use different server URL defined using `OperationServers` map in the `Configuration`.
An operation is uniquely identified by `"{classname}Service.{nickname}"` string.
Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using `sw.ContextOperationServerIndices` and `sw.ContextOperationServerVariables` context maps.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), ejbca.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), ejbca.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
"port": "8443",

## Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to *http:https://localhost/ejbca/ejbca-rest-api*

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*V1CaApi* | [**CreateCrl**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/ca/{issuer_dn}/createcrl | Create CRL(main, partition and delta) issued by this CA
*V1CaApi* | [**GetCertificateAsPem**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/ca/{subject_dn}/certificate/download | Get PEM file with the active CA certificate chain
*V1CaApi* | [**GetLatestCrl**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/ca/{issuer_dn}/getLatestCrl | Returns the latest CRL issued by this CA
*V1CaApi* | [**ImportCrl**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/ca/{issuer_dn}/importcrl | Import a certificate revocation list (CRL) for a CA
*V1CaApi* | [**ListCas**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/ca | Returns the Response containing the list of CAs with general information per CA as Json
*V1CaApi* | [**Status1**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/ca/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V1CaManagementApi* | [**Activate**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/ca_management/{ca_name}/activate | Activate a CA
*V1CaManagementApi* | [**Deactivate**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/ca_management/{ca_name}/deactivate | Deactivate a CA
*V1CaManagementApi* | [**Status**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/ca_management/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V1CertificateApi* | [**CertificateRequest**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/certificate/certificaterequest | Enrollment with client generated keys for an existing End Entity
*V1CertificateApi* | [**EnrollKeystore**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/certificate/enrollkeystore | Keystore enrollment
*V1CertificateApi* | [**EnrollPkcs10Certificate**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/certificate/pkcs10enroll | Enrollment with client generated keys, using CSR subject
*V1CertificateApi* | [**FinalizeEnrollment**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/certificate/{request_id}/finalize | Finalize enrollment
*V1CertificateApi* | [**GetCertificatesAboutToExpire**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/certificate/expire | Get a list of certificates that are about to expire
*V1CertificateApi* | [**RevocationStatus**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/certificate/{issuer_dn}/{certificate_serial_number}/revocationstatus | Checks revocation status of the specified certificate
*V1CertificateApi* | [**RevokeCertificate**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/certificate/{issuer_dn}/{certificate_serial_number}/revoke | Revokes the specified certificate
*V1CertificateApi* | [**SearchCertificates**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/certificate/search | Searches for certificates confirming given criteria.
*V1CertificateApi* | [**Status2**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/certificate/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V1ConfigdumpApi* | [**GetJsonConfigdump**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/configdump | Get the configuration in JSON.
*V1ConfigdumpApi* | [**GetJsonConfigdumpForType**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/configdump/{type} | Get the configuration for type in JSON.
*V1ConfigdumpApi* | [**GetJsonConfigdumpForTypeAndSetting**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/configdump/{type}/{setting} | Get the configuration for a type and setting in JSON.
*V1ConfigdumpApi* | [**GetZipExport**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/configdump/ | Get the configuration as a ZIP file.
*V1ConfigdumpApi* | [**PostJsonImport**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/configdump | Put the configuration in JSON.
*V1ConfigdumpApi* | [**PostZipImport**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/configdump/ | Put the configuration as a ZIP file.
*V1ConfigdumpApi* | [**Status4**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/configdump/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V1CryptotokenApi* | [**Activate1**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/cryptotoken/{cryptotoken_name}/activate | Activate a Crypto Token
*V1CryptotokenApi* | [**Deactivate1**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/cryptotoken/{cryptotoken_name}/deactivate | Deactivate a Crypto Token
*V1CryptotokenApi* | [**GenerateKeys**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/cryptotoken/{cryptotoken_name}/generatekeys | Generate keys
*V1CryptotokenApi* | [**RemoveKeys**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/cryptotoken/{cryptotoken_name}/{key_pair_alias}/removekeys | Remove keys
*V1CryptotokenApi* | [**Status5**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/cryptotoken/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V1EndentityApi* | [**Add**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/endentity | Add new end entity, if it does not exist
*V1EndentityApi* | [**Delete**](docs/ | **Delete** /v1/endentity/{endentity_name} | Deletes end entity
*V1EndentityApi* | [**Revoke**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/endentity/{endentity_name}/revoke | Revokes all end entity certificates
*V1EndentityApi* | [**Search**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/endentity/search | Searches for end entity confirming given criteria.
*V1EndentityApi* | [**Setstatus**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/endentity/{endentity_name}/setstatus | Edits end entity setting new status
*V1EndentityApi* | [**Status6**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/endentity/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V1SshApi* | [**Pubkey**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/ssh/{ca_name}/pubkey | Retrieves a CA's public key in SSH format.
*V1SshApi* | [**Status8**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/ssh/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V2CertificateApi* | [**GetCertificateProfileInfo**](docs/ | **Get** /v2/certificate/profile/{profile_name} | Get Certificate Profile Info.
*V2CertificateApi* | [**SearchCertificates1**](docs/ | **Post** /v2/certificate/search | Searches for certificates confirming given criteria and pagination.
*V2CertificateApi* | [**Status3**](docs/ | **Get** /v2/certificate/status | Get the status of this REST Resource
*V2EndentityApi* | [**GetAuthorizedEndEntityProfiles**](docs/ | **Get** /v2/endentity/profiles/authorized | List of authorized end entity profiles for the current admin.
*V2EndentityApi* | [**Profile**](docs/ | **Get** /v2/endentity/profile/{endentity_profile_name} | Get End Entity Profile content
*V2EndentityApi* | [**SortedSearch**](docs/ | **Post** /v2/endentity/search | Searches and sorts for end entity conforming given criteria.
*V2EndentityApi* | [**Status7**](docs/ | **Get** /v2/endentity/status | Get the status of this REST Resource

## Documentation For Models

- [AddEndEntityRestRequest](docs/
- [AuthorizedEEPsRestResponse](docs/
- [CaInfoRestResponse](docs/
- [CaInfosRestResponse](docs/
- [CertificateProfileInfoRestResponseV2](docs/
- [CertificateRequestRestRequest](docs/
- [CertificateRestResponse](docs/
- [CertificateRestResponseV2](docs/
- [CertificatesRestResponse](docs/
- [ConfigdumpResults](docs/
- [CreateCrlRestResponse](docs/
- [CrlRestResponse](docs/
- [CryptoTokenActivationRestRequest](docs/
- [CryptoTokenKeyGenerationRestRequest](docs/
- [EndEntityProfileResponse](docs/
- [EndEntityProfileRestResponse](docs/
- [EndEntityRestResponse](docs/
- [EndEntityRevocationRestRequest](docs/
- [EnrollCertificateRestRequest](docs/
- [ExpiringCertificatesRestResponse](docs/
- [ExtendedInformationRestRequestComponent](docs/
- [ExtendedInformationRestResponseComponent](docs/
- [FinalizeRestRequest](docs/
- [KeyStoreRestRequest](docs/
- [Pagination](docs/
- [PaginationRestResponseComponent](docs/
- [PaginationSummary](docs/
- [RestResourceStatusRestResponse](docs/
- [RevokeStatusRestResponse](docs/
- [SearchCertificateCriteriaRestRequest](docs/
- [SearchCertificateSortRestRequest](docs/
- [SearchCertificatesRestRequest](docs/
- [SearchCertificatesRestRequestV2](docs/
- [SearchCertificatesRestResponse](docs/
- [SearchCertificatesRestResponseV2](docs/
- [SearchEndEntitiesRestRequest](docs/
- [SearchEndEntitiesRestRequestV2](docs/
- [SearchEndEntitiesRestResponse](docs/
- [SearchEndEntitiesSortRestRequest](docs/
- [SearchEndEntityCriteriaRestRequest](docs/
- [SetEndEntityStatusRestRequest](docs/
- [SshPublicKeyRestResponse](docs/

## Documentation For Authorization

### bearerAuth

- **Type**: HTTP Bearer token authentication


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "BEARER_TOKEN_STRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

## Documentation for Utility Methods

Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains
a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types.
Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it:

* `PtrBool`
* `PtrInt`
* `PtrInt32`
* `PtrInt64`
* `PtrFloat`
* `PtrFloat32`
* `PtrFloat64`
* `PtrString`
* `PtrTime`

## Author


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