obashfuscator obfuscates Bash script.
Why not... Maybe for fun? You might tell me the reason if it's somehow useful.
- Make Bash script unreadable at first glance
- Keep obfuscated script executable, without losing any functionalities
- Integrate two methods for obfuscation: base64 mode and extended mode (using bash-obfuscate)
- Normal mode (base64 encoding): No dependency
- Extended mode: bash-obfuscate
./obashfuscator.sh -f <bash_script> [-n <num>] [-e]
-f <bash_script> Input script to obfuscate
-n <num> Optional, num of times for base64 encoding
If not set, 1 by default
-e Optional, extended mode
Use bash-obfuscate on top, by default not
-h | --help Display this help message
- Normal mode, with base64 encoding 1 time:
~$ cat try_me.sh
echo "Hello, world!"
~$ ./obashfuscator.sh -f try_me.sh
~$ cat try_me_obfuscated.sh
bash -c "$(base64 -d <<< "\
IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9iYXNoCmVjaG8gIkhlbGxvLCB3b3JsZCEiCg==")" bash "$@"
- Normal mode, with base64 encoding 5 times:
~$ ./obashfuscator.sh -f try_me.sh -n 5
~$ cat try_me_obfuscated.sh
bash -c "$(base64 -d <<< "\
QUlnbz0pIikiIGJhc2ggIiRAIgo=")" bash "$@"
- Extended mode, with base64 encoding 2 times and then obfuscated by bash-obfuscate:
~$ ./obashfuscator.sh -f try_me.sh -n 2 -e
~$ cat try_me_obfuscated.sh
";nz=' "$@';Lz='NlNj';Wz='NtVm';Uz='lpWV';Gz=' "Ym';Az='bash';cz='Q0Iz';Xz='phRz';Bz=' -c ';mz='")" ';Jz='AiJC';hz='Iiki';Ez='4 -d';Sz='wySn';bz='eHZM';ez='c1pD';Yz='hnSW';fz='RWlD';gz='Zz09';iz='IGJh';Iz='AtYy';Rz='hOeU';lz='Igo=';Mz='QgLW';Tz='BiaT';Vz='hOb0';az='bGJH';Kz='hiYX';Oz='w8IC';Nz='QgPD';Qz='V2ZF';Zz='to';kz='IiRA';jz='c2gg';Fz=' <<<';oz='"';Pz='JJeU';Dz='ase6';Hz='FzaC';Cz='"$(b';dz='YjNK';
eval "$Az$Bz$Cz$Dz$Ez$Fz$Gz$Hz$Iz$Jz$Kz$Lz$Mz$Nz$Oz$Pz$Qz$Rz$Sz$Tz$Uz$Vz$Wz$Xz$Yz$Zz$z$az$bz$cz$dz$ez$fz$gz$hz$iz$jz$kz$lz$mz$Az$nz$oz"
If you are using BASH_SOURCE
and main
function in your bash script, please remove BASH_SOURCE
and execute main
function at the end of the script. Then obfuscate the script again, it will avoid this error.
This error will appear when the output encoded base64 string is longer than MAX_ARG_STRLEN (131072). It's usually caused by the huge input script size or too many times of base64 encoding. Split huge size script to several smaller ones or encode fewer times may help to solve this error.
Yes, it's relatively easy to deobfuscate, if someone knows how the obfuscation works.