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Gemverse is a real-time chat built using the MEVN stack. The app is based on rooms - organized channels that allow user to talk about programming, hobbies, games and more.

MEVN logo



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usage example


Technology Description Link
Sass Preprocessor that helps write maintainable CSS
Vuetify Vue UI Library helps to generate responsive and polished applications
Vue.js Versatile Progressive Javascript Framework for building user interfaces
Node.js Asynchronous JavaScript runtime designed to build scalable network applications
Express Unopinionated, minimal and flexible Node.js framework
Socket.IO Web sockets implementation enables real-time event-based communication
Passport Authentication middleware for Node.js
JWT A package that generates tokens for secure authentication
bcrypt.js A library to help hash passwords stored in databases
MongoDB NoSQL document database that works well with Node.js
Mongoose MongoDB object modeling tool for Node.js
Day.js A library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times
Jest A comprehensive JavaScript testing solution
Cypress E2E Testing Framework that runs in a browser


  • Register and authenticate users, secure passwords

  • Enable room based communication

  • Create public/secured room or join already made channels

  • Display new users and rooms in real-time

  • Generate unique SVG based avatars

  • Allow users to delete their own accounts and generate anonymous alias



To run the application install Node.js, MongoDB and Vue CLI. To do so follow instructions on official websites.

Running Locally

  1. Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:Karol-Witkowski/Gemverse.git
cd Gemverse
  1. Install dependencies

Run npm install for root, client and server directories to install required node modules.

  • Install dependencies for the project root folder
npm install
  • Install dependencies for the client directory
cd client
npm install
  • Install dependencies for the server directory
cd server
npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the server directory according to the configuration

Go to configuration section or check a .env.example file inside the repository.

  1. Set properly environment variables and database

Note: To run code locally variables must be set following the code below:

  1. Run the application

Be sure to run a script in the project root folder.

npm run dev

Visit application on: localhost:8080.


To run the application basic configuration is required. This step includes generating JWT, setting the database and adding environment variables.

JSON Web Token

The application use JWT-based authentication. To take advantage of this solution generate JWT secret and store it in a .env file.


The application uses the MongoDB database. Generate MongoDB URL and store it in a .env file. To do so follow MongoDB guide.

Environment variables

To start using the application create a .env file in the server directory and setup variables following the guide below.

Note: Never expose those variables. The wrong configuration will result in an error


# JWT secret

# JWT expire time



The application contains both client and server tests. Thanks to the cross-env module user can skip seeding manually data for all tests or setting NODE_ENV to 'test' for all tests except E2E.

Be sure to run scripts in the right directory

Client tests

Client directory unit tests written using Vue Test Utils with Jest. To run client tests open the terminal and run the code below:

cd client
npm run test:unit

Server tests

Mostly API routes unit tests written in Jest. All of them use seeded data. To run server tests open the terminal and run the code below:

cd server
npm run test:watch

E2E tests

E2E tests are written in Cypress. Those tests simulate the real user scenario and interact with dummy data. To run E2E tests open the terminal and run the code below:

Note: Set NODE_ENV to 'test' to run those tests

Open Cypress Test Runner:

cd client
npm run test:e2e-open

Run all tests headlessly in the Electron browser:

cd client
npm run test:e2e-run

Available scripts

Scripts are divided into three parts: root folder, client and server scripts.

Root folder scripts

Run application in the development mode:

npm run dev

Client scripts

Run client development server with Hot-Module-Replacement:

npm run serve

Lint and fix client files:

npm run lint

Run client tests with Jest:

npm run test:unit

Launch Cypress in interactive mode with a GUI:

npm run test:e2e-open

Run client E2E tests in headless mode with Cypress:

npm run test:e2e-run

Insert initial data into a database:

npm run db:seed

Initialize Vue UI and project manager:

npm run ui

Produce a client production-ready bundle in the dist/ directory:

npm run build

Server scripts

Start and reload the application automatically:

npm run dev:watch

Run and reload server tests with Jest Start automatically:

npm run test:watch

Insert initial data into a database:

npm run db:seed