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Algorithm Visualizer

Interactive web app that allows users to visualize algorithms with custom inputs. Made entirely with vanilla JavaScript, it manages its own state and uses GSAP to create CSS animations. Mostly mobile-friendly, with the canvas (the area where animations play) resizing dynamically to always ensure a pixel-perfect fit.

All algorithms allow users to edit the input, play, pause, and cancel animations, seek to a specified point in the animation, and change algorithm freely without a page reload.

Pathfinding: Includes A*, Djikstra's, and Jump Point Search. Users can change cell size to expand or shrink the grid, place starting and ending nodes, and place walls. Pathfinding also allows users to generate randomized mazes. image

Includes insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, and quick sort. Sorting allows users to customize the input array or generate randomized arrays. Arrays can be any length - the canvas adjusts width of bars and margins to fit any number of bars. Sorting: image

Built With

  • GSAP - Library used for CSS animations
  • Bootstrap - Used their styled components
  • Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS.



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