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Installing on Windows

KYDronePilot edited this page Apr 17, 2021 · 11 revisions

Installing on Windows

The latest SpaceEye releases for Windows are not signed, and will require extra steps to dismiss Microsoft SmartScreen warnings and potential browser warnings when installing.

These extra steps can be avoided by installing SpaceEye from the Microsoft Store, where the app has been manually reviewed and approved by Microsoft.

Note: if you use a browser that is not listed and you get a warning when downloading, please create an issue and I will add instructions for that browser. In the meantime, look at tutorials for other browsers; the process will likely be similar for yours.

Step 1: Download the installer

Click the link above to begin downloading the latest version of the app installer.

Step 2: Dismiss browser warnings

If the browser you are using is listed below, click its link for browser-specific instructions to dismiss warnings that prevent you from running the installer.

If your browser isn't listed, you likely won't run into browser warnings. Once the file is done downloading, click to open it and continue with step 3.

Google Chrome

Once the download is complete, you may see a warning about the download being dangerous:

Chrome download warning

If you do not see this warning, click to open the download and proceed to step 3.

Otherwise, click the arrow (^) shown below to open more options:

Chrome download warning more options highlighted

Next, select "Keep" from the options menu to allow the file to be opened:

Chrome download more options - select keep

Now, open the installer by clicking on the download:

Chrome open download

You can now proceed to step 3 to dismiss Microsoft SmartScreen warnings.

Microsoft Edge

Once the download is complete, you may see a warning about the download being dangerous:

Edge download warning

If you do not see this warning, click to open the download and proceed to step 3.

Otherwise, click the 3 dots (...) shown below to open more options:

Edge download warning - more options

Next, select "Keep" from the options menu as a first step to allow the file to be opened:

Edge download warning options - keep

A second warning should appear. This time, click the "Show more" button to open more options:

Edge download - second warning

From the additional options, select "Keep anyway".

Edge download - second keep

Finally, click on the name of the file ("SpaceEye-Setup-{version}.exe") to open it.

Edge - open download

You can now proceed to step 3 to dismiss Microsoft SmartScreen warnings.

Internet Explorer

After starting the download, you should see a message asking if you want to run or save the file. Choose Run.

IE - run download

Once the download is complete, you may see a warning about the download being dangerous:

IE warning

If you do not see this warning, you can proceed to step 3.

Otherwise, click the "Actions" button shown below to open more options:

IE warning - actions

Next, another warning should appear. Click on "More Options" to show additional options again.

IE second warning - click options

Finally choose "Run anyway" to start the installer.

IE second warning - run anyway

You can now proceed to step 3 below to dismiss Microsoft SmartScreen warnings.

Step 3: Dismiss Microsoft SmartScreen warnings

At this point the installer should be trying to run, but may be stopped by Microsoft SmartScreen warnings as shown below:

SmartScreen warning

If you do not see this warning, but a prompt asking if you want to run this program, choose to run it.

Otherwise, click the "More info" button to make the run button visible:

SmartScreen warning - more info

Finally, click "Run anyway" to start the installer.

SmartScreen warning - run anyway

SpaceEye will now install itself automatically and open when complete.