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  Buffer mode:
  File mode (searching from all files in vim runtime directories using abbreviation/multiple-search)

INTRODUCTION                                                *fuf-introduction*

FuzzyFinder provides convenient ways to quickly reach the
buffer/file/command/bookmark/tag you want. FuzzyFinder searches with the
fuzzy/partial pattern to which it converted an entered pattern.

        Entered pattern  Fuzzy pattern   Partial pattern ~
        abc              *a*b*c*         *abc*
        dir/file         dir/*f*i*l*e*   dir/*file*
        d*r/file         d*r/*f*i*l*e*   d*r/*file*
        ../**/s          ../**/*s*       ../**/*s*
                         (** allows searching a directory tree.)
You will be happy when:

        "./OhLongLongLongLongLongName.txt" <- you want :O

Type "ON" and "OhLongLongLongLongLongName.txt" will be selected. :D

FuzzyFinder can search:

        - buffers
        - files
        - directories
        - most recently used files
        - files around most recently used files
        - most recently used command-lines
        - bookmarked files
        - bookmarked directories
        - tags
        - files which are included in current tagfiles
        - jump list
        - change list
        - buffer lines
        - quickfix
        - help

FuzzyFinder also provides APIs to use its system of searching files or
selecting items.

FuzzyFinder supports multibyte characters.

INSTALLATION                                                *fuf-installation*

Put all files into your runtime directory. If you have the zip file, extract
it to your runtime directory.

You should place the files as follows:
        <your runtime directory>/plugin/fuf.vim
        <your runtime directory>/doc/fuf.txt
If you are disgusted to make your runtime directory confused with a lot of
plugins, put each of the plugins into a directory individually and just add
the directory path to 'runtimepath'. It's easy to uninstall plugins.

Then update your help tags files to enable help for this plugin. See
|add-local-help| for details.

Requirements: ~

- L9 library (vimscript #3252)

USAGE                                                              *fuf-usage*

You can launch FuzzyFinder by the following commands:

         Command           Mode ~
        |:FufBuffer|       - Buffer mode (|fuf-buffer-mode|)
        |:FufFile|         - File mode (|fuf-file-mode|)
        |:FufCoverageFile| - Coverage-File mode (|fuf-coveragefile-mode|)
        |:FufDir|          - Directory mode (|fuf-dir-mode|)
        |:FufMruFile|      - MRU-File mode (|fuf-mrufile-mode|)
        |:FufMruCmd|       - MRU-Command mode (|fuf-mrucmd-mode|)
        |:FufBookmarkFile| - Bookmark-File mode (|fuf-bookmarkfile-mode|)
        |:FufBookmarkDir|  - Bookmark-Dir mode (|fuf-bookmarkdir-mode|)
        |:FufTag|          - Tag mode (|fuf-tag-mode|)
        |:FufBufferTag|    - Buffer-Tag mode (|fuf-buffertag-mode|)
        |:FufTaggedFile|   - Tagged-File mode (|fuf-taggedfile-mode|)
        |:FufJumpList|     - Jump-List mode (|fuf-jumplist-mode|)
        |:FufChangeList|   - Change-List mode (|fuf-changelist-mode|)
        |:FufQuickfix|     - Quickfix mode (|fuf-quickfix-mode|)
        |:FufLine|         - Line mode (|fuf-line-mode|)
        |:FufHelp|         - Help mode (|fuf-help-mode|)

It is recommended to map these commands.

These commands open 1-line buffer to enter search pattern and start insert

FuzzyFinder searchs for matching items with an entered pattern and shows them
in a completion menu. For more details on pattern matching, see

If there are a lot of matching items, FuzzyFinder limits the number of
enumerating items (|g:fuf_enumeratingLimit|) to speed up a response time, and
highlights the pattern with "Error" group.

The first item in the completion menu will be selected automatically.

Typing <C-w> deletes one block of an entered pattern before the cursor, like a
directory name.

with <C-s> (|g:fuf_keyPrevPattern|) and <C-^> (|g:fuf_keyNextPattern|), You
can recall patterns which have been entered before from history.

You can open a selected item in various ways:

        <CR>  (|g:fuf_keyOpen|)        - opens in a previous window.
        <C-j> (|g:fuf_keyOpenSplit|)   - opens in a split window.
        <C-k> (|g:fuf_keyOpenVsplit|)  - opens in a vertical-split window.
        <C-l> (|g:fuf_keyOpenTabpage|) - opens in a new tab page.

To cancel and return to previous window, just leave Insert mode.

With <C-\><C-\> (|g:fuf_keySwitchMatching|), You can switch search method
between fuzzy matching and partial matching.

With <C-t> (|g:fuf_keyNextMode|) and <C-y> (|g:fuf_keyPrevMode|), You can
switch current mode without leaving Insert mode .

You can preview selected item with <C-@> (|g:fuf_keyPreview|) in some modes.
Repeating the key on the same item shows another information. The height
of command-line area is changed to |g:fuf_previewHeight| when you launch a
mode supporting preview. This feature is available when |g:fuf_previewHeight|
is not 0.

MODES                                                              *fuf-modes*

Buffer mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a buffer from a list of existing
buffers and open it.

Press <C-]> (|g:fuf_buffer_keyDelete|) in this mode and selected buffer will
be deleted.

File mode ~

This mode provides an interface to search a file tree for a file and open it.

Coverage-File mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a file from all files of a preset
coverage and open it.

By default, This mode lists all files under the current working directory
recursively. (|g:fuf_coveragefile_globPatterns|)

If you want to search other coverage, execute |FufCoverageFileRegister|
command to register new search coverage and |FufCoverageFileChange| command to
choose a search coverage and launch Coverage-File mode.

In addition, there is another way to change a search coverage with
|fuf#setOneTimeVariables()| function.

Example: search only .h and .c files:
        call fuf#setOneTimeVariables(['g:fuf_coveragefile_globPatterns', ['**/*.h', '**/*.c']])
              \ | FufCoverageFile
Example: search your home directory in addition to the default coverage:
        call fuf#setOneTimeVariables(['g:fuf_coveragefile_globPatterns', g:fuf_coveragefile_globPatterns + ['~/**/.*', '~/**/*']])
              \ | FufCoverageFile

Directory mode ~

This mode provides an interface to search a file tree for a directory and
change the current directory.

MRU-File mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a file from the most recently used
files and open it.

Press <C-]> (|g:fuf_mrufile_keyExpand|) in this mode and files around the most
recently used files are listed. Each time the key is pressed, the search range
are expanded one level along the directory tree upwardly/downwardly.

This mode is set to disable by default (|g:fuf_modesDisable|) because
processes for this mode in |BufEnter| and |BufWritePost| could cause
Performance issue.

See also: |FufMruFileInCwd|

MRU-Command mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a command from the most recently
used commands and execute it.

This mode is set to disable by default (|g:fuf_modesDisable|) because mapping
<CR> of Command-line mode required by this mode has side effects.

Bookmark-File mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select one of the bookmarks you have added
beforehand and jump there.

You can add a cursor line to bookmarks by |:FufBookmarkFileAdd| command.
Execute that command and you will be prompted to enter a bookmark name.

FuzzyFinder adjusts a line number for jump. If a line of bookmarked position
does not match to a pattern when the bookmark was added, FuzzyFinder searches
a matching line around bookmarked position. So you can jump to a bookmarked
line even if the line is out of bookmarked position. If you want to jump to
bookmarked line number without the adjustment, set
|g:fuf_bookmarkfile_searchRange| option to 0.

Press <C-]> (|g:fuf_bookmarkfile_keyDelete|) in this mode and selected
bookmark will be deleted.

Bookmark-Dir mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select one of the bookmarks you have added
beforehand and change the current directory.

You can add a directory to bookmarks by |:FufBookmarkDirAdd| command. Execute
that command and you will be prompted to enter a directory path and  a
bookmark name.

Press <C-]> (|g:fuf_bookmarkdir_keyDelete|) in this mode and selected bookmark
will be deleted.

Tag mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a tag and jump to the definition of

Following mapping is a replacement for <C-]>:
        noremap <silent> <C-]> :FufTagWithCursorWord!<CR>

Buffer-Tag mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a tag of current buffer or all
buffers and jump to the definition of it.

Tag list is instantly created when FuzzyFinder is launched, so there is no
need to make tags file in advance.

|FufBufferTag| covers current buffer and |FufBufferTagAll| covers all buffers.

Following mapping is a replacement for <C-]>:
        nnoremap <silent> <C-]> :FufBufferTagWithCursorWord!<CR>
        vnoremap <silent> <C-]> :FufBufferTagAllWithSelectedText!<CR>
        nnoremap <silent> <C-]> :FufBufferTagAllWithCursorWord!<CR>
        vnoremap <silent> <C-]> :FufBufferTagAllWithSelectedText!<CR>
This mode is inspired by taglist.vim (vimscript #273) and refered its codes.

Tagged-File mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select one of the files which are included
in current tagfiles and open it.

Jump-List mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select one from the |jumplist| of the
current window and jump there.

Change-List mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select one from the |changelist| of the
current buffer and jump there.

Quickfix mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select one from the |quickfix| list and
jump there.

Line mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a line from current buffer and jump

Help mode ~

This mode provides an interface to select a help tag and jump to the help

Given-File mode ~

This mode provides an API to open a selected file from a given list.

API function:
        function fuf#givenfile#launch(
              \ initialPattern, partialMatching, prompt, items)
        initialPattern  - String which is inserted after launching
        partialMatching - If non-zero, enable partial matching instead of
                          fuzzy matching.
        prompt          - Prompt string
        items           - List of items.

Example of use:
        " Open one of your dotfiles.
        call fuf#givenfile#launch('', 0, '>', split(glob('~/.*'), "\n"))

Given-Directory mode ~

This mode provides an API to change current working directory to a selected
one from a given list.

API function:
        function fuf#givendir#launch(
              \ initialPattern, partialMatching, prompt, items)
        initialPattern  - String which is inserted after launching
        partialMatching - If non-zero, enable partial matching instead of
                          fuzzy matching.
        prompt          - Prompt string
        items           - List of items.

Example of use:
        " Change current working directory to one of your runtime directory.
        call fuf#givendir#launch('', 0, '>', split(&runtimepath, ','))

Given-Command mode ~

This mode provides an API to execute a selected command from a given list.

A selected command is executed by |feedkeys()|, so it is able to emulate a
series of key input in Normal mode.

API function:
        function fuf#givencmd#launch(
              \ initialPattern, partialMatching, prompt, items)
        initialPattern  - String which is inserted after launching
        partialMatching - If non-zero, enable partial matching instead of
                          fuzzy matching.
        prompt          - Prompt string
        items           - List of items.

Example of use:
        function GetAllCommands()
          redir => commands
          silent command
          redir END
          return map((split(commands, "\n")[3:]),
              \      '":" . matchstr(v:val, ''^....\zs\S*'')')

        " execute one of the user-defined commands 
        call fuf#givencmd#launch('', 0, '>', GetAllCommands())


Callback-File mode ~

This mode provides an API to find and get a file path which is selected by an

API function:
        function fuf#callbackfile#launch(
              \ initialPattern, partialMatching, prompt, exclude, listener)
        initialPattern  - String which is inserted after launching
        partialMatching - If non-zero, enable partial matching instead of
                          fuzzy matching.
        prompt          - Prompt string.
        exclude         - Regexp pattern for items which you want to exclude
                          from completion list.
        listener        - |Dictionary| which has 'onComplete' and 'onAbort'.
                          They are called at the end of FuzzyFinder.
                          listener.onComplete(item, method) is called with 2
                          arguments which are a name of selected item and a
                          number of open method when completed.
                          listener.onAbort() is called when aborted.

Example of use:
        let listener = {}

        function listener.onComplete(item, method)
          echo "Item: " . a:item . "\nMethod: " . a:method

        function listener.onAbort()
          echo "Abort"

        " Find a file from current working directory.
        call fuf#callbackfile#launch('', 0, '>', '', listener)

        " Find a file from home directory.
        call fuf#callbackfile#launch('~/', 0, '>', '', listener)

Callback-Item mode ~

This mode provides an API to get an item which is selected from a given list
by an user.

API function:
        function fuf#callbackitem#launch(
              \ initialPattern, partialMatching, prompt, listener, items, forPath)
        initialPattern  - String which is inserted after launching
        partialMatching - If non-zero, enable partial matching instead of
                          fuzzy matching.
        prompt          - Prompt string
        listener        - |Dictionary| which has 'onComplete' and 'onAbort'.
                          They are called at the end of FuzzyFinder.
                          listener.onComplete(item, method) is called with 2
                          arguments which are a name of selected item and a
                          number of open method when completed.
                          listener.onAbort() is called when aborted.
        items           - List of items.
        forPath         - If non-zero, use a matching method for files.

Example of use:
        let listener = {}

        function listener.onComplete(item, method)
          echo "Item: " . a:item . "\nMethod: " . a:method

        function listener.onAbort()
          echo "Abort"

        " Select an item from a given list.
        call fuf#callbackitem#launch('', 0, '>', listener, ['ed', 'vi', 'vim'], 0)

        " Select a file from a given list.
        call fuf#callbackitem#launch('', 0, '>', listener, ['../foo/bar', 'baz'], 1)

DETAILED TOPICS                                          *fuf-detailed-topics*

                     *fuf-setting-one-time-option* *fuf#setOneTimeVariables()*
Setting One-Time Options ~

If you want to set one-time options only for the next FuzzyFinder,
|fuf#setOneTimeVariables()| function will be of help. This function is used as
        call fuf#setOneTimeVariables(['g:fuf_ignoreCase', 0], ['&lines', 50])
This function takes 0 or more arguments and each of them is a pair of a
variable name and its value. Specified options will be set practically next
time FuzzyFinder is launched, and restored when FuzzyFinder is closed.

Search Patterns ~

You can enter one primary pattern and zero or more refining patterns as search
patterns. An entered pattern is separated by ";" (|g:fuf_patternSeparator|),
and the first pattern is a primary pattern and the rest of patterns is a
refining pattern.
                   primary    refining  refining
                 |----------| |-------| |----|
A refining pattern is used to narrow down the list of matching items by
another pattern.

With a primary pattern, FuzzyFinder does fuzzy matching or partial matching,
which you specified. With a refining pattern, FuzzyFinder does partial
matching by default. (|g:fuf_fuzzyRefining|)

When you enter a number as refining pattern, it also can match the index of
each item.

In a mode which targets a static set of file paths (such as Buffer or MRU-File
mode, not File or Directory) and |g:fuf_splitPathMatching| is non-zero,
matching with a primary pattern is divided into head part and tail part and
done individually.
          head   tail

        fuzzy matching example:
        | item \ pattern | foo/bar | foo/    | bar     |
        | foo/bar        |   match |   match |   match |
        | foo/abc        | unmatch |   match | unmatch |
        | abc/bar        | unmatch | unmatch |   match |
        | foobar         | unmatch | unmatch |   match |
        | foooo/barrrr   |   match |   match |   match |
        | foooo/fooooo   | unmatch |   match | unmatch |
refining pattern can match anywhere on each path in the above case.

Sorting Of Completion Items ~

FuzzyFinder sorts completion items with some rules.

An item, one part of which is matched with a whole pattern, is placed upper.
E.g., with the pattern "bc", the item "abc" is placed upper than "bac".

In the above case, items, each having matching part at the head of itself, are
placed upper than others. E.g., with the pattern "foo", the item "foobar" is
placed upper than "foobarbaz".

And the shorter the length of the item after matching position puts it higher.
E.g., with the pattern "bar", the item "foobar" is placed upper than

If a pattern matches an item at only word boundaries of it, the item is placed
upper. E.g., with a pattern "fb", items such as "fooBarBaz" and "foo_bar_baz"
is placed upper.

Plus, FuzzyFinder has a learning system. An item which has been completed in
the past with current pattern is placed upper.

Reusing Of A Window Containing Target Buffer/File ~

If a window containing target buffer is found in current tab page when
FuzzyFinder is going to open the buffer in a split new window, move to it. If
a window containing target buffer is found in other tab page when FuzzyFinder
is going to open the buffer in a new tab page, move to it.

You can disable that feature via 'reuse_window' options if always want to open
a buffer in a new window.

To Hide The Completion Menu Temporarily In FuzzyFinder ~

You can close it by <C-e> and reopen it by <C-x><C-o>.

                                      *fuf-abbreviation* *fuf-multiple-search*
Abbreviations And Multiple Search ~

You can use abbreviations and multiple search in all modes by setting
|g:fuf_abbrevMap| option.

For example, set as below:
        let g:fuf_abbrevMap = {
              \   "^doc:" : [
              \     "~/project/**/doc/",
              \     ".vim/doc/",
              \   ],
              \ }
and enter "doc:txt" in File mode, then FuzzyFinder searches by the following


and show concatenated search results.

Data File ~

FuzzyFinder writes completion statistics, MRU data, bookmark, etc to files
under |g:fuf_dataDir|.

|:FufEditDataFile| command is helpful in editing your data files. This command
reads the data file in new unnamed buffer. Write the buffer and the data file
will be updated.

Cache ~

Once a cache was created, It is not automatically updated to speed up the
response time by default. To update it, use |:FufRenewCache| command.

Going Up Parent Directories With Dot Sequence ~

You can go up parent directories with entering dot sequence. Dot sequence
after a path separator is expanded to "../" sequence.

        Dot sequence    Expanded pattern ~
        /..             /../
        /...            /../../
        /....           /../../../

How To Add Mode ~

To add "mymode" mode, put the source file at autoload/fuf/mymode.vim and call
fuf#addMode("mymode") .

What Is Migemo ~

Migemo is a search method for Japanese language.



buffer/file/command/tag/etc explorer with fuzzy matching






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