🌱 Demo projects:
Life Expectancy Statistical Analysis (Unsupervised ML + Statistical Analysis) | MFA, PCA, MLR, t-test, Wilcoxon test, Mixed Modeling
Human Resource Data Mining (Supervised + Unsupervised ML) | Gower-PAM clustering, CA, MCA, MLR, KNN, SVM, and Random Forest
Credit Card Market Segmentation (Unsupervised - Clustering + PCA) | CLARA, Hk-means Hybrid, FCM, Model-Based Clustering, DBSCAN
Student Retention Rate of AUS Universities (Visualisation + PCA) | Data Cleaning, EDA, PCA
Food Poison Survey Analysis using MCA (Unsupervised - PC Methods) | Scree plot, Var-Ind-cor Plot, biplot, Cos2, Contrib Statistics
Loan EDA and Machine Learning Prediction (Binomial) | Feature Engineering + ROSE's BOTH-sampling + ROC + 4 Tree Algorithms
Titanic Mortality Analysis (Binomial) | Interative Map + 3 ML algorithms + Interactive Dashboard (ShinyApp.io)
Recommendation of Crop Classes by Predictive Model (Multinomial) | EDA + Feature Engineering + 7 ML algorithms + Plumber App
Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning of Iris Flowers (Multinomial) | Feature Engineering + Statistical Comparison + 14 ML Models
Marketing Analytics (Regression) | Inferential Models + Machine Learning Techniques + Statistical Group Comparison
E-commence Clothes Sales (Regression) | EDA + Text Mining + Inferential Model + MLR + Random Forest
Boston Housing Prices Prediction (Regression) | EDA + 7 ML algorithms + RShiny App
Avocado prices EDA and Forecast | EDA + Forecast + PowerBI
Resort Hotel vs City Hotel | EDA
Bike-Share Big Data Analysis (RPubs) | EDA + Mapping
Brisbane Real Estate Sales (RPubs) | EDA + Mapping
Cucumber Multi-Env Latin Square Field Experiment | Statistical Group
Maize: Soil-Nutrient CRD Glasshouse Experiment | Statistical Group Comparison
Oats Variety-Fertilizer Split-plot Field Experiment | Statistical Group Comparison
Dirty Data Challenge | Text Wangling, Imputation Model, Dummy Matrix, Data Cleaning and Manipulation
Interactive Dashboard (ShinyApp.io) (Page load time: 35 sec)
📫 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kar-hou-ng/