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update with JuliaLang/julia#37081
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aviatesk committed Aug 26, 2020
1 parent 15d10d0 commit 06f6f73
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 45 deletions.
122 changes: 77 additions & 45 deletions src/FuzzyCompletions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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DictCompletion(dict::AbstractDict, key::String) = DictCompletion(dict, key, Inf)
DictCompletion(dict::AbstractDict, key::String, needle) = DictCompletion(dict, key, fuzzyscore(needle, key))

completion_text(c::KeywordCompletion) = c.keyword
completion_text(c::PathCompletion) = c.path
completion_text(c::ModuleCompletion) = c.mod
completion_text(c::PackageCompletion) = c.package
completion_text(c::PropertyCompletion) = string(
completion_text(c::FieldCompletion) = string(c.field)
completion_text(c::MethodCompletion) = sprint(io -> show(io, c.method))
completion_text(c::BslashCompletion) = c.bslash
completion_text(c::ShellCompletion) = c.text
completion_text(c::DictCompletion) = c.key

const Completions = Tuple{Vector{Completion}, UnitRange{Int64}, Bool}
# interface definition
function Base.getproperty(c::Completion, name::Symbol)
if name === :keyword
return getfield(c, :keyword)::String
elseif name === :path
return getfield(c, :path)::String
elseif name === :parent
return getfield(c, :parent)::Module
elseif name === :mod
return getfield(c, :mod)::String
elseif name === :package
return getfield(c, :package)::String
elseif name === :property
return getfield(c, :property)::Symbol
elseif name === :field
return getfield(c, :field)::Symbol
elseif name === :method
return getfield(c, :method)::Method
elseif name === :bslash
return getfield(c, :bslash)::String
elseif name === :text
return getfield(c, :text)::String
elseif name === :key
return getfield(c, :key)::String
return getfield(c, name)

_completion_text(c::KeywordCompletion) = c.keyword
_completion_text(c::PathCompletion) = c.path
_completion_text(c::ModuleCompletion) = c.mod
_completion_text(c::PackageCompletion) = c.package
_completion_text(c::PropertyCompletion) = string(
_completion_text(c::FieldCompletion) = string(c.field)
_completion_text(c::MethodCompletion) = sprint(io -> show(io, c.method))
_completion_text(c::BslashCompletion) = c.bslash
_completion_text(c::ShellCompletion) = c.text
_completion_text(c::DictCompletion) = c.key

completion_text(c) = _completion_text(c)::String

const Completions = Tuple{Vector{Completion}, UnitRange{Int}, Bool}

const CompleteAlways = Union{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,13 +206,13 @@ function complete_symbol(sym, ffunc, context_module=Main)::Vector{Completion}
# We will exclude the results that the user does not want, as well
# as excluding Main.Main.Main, etc., because that's most likely not what
# the user wants
p = s->(!Base.isdeprecated(mod, s) && s != nameof(mod) && ffunc(mod, s))
p = s->(!Base.isdeprecated(mod, s) && s != nameof(mod) && ffunc(mod, s)::Bool)
# Looking for a binding in a module
if mod == context_module
# Also look in modules we got through `using`
mods = ccall(:jl_module_usings, Any, (Any,), context_module)
mods = ccall(:jl_module_usings, Any, (Any,), context_module)::Vector
for m in mods
append!(suggestions, filtered_mod_names(p, m, name))
append!(suggestions, filtered_mod_names(p, m::Module, name))
append!(suggestions, filtered_mod_names(p, mod, name, true, true))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,13 +255,13 @@ const sorted_keywords = [
# I would like to be a bit strict on `KeywordCompletion`s:
# they are so common that it would look verbose if they appear in every completion.
# I want to restict their fuzzyness only after a strict match on the first character.
function complete_keyword(s::Union{String,SubString{String}})::Vector{KeywordCompletion}
function complete_keyword(s::Union{String,SubString{String}})
c = first(s, 1)
filtered_keywords = filter(k -> startswith(k, c), sorted_keywords)
KeywordCompletion[KeywordCompletion(keyword, s) for keyword in filtered_keywords]
Completion[KeywordCompletion(kw, s) for kw in filtered_keywords]

function complete_path(path::AbstractString, pos; use_envpath=false, shell_escape=false)::Completions
function complete_path(path::AbstractString, pos; use_envpath=false, shell_escape=false)
if Base.Sys.isunix() && occursin(r"^~(?:/|$)", path)
# if the path is just "~", don't consider the expanded username as a prefix
if path == "~"
Expand All @@ -249,10 +279,10 @@ function complete_path(path::AbstractString, pos; use_envpath=false, shell_escap
elseif isdir(dir)
files = readdir(dir)
return PathCompletion[], 0:-1, false
return Completion[], 0:-1, false
return PathCompletion[], 0:-1, false
return Completion[], 0:-1, false

matches = Set{String}()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,17 +332,17 @@ function complete_path(path::AbstractString, pos; use_envpath=false, shell_escap

matchList = PathCompletion[PathCompletion(shell_escape ? replace(s, r"\s" => s"\\\0") : s, prefix) for s in matches]
matchList = Completion[PathCompletion(shell_escape ? replace(s, r"\s" => s"\\\0") : s, prefix) for s in matches]
startpos = pos - lastindex(prefix) + 1 - count(isequal(' '), prefix)
# The pos - lastindex(prefix) + 1 is correct due to `lastindex(prefix)-lastindex(prefix)==0`,
# hence we need to add one to get the first index. This is also correct when considering
# pos, because pos is the `lastindex` a larger string which `endswith(path)==true`.
return sort_suggestions!(matchList), startpos:pos, !isempty(matchList)

function complete_expanduser(path::AbstractString, r)::Completions
function complete_expanduser(path::AbstractString, r)
expanded = expanduser(path)
return [PathCompletion(expanded)], r, path != expanded
return Completion[PathCompletion(expanded)], r, path != expanded

# Determines whether method_complete should be tried. It should only be done if
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,7 +400,7 @@ function find_start_brace(s::AbstractString; c_start='(', c_end=')')
braces != 1 && return 0:-1, -1
method_name_end = reverseind(s, i)
startind = nextind(s, something(findprev(in(non_identifier_chars), s, method_name_end), 0))
startind = nextind(s, something(findprev(in(non_identifier_chars), s, method_name_end), 0))::Int
return (startind:lastindex(s), method_name_end)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,16 +500,16 @@ function get_type(sym, fn::Module)

# Method completion on function call expression that look like :(max(1))
function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module=Main)::Vector{Completion}
function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module=Main)
args_ex = Any[]
func, found = get_value(ex_org.args[1], context_module)
func, found = get_value(ex_org.args[1], context_module)::Tuple{Any,Bool}
!found && return Completion[]

funargs = ex_org.args[2:end]
# handle broadcasting, but only handle number of arguments instead of
# argument types
if ex_org.head === :. && ex_org.args[2] isa Expr
for _ in ex_org.args[2].args
for _ in (ex_org.args[2]::Expr).args
push!(args_ex, Any)
Expand All @@ -497,7 +527,7 @@ function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module=Main)::Vector{Completion}
ms = method.sig

# Check if the method's type signature intersects the input types
if typeintersect(Base.rewrap_unionall(Tuple{Base.unwrap_unionall(ms).parameters[1 : min(na, end)]...}, ms), t_in) != Union{}
if typeintersect(Base.rewrap_unionall(Tuple{(Base.unwrap_unionall(ms)::DataType).parameters[1 : min(na, end)]...}, ms), t_in) != Union{}
push!(out, MethodCompletion(func, t_in, method))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -527,23 +557,23 @@ function afterusing(string::String, startpos::Int)
return occursin(r"^\b(using|import)\s*((\w+[.])*\w+\s*,\s*)*$", str[fr:end])

function bslash_completions(string, pos)::Tuple{Bool, Completions}
function bslash_completions(string, pos)
slashpos = something(findprev(isequal('\\'), string, pos), 0)
if (something(findprev(in(bslash_separators), string, pos), 0) < slashpos &&
!(1 < slashpos && (string[prevind(string, slashpos)]=='\\')))
# latex / emoji symbol substitution
s = string[slashpos:pos]
latex = get(latex_symbols, s, "")
if !isempty(latex) # complete an exact match
return (true, ([BslashCompletion(latex)], slashpos:pos, true))
return (true, (Completion[BslashCompletion(latex)], slashpos:pos, true))
emoji = get(emoji_symbols, s, "")
if !isempty(emoji)
return (true, ([BslashCompletion(emoji)], slashpos:pos, true))
return (true, (Completion[BslashCompletion(emoji)], slashpos:pos, true))
# return possible matches; these cannot be mixed with regular
# Julian completions as only latex / emoji symbols contain the leading \
suggestions = [BslashCompletion(k, s) for k in keys(startswith(s, "\\:") ? emoji_symbols : latex_symbols)]
suggestions = Completion[BslashCompletion(k, s) for k in keys(startswith(s, "\\:") ? emoji_symbols : latex_symbols)]
return (true, (sort_suggestions!(suggestions), slashpos:pos, true))
return (false, (Completion[], 0:-1, false))
Expand All @@ -567,16 +597,16 @@ function dict_identifier_key(str, tag, context_module)
isdefined(obj, sym) || return (nothing, nothing, nothing)
obj = getfield(obj, sym)
(isa(obj, AbstractDict) && length(obj) < 1_000_000) || return (nothing, nothing, nothing)
(isa(obj, AbstractDict) && length(obj)::Int < 1_000_000) || return (nothing, nothing, nothing)
begin_of_key = something(findnext(!isspace, str, nextind(str, end_of_identifier) + 1), # +1 for [
return (obj, str[begin_of_key:end], begin_of_key)
return (obj::AbstractDict, str[begin_of_key:end], begin_of_key)

# This needs to be a separate non-inlined function, see #19441
@noinline find_dict_matches(identifier) = String[repr(key) for key in keys(identifier)]

function project_deps_get_completion_candidates(pkgstarts::String, project_file::String)::Vector{Completion}
function project_deps_get_completion_candidates(pkgstarts::String, project_file::String)
loading_candidates = String[]
open(project_file) do io
state = :top
Expand All @@ -599,7 +629,7 @@ function project_deps_get_completion_candidates(pkgstarts::String, project_file:
return Completion[PackageCompletion(name, pkgstarts) for name in loading_candidates]

function completions(string, pos, context_module = Main)::Completions
function completions(string, pos, context_module = Main)
# First parse everything up to the current position
partial = string[1:pos]
inc_tag = Base.incomplete_tag(Meta.parse(partial, raise=false, depwarn=false))
Expand All @@ -610,7 +640,7 @@ function completions(string, pos, context_module = Main)::Completions
matches = find_dict_matches(identifier)
length(matches)==1 && (lastindex(string) <= pos || string[nextind(string,pos)] != ']') && (matches[1]*=']')
if length(matches)>0
suggestions = [DictCompletion(identifier, match, partial_key) for match in matches]
suggestions = Completion[DictCompletion(identifier, match, partial_key) for match in matches]
return sort_suggestions!(suggestions), loc:pos, false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -643,7 +673,7 @@ function completions(string, pos, context_module = Main)::Completions
ok && return ret

# Make sure that only bslash_completions is working on strings
inc_tag==:string && return String[], 0:-1, false
inc_tag==:string && return Completion[], 0:-1, false
if inc_tag === :other && should_method_complete(partial)
frange, method_name_end = find_start_brace(partial)
# strip preceding ! operator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -730,7 +760,7 @@ function completions(string, pos, context_module = Main)::Completions
frange, end_of_identifier = find_start_brace(string[1:prevind(string, i)], c_start=c_start, c_end=c_end)
startpos = first(frange)
i = prevind(string, startpos)
elseif c in ["\'\"\`"...]
elseif c in ['\'', '\"', '\`']
s = "$c$c"*string[startpos:pos]
Expand All @@ -745,26 +775,28 @@ end

@inline sort_suggestions!(suggestions) = sort!(suggestions, by=score, rev=true)

function shell_completions(string, pos)::Completions
function shell_completions(string, pos)
# First parse everything up to the current position
scs = string[1:pos]
local args, last_parse
args, last_parse = Base.shell_parse(scs, true)
args, last_parse = Base.shell_parse(scs, true)::Tuple{Expr,UnitRange{Int}}
return Completion[], 0:-1, false
ex = args.args[end]::Expr
# Now look at the last thing we parsed
isempty(args.args[end].args) && return Completion[], 0:-1, false
arg = args.args[end].args[end]
if all(s -> isa(s, AbstractString), args.args[end].args)
isempty(ex.args) && return Completion[], 0:-1, false
arg = ex.args[end]
if all(s -> isa(s, AbstractString), ex.args)
arg = arg::AbstractString
# Treat this as a path

# As Base.shell_parse throws away trailing spaces (unless they are escaped),
# we need to special case here.
# If the last char was a space, but shell_parse ignored it search on "".
ignore_last_word = arg != " " && scs[end] == ' '
prefix = ignore_last_word ? "" : join(args.args[end].args)
prefix = ignore_last_word ? "" : join(ex.args)

# Also try looking into the env path if the user wants to complete the first argument
use_envpath = !ignore_last_word && length(args.args) < 2
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