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Tags: JuliaSparse/SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl



Toggle v0.10.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.9.0](v0.9.0...v0.10.0)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Prepare for `AdjointFactorization` (#111) (@dkarrasch)
- Fix 113 and add regression (#114) (@macd)
- Remove `kron` piracy (#119) (@ericphanson)

**Closed issues:**
- ambiguous scalar by matrix multiplication (#96)
- error in broadcasted multiplication (#98)
- problems in reshaping full GBMatrix into vector (#106)
- preallocation for multiplication (#108)
- How not to store 0's (#110)
- Cannot extract user defined values from a GBVector either by subscripting or by using findnz (#115)
- Incorrect `Base` qualifier in `setindex!` method (#117)
- Piracy of `kron` breaks `kron(::Matrix,::Matrix)` (#118)
- is this repo still maintained? (#123)


Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.8.0](v0.8.0...v0.9.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Can't print transposed GBVector if there are missing values (#84)
- manage package bounds properly (#100)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix Mask (#91) (@Wimmerer)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Blobs at version 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#94) (@github-actions[bot])


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.2](v0.7.2...v0.8.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Segmentation Fault when unintentionally using `GBMatrix{T, F}(p, fill)` in v0.7.0 (#71)
- Construct your own operator (monoid) (#74)
- assign! is not working with GBMatrix (#76)
- Can't index GBVector with a list of indices, range, or colon (#77)
- Can't create GBVector from values with fixed value type (#78)
- Indexing GBMatrix with a list of indices mutates the parameter (#79)
- reduce fails when provided with init parameter (#80)
- Can't use emul on (X, 1) GBMatrix and GBVector as parameters (#81)
- reduce fails when dims=1 and no descriptor provided (#82)
- deleteat! fails on GBVector (#83)
- Can't use transposed GBVector for subassign! (#85)
- reduce fails when using any as a function (#88)

**Merged pull requests:**
- UDT/Monoid/Bugfix Update (#86) (@Wimmerer)
- Coverage (#87) (@Wimmerer)
- Add shallow types and KLU support, initial UMFPACK support as well (#90) (@Wimmerer)


Toggle v0.7.2's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.0](v0.7.0...v0.7.2)

**Closed issues:**
- OOB on v0.6 (#68)
- Docstring for GBMatrix unclear on "maximum on each dimension" (#72)


Toggle v0.7.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.6.1](v0.6.1...v0.7.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Simplify operators (#61)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Tpose (#67) (@Wimmerer)


Toggle v0.6.1's commit message
[Diff since v0.6.0](v0.6.0...v0.6.1)


Toggle v0.6.1+docs1's commit message


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Toggle v0.6.0's commit message
## SuiteSparseGraphBLAS v0.6.0

[Diff since v0.5.0](v0.5.0...v0.6.0)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Libgb rewrite (#62) (@Wimmerer)
- Adding coverage (#63) (@Wimmerer)
- AbstractGBMatrix Rewrite (#64) (@Wimmerer)
- Cite SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS (#65) (@Wimmerer)


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
## SuiteSparseGraphBLAS v0.5.0

[Diff since v0.4.0](v0.4.0...v0.5.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Output type not inferred correctly for boolean operators (#18)
- SparseArrays Interface (#19)
- InsufficientSpace Error (#23)
- Output eltype inference is not type stable (#25)
- Fix iso valued import/export/construction (#28)
- Broadcasting (#33)
- Vector transposition is not lazy (#35)
- Extract doesn't support colons (#36)
- `using SuiteSparseGraphBLAS` results in failed precompilation (#37)
- Segfault when using jl_ memory functions (#39)
- Dot broadcasting with = should accumulate better. (#41)
- Remove Descriptors (#48)
- Broken tests for some sparse operations (#51)

**Merged pull requests:**
- mul/ewise rules for basic arithmetic semiring (#26) (@Wimmerer)
- Type Refresh, fix inference issues, remove with functionality (#30) (@Wimmerer)
- Assorted mul rules (#31) (@Wimmerer)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "FiniteDifferences" at version "0.12" (#32) (@github-actions[bot])
- Some Examples (#43) (@Wimmerer)
- Add missing using clause (#55) (@szarnyasg)
- Remove GrB_vector (#56) (@Wimmerer)
- revise benchmarks, add a list of test matrices (#58) (@DrTimothyAldenDavis)
- SparsematrixGB (#60) (@Wimmerer)


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message
Complete Rewrite