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Logging updates required for Base porting effort
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* Remove 0.6 compatibility junk

* Ensure logging macros can be used earlier in Base

* Remove unnecessary types from core logging method defaults

* max_log -> maxlog for log limiting

* Beef up SimpleLogger a little to avoid temporary buffer async issues,
  respect maxlog, and make log colorization more consistent.  It can be
  re-simplified again once there's a viable alternative in stdlib Logging.

* Hash entire expression for log event ids.  This makes ids more likely
  to be unique before deduplication, which makes them more likely to be
  • Loading branch information
c42f committed Dec 15, 2017
1 parent ec3920d commit dfcfb27
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 60 deletions.
120 changes: 60 additions & 60 deletions base/logging.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
using Compat
using FastClosures
import Base: isless, +, -, convert, show

# The AbstractLogger interface
Expand All @@ -27,15 +23,15 @@ function handle_message end
Return true when `logger` accepts a message at `level`, generated for
`_module`, `group` and with unique log identifier `id`.
shouldlog(::AbstractLogger, args...) = true
shouldlog(logger, level, _module, group, id) = true

Return the maximum disabled level for `logger` for early filtering. That is,
the log level below or equal to which all messages are filtered.
min_enabled_level(logger::AbstractLogger) = Info
min_enabled_level(logger) = Info

Expand All @@ -50,7 +46,7 @@ functionality - such as debug logging - in a production system.
If you want to use logging as an audit trail you should disable this for your
logger type.
catch_exceptions(logger::AbstractLogger) = true
catch_exceptions(logger) = true

# The logger equivalent of /dev/null, for when a placeholder is needed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +108,7 @@ end
# Logging macros

_macro_docs = """
_logmsg_docs = """
@debug message [key=value | value ...]
@info message [key=value | value ...]
@warn message [key=value | value ...]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,10 +151,14 @@ There's also some key value pairs which have conventional meaning:
* `progress=fraction` should be used to indicate progress through an
algorithmic step named by `message`, it should be a value in the interval
[0,1], and would generally be used to drive a progress bar or meter.
* `max_log=integer` should be used as a hint to the backend that the message
should be displayed no more than `max_log` times.
* `exception=ex` should be used to accompany a log message with an exception,
as an indication that something went wrong.
* `maxlog=integer` should be used as a hint to the backend that the message
should be displayed no more than `maxlog` times.
* `exception=ex` should be used to transport an exception with a log message,
often used with `@error`. `AbstractLoggers` should assume that the
associated backtrace can be obtained from `catch_backtrace()`. If the log
message is emitted outside the catch block which generated `ex`, an
associated backtrace `bt` may be attached explicitly using
# Examples
Expand All @@ -177,46 +177,34 @@ x = 10
for i=1:10000
@info "With the default backend, you will only see (i = \$i) ten times" max_log=10
@info "With the default backend, you will only see (i = \$i) ten times" maxlog=10
@debug "Algorithm1" i progress=i/10000

# Get (module,filepath,line) for the location of the caller of a macro.
# Designed to be used from within the body of a macro.
macro sourceinfo()
@static if Compat.macros_have_sourceloc
__source__.file == nothing ? "?" : String(__source__.file),
# For julia-0.6 and below, the above doesn't work, and the
# following dubious hack gives an approximate line number only
# - the line of the start of the current toplevel expression!
# See #1.
(p = Base.source_path(); p == nothing ? "REPL" : p),
Int(unsafe_load(cglobal(:jl_lineno, Cint))))
macro _sourceinfo()
__source__.file == nothing ? "?" : String(__source__.file),

macro logmsg(level, message, exs...) logmsg_code((@sourceinfo)..., esc(level), message, exs...) end
macro debug(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@sourceinfo)..., :Debug, message, exs...) end
macro info(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@sourceinfo)..., :Info, message, exs...) end
macro warn(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@sourceinfo)..., :Warn, message, exs...) end
macro error(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@sourceinfo)..., :Error, message, exs...) end
macro logmsg(level, message, exs...) logmsg_code((@_sourceinfo)..., esc(level), message, exs...) end
macro debug(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@_sourceinfo)..., :Debug, message, exs...) end
macro info(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@_sourceinfo)..., :Info, message, exs...) end
macro warn(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@_sourceinfo)..., :Warn, message, exs...) end
macro error(message, exs...) logmsg_code((@_sourceinfo)..., :Error, message, exs...) end

# Logging macros share documentation
@eval @doc $_macro_docs :(@logmsg)
@eval @doc $_macro_docs :(@debug)
@eval @doc $_macro_docs :(@info)
@eval @doc $_macro_docs :(@warn)
@eval @doc $_macro_docs :(@error)
@eval @doc $_logmsg_docs :(@logmsg)
@eval @doc $_logmsg_docs :(@debug)
@eval @doc $_logmsg_docs :(@info)
@eval @doc $_logmsg_docs :(@warn)
@eval @doc $_logmsg_docs :(@error)

_log_record_ids = Set{Symbol}()
# Generate a unique, stable, short, human readable identifier for a logging
Expand All @@ -227,9 +215,6 @@ _log_record_ids = Set{Symbol}()
# itself doesn't change.
function log_record_id(_module, level, message_ex)
modname = join(fullname(_module), "_")
if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.1877" && isempty(modname)
modname = "Main"
# Use (1<<31) to fit well within an (arbitriraly chosen) eight hex digits,
# as we increment h to resolve any collisions.
h = hash(string(modname, level, message_ex)) % (1<<31)
Expand All @@ -249,10 +234,8 @@ end

# Generate code for logging macros
function logmsg_code(_module, file, line, level, message, exs...)
# Generate a unique message id by default
messagetemplate = string(message)
id = Expr(:quote, log_record_id(_module, level, messagetemplate))
group = Expr(:quote, Symbol(splitext(basename(file))[1]))
id = nothing
group = nothing
kwargs = Any[]
for ex in exs
if ex isa Expr && ex.head === :(=) && ex.args[1] isa Symbol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,6 +274,9 @@ function logmsg_code(_module, file, line, level, message, exs...)
push!(kwargs, Expr(:kw, Symbol(ex), esc(ex)))
# Note that it may be necessary to set `id` and `group` manually during bootstrap
id !== nothing || (id = Expr(:quote, log_record_id(_module, level, exs)))
group !== nothing || (group = Expr(:quote, Symbol(splitext(basename(file))[1])))
level = $level
std_level = convert(LogLevel, level)
Expand All @@ -306,9 +292,7 @@ function logmsg_code(_module, file, line, level, message, exs...)
if shouldlog(logger, level, _module, group, id)
# Bind log record generation into a closure, allowing us to
# defer creation of the records until after filtering.
# Use FastClosures.@closure to work around
create_msg = @closure function cm(logger, level, _module, group, id, file, line)
create_msg = function cm(logger, level, _module, group, id, file, line)
msg = $(esc(message))
handle_message(logger, level, msg, _module, group, id, file, line; $(kwargs...))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,7 +376,6 @@ disabled.
function disable_logging(level::LogLevel)
_min_enabled_level[] = level + 1
disable_logging(level) = disable_logging(parse_level(level))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,24 +435,41 @@ Simplistic logger for logging all messages with level greater than or equal to
struct SimpleLogger <: AbstractLogger
SimpleLogger(stream::IO=STDERR, level=Info) = SimpleLogger(stream, level)
SimpleLogger(stream::IO=STDERR, level=Info) = SimpleLogger(stream, level, Dict{Any,Int}())

shouldlog(logger::SimpleLogger, level, args...) = !(level < logger.min_level)
shouldlog(logger::SimpleLogger, level, _module, group, id) =
get(logger.message_limits, id, 1) > 0

min_enabled_level(logger::SimpleLogger) = logger.min_level

function handle_message(logger::SimpleLogger, level, message, _module, group, id,
filepath, line; kwargs...)
filepath, line; maxlog=nothing, kwargs...)
# TODO: Factor out more complex things here into a separate logger in
# stdlib: in particular maxlog support + colorization.
if maxlog != nothing && maxlog isa Integer
remaining = get!(logger.message_limits, id, maxlog)
logger.message_limits[id] = remaining - 1
remaining > 0 || return
levelstr = string(level)
color = level < Info ? :blue :
level < Warn ? :cyan :
level < Error ? :yellow : :red
print_with_color(color,, first(levelstr), "- ", bold=true)
print(, replace(message, '\n', "\n| "))
println(, " -", levelstr, ":", _module, ":", basename(filepath), ":", line)
for (key,val) in kwargs
println(, "| ", key, " = ", val)
buf = IOBuffer()
print_with_color(color, buf, first(levelstr), "- ", bold=true)
msglines = split(string(message), '\n')
for i in 1:length(msglines)-1
println(buf, msglines[i])
print_with_color(color, buf, "| ", bold=true)
println(buf, msglines[end], " -", levelstr, ":", _module, ":", basename(filepath), ":", line)
for (key,val) in pairs(kwargs)
print_with_color(color, buf, "| ", bold=true)
println(buf, key, " = ", val)
write(, take!(buf))

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