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Update SubArray developer documentation
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mbauman committed Sep 22, 2016
1 parent 413ed79 commit 7c07826
Showing 1 changed file with 118 additions and 112 deletions.
230 changes: 118 additions & 112 deletions doc/devdocs/subarrays.rst
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Expand Up @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ Index replacement

Consider making 2d slices of a 3d array::

S1 = slice(A, :, 5, 2:6)
S2 = slice(A, 5, :, 2:6)
S1 = view(A, :, 5, 2:6)
S2 = view(A, 5, :, 2:6)

``slice`` drops "singleton" dimensions (ones that are specified by an
``view`` drops "singleton" dimensions (ones that are specified by an
``Int``), so both ``S1`` and ``S2`` are two-dimensional ``SubArray``\s.
Consequently, the natural way to index these is with ``S1[i,j]``. To
extract the value from the parent array ``A``, the natural approach is
Expand All @@ -75,100 +75,112 @@ Type parameters and fields
The strategy adopted is first and foremost expressed in the definition
of the type::

type SubArray{T,N,P<:AbstractArray,I<:(ViewIndex...),LD} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
immutable SubArray{T,N,P,I,L} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
first_index::Int # for linear indexing and pointer
offset1::Int # for linear indexing and pointer, only valid when L==true
stride1::Int # used only for linear indexing

``SubArray`` has 5 type parameters. The first two are the
standard element type and dimensionality. The next is the type of the
parent ``AbstractArray``. The most heavily-used is the fourth
parameter, a ``tuple`` of the types of the indexes for each dimension.
The final one, ``LD``, is used only in special circumstances, to
implement efficient linear indexing for those types that can support
parameter, a ``Tuple`` of the types of the indices for each dimension.
The final one, ``L``, is only provided as a convenience for dispatch;
it's a boolean that represents whether the index types support fast
linear indexing. More on that later.

If in our example above ``A`` is a ``Array{Float64, 3}``, our ``S1``
case above would be a
Note in particular the tuple parameter, which stores the types of
the indexes used to create ``S1``. Likewise,
the indices used to create ``S1``. Likewise, ::

julia> S1.indexes

Storing these values allows index replacement, and having the types
encoded as parameters allows one to dispatch to efficient algorithms.

An ``Int`` index is used to represent a parent dimension that should
be dropped. The distinction between the ``sub`` and ``slice``
commands is that ``sub`` converts *interior* ``Int`` indices into
ranges at the time of construction. For example::

S3 = sub(A, :, 5, 2:6)

julia> S3.indexes

Because of this conversion, ``S3`` is three-dimensional.

``getindex`` and ``setindex!`` (index translation)
Index translation

Performing index translation requires that you do different things for
different concrete ``SubArray`` types. For example, for ``S1``, one needs
to apply the ``i,j`` indexes to the first and third dimensions of the
to apply the ``i,j`` indices to the first and third dimensions of the
parent array, whereas for ``S2`` one needs to apply them to the
second and third. The simplest approach to indexing would be to do
the type-analysis at runtime::

parentindexes = Array{Any}(0)
for i = 1:ndims(S.parent)
for thisindex in S.indexes
if isa(thisindex, Int)
# Don't consume one of the input indexes
push!(parentindexes, thisindex)
elseif isa(thisindex, AbstractVector)
# Consume an input index
push!(parentindexes, thisindex[inputindex[j]])
j += 1
elseif isa(thisindex, AbstractMatrix)
# Consume two input indices
push!(parentindexes, thisindex[inputindex[j], inputindex[j+1]])
j += 2
elseif ...

Unfortunately, this would be disastrous in terms of performance: each
element access would allocate memory, and involves the running of a
lot of poorly-typed code.

The better approach is to dispatch to specific methods to handle each
type of input. Note, however, that the number of distinct methods
needed grows exponentially in the number of dimensions, and since
Julia supports arrays of any dimension the number of methods required
is in fact infinite. Fortunately, ``@generated function``\s allow one to
generate the necessary methods quite straightforwardly. The resulting
code looks quite a lot like the runtime approach above, but all of the
type analysis is performed at the time of method instantiation. For a
``SubArray`` of the type of ``S1``, the method executed at runtime is
literally ::
The better approach is to dispatch to specific methods to handle each type of
stored index. That's what ``reindex`` does: it dispatches on the type of the
first stored index and consumes the appropriate number of input indices, and
then it recurses on the remaining indices. In the case of ``S1``, this expands
to ::

Base.reindex(S1, S1.indexes, (i, j)) == (i, S1.indexes[2], S1.indexes[3][j])

getindex(S::<type of S1>, i, j) = S.parent[i, S.indexes[2], S.indexes[3][j]]
for any pair of indices ``(i,j)`` (except ``CartesianIndex``\ s and
arrays thereof, see below).

This is the core of a ``SubArray``; indexing methods depend upon ``reindex``
to do this index translation. Sometimes, though, we can avoid the indirection
and make it even faster.

Linear indexing

Linear indexing can be implemented efficiently when the entire array
has a single stride that separates successive elements. For
``SubArray`` types, the availability of efficient linear indexing is based
purely on the types of the indexes, and does not depend on values like
the size of the array. It therefore can miss some cases in which the
stride happens to be uniform::
Linear indexing can be implemented efficiently when the entire array has a
single stride that separates successive elements, starting from some offset.
This means that we can pre-compute these values and represent linear indexing
simply as an addition and multiplication, avoiding the indirection of
``reindex`` and (more importantly) the slow computation of the cartesian
coordinates entirely.

For ``SubArray`` types, the availability of efficient linear indexing is based
purely on the types of the indices, and does not depend on values like the size
of the parent array. You can ask whether a given set of indices supports fast
linear indexing with the internal ``Base.viewindexing`` function::

julia> Base.viewindexing(S1.indexes)

julia> Base.viewindexing(S2.indexes)

This is computed during construction of the ``SubArray`` and stored in the
``L`` type parameter as a boolean that encodes fast linear indexing support.
While not strictly necessary, it means that we can define dispatch directly on
``SubArray{T,N,A,I,true}`` without any intermediaries.

Since this computation doesn't depend on runtime values, it can miss some cases
in which the stride happens to be uniform::

julia> A = reshape(1:4*2, 4, 2)
4×2 Array{Int64,2}:
4×2 Base.ReshapedArray{Int64,2,UnitRange{Int64},Tuple{}}:
1 5
2 6
3 7
Expand All @@ -180,13 +192,13 @@ stride happens to be uniform::

A view constructed as ``sub(A, 2:2:4, :)`` happens to have uniform
A view constructed as ``view(A, 2:2:4, :)`` happens to have uniform
stride, and therefore linear indexing indeed could be performed
efficiently. However, success in this case depends on the size of the
array: if the first dimension instead were odd, ::

julia> A = reshape(1:5*2, 5, 2)
5×2 Array{Int64,2}:
5×2 Base.ReshapedArray{Int64,2,UnitRange{Int64},Tuple{}}:
1 6
2 7
3 8
Expand All @@ -202,79 +214,73 @@ array: if the first dimension instead were odd, ::
then ``A[2:2:4,:]`` does not have uniform stride, so we cannot
guarantee efficient linear indexing. Since we have to base this
decision based purely on types encoded in the parameters of the
``SubArray``, ``S = sub(A, 2:2:4, :)`` cannot implement efficient
``SubArray``, ``S = view(A, 2:2:4, :)`` cannot implement efficient
linear indexing.

The last parameter of ``SubArray``, ``LD``, encodes the highest
dimension up to which elements are guaranteed to have uniform stride.
When ``LD == length(I)``, the length of the ``indexes`` tuple,
efficient linear indexing becomes possible.

An example might help clarify what this means:

- For ``S1`` above, the ``Colon`` along the first dimension is
uniformly spaced (all elements are displaced by 1 from the previous
value), so this dimension does not "break" linear indexing.
Consequently ``LD`` has a value of at least 1.

- The second dimension of the parent, sliced out as ``5``, does not
not by itself break linear indexing: if all of the remaining
indexes were ``Int``, the entire ``SubArray`` would have efficient
linear indexing. Consequently, ``LD`` is at least 2.

- The last dimension is a ``Range``. This would by itself break
linear indexing (even though it is a ``UnitRange``, the fact that it
might not start at 1 means that there might be gaps). Additionally,
given the preceding indexes any choice other than ``Int`` would
also have truncated ``LD`` at 2.

Consequently, as a whole ``S1`` does not have efficient linear

However, if we were to later say ``S1a = slice(S1, 2:2:7, 3)``,
``S1a`` would have an ``LD`` of 3 (its indexes tuple has type
``(Colon, Int, Int)``) and would have efficient linear indexing. This
ability to re-slice is the main motivation to use an integer ``LD``
rather than a boolean flag to encode the applicability of linear

The main reason ``LD`` cannot always be inferred from the ``indexes`` tuple
is because ``sub`` converts internal ``Int`` indexes into
``UnitRange``\s. Consequently it is important to encode "safe"
dimensions of size 1 prior to conversion. Up to the ``LD``\ th entry,
we can be sure that any ``UnitRange`` was, in fact, an ``Integer``
prior to conversion.

A few details

- Note that the ``Base.reindex`` function is agnostic to the types of the input
indices; it simply determines how and where the stored indices should be
reindexed. It not only supports integer indices, but it supports non-scalar
indexing, too. This means that views of views don't need two levels of
indirection; they can simply re-compute the indices into the original parent

- Hopefully by now it's fairly clear that supporting slices means that
the dimensionality, given by the parameter ``N``, is not necessarily
equal to the dimensionality of the parent array or the length of the
``indexes`` tuple. Neither do user-supplied indexes necessarily
``indexes`` tuple. Neither do user-supplied indices necessarily
line up with entries in the ``indexes`` tuple (e.g., the second
user-supplied index might correspond to the third dimension of the
parent array, and the third element in the ``indexes`` tuple).

What might be less obvious is that the dimensionality of the parent
array may not be equal to the length of the ``indexes`` tuple. Some
What might be less obvious is that the dimensionality of the stored
parent array must be equal to the number of effective indices in the
``indexes`` tuple. Some examples::

A = reshape(1:35, 5, 7) # A 2d parent Array
S = sub(A, 2:7) # A 1d view created by linear indexing
S = sub(A, :, :, 1) # Appending extra indexes is supported
S = sub(A, :, :, 1:1)

Consequently, internal ``SubArray`` code needs to be fairly careful
about which of these three notions of dimensionality is relevant in
each circumstance.

- Because the processing needed to implement all of the ``@generated``
expressions isn't readily available at the time ``subarray.jl``
appears in the bootstrap process, ``SubArray`` functionality is
split into two files, the second being ``subarray2.jl``.

- Bounds-checking has currently not been tackled. There are two
relevant notions of bounds-checking, one at construction time and
one during element access. This is an important outstanding issue.
S = view(A, 2:7) # A 1d view created by linear indexing
S = view(A, :, :, 1:1) # Appending extra indices is supported

Naively, you'd think you could just set ``S.parent = A`` and
``S.indexes = (:,:,1:1)``, but supporting this dramatically complicates the
reindexing process, especially for views of views. Not only do you need to
dispatch on the types of the stored indices, but you need to examine whether
a given index is the final one and "merge" any remaining stored indices
together. This is not an easy task, and even worse: it's slow since it
implicitly depends upon linear indexing.

Fortunately, this is precisely the computation that ``ReshapedArray``
performs, and it does so linearly if possible. Consequently, ``view`` ensures
that the parent array is the appropriate dimensionality for the given indices
by reshaping it if needed. The inner ``SubArray`` constructor ensures that
this invariant is satisfied.

- ``CartesianIndex`` and arrays thereof throw a nasty wrench into the
``reindex`` scheme. Recall that ``reindex`` simply dispatches on the type of
the stored indices in order to determine how many passed indices should be
used and where they should go. But with ``CartesianIndex``, there's no longer
a one-to-one correspondence between the number of passed arguments and the
number of dimensions that they index into. If we return to the above example
of ``Base.reindex(S1, S1.indexes, (i, j))``, you can see that the expansion
is incorrect for ``i, j = CartesianIndex(), CartesianIndex(2,1)``. It should
*skip* the ``CartesianIndex()`` entirely and return::

(CartesianIndex(2,1)[1], S1.indexes[2], S1.indexes[3][CartesianIndex(2,1)[2]])

Instead, though, we get::

(CartesianIndex(), S1.indexes[2], S1.indexes[3][CartesianIndex(2,1)])

Doing this correctly would require *combined* dispatch on both the stored and
passed indices across all combinations of dimensionalities in an intractable
manner. As such, ``reindex`` must never be called with ``CartesianIndex``
indices. Fortunately, the scalar case is easily handled by first flattening
the ``CartesianIndex`` arguments to plain integers. Arrays of
``CartesianIndex``, however, cannot be split apart into orthogonal pieces so
easily. Before attempting to use ``reindex``, ``view`` must ensure that there
are no arrays of ``CartesianIndex`` in the argument list. If there are, it
can simply "punt" by avoiding the ``reindex`` calculation entirely,
constructing a nested ``SubArray`` with two levels of indirection instead.

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