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KristofferC committed Jun 8, 2017
1 parent 7495f44 commit 6997df5
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Showing 6 changed files with 178 additions and 40 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions base/broadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -591,6 +591,16 @@ If you want to *avoid* adding dots for selected function calls in
(no dot for `sort`).
(`@.` is equivalent to a call to `@__dot__`.)
julia> x = 1.0:3.0; y = similar(x);
julia> @. y = x + 3 * sin(x)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
macro __dot__(x)
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40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions base/docs/helpdb/Base.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1000,38 +1000,6 @@ implementation of a more specific method of the same function).

parse(str, start; greedy=true, raise=true)
Parse the expression string and return an expression (which could later be passed to eval
for execution). `start` is the index of the first character to start parsing. If `greedy` is
`true` (default), `parse` will try to consume as much input as it can; otherwise, it will
stop as soon as it has parsed a valid expression. Incomplete but otherwise syntactically
valid expressions will return `Expr(:incomplete, "(error message)")`. If `raise` is `true`
(default), syntax errors other than incomplete expressions will raise an error. If `raise`
is `false`, `parse` will return an expression that will raise an error upon evaluation.
parse(str, start)

parse(str; raise=true)
Parse the expression string greedily, returning a single expression. An error is thrown if
there are additional characters after the first expression. If `raise` is `true` (default),
syntax errors will raise an error; otherwise, `parse` will return an expression that will
raise an error upon evaluation.

parse(type, str, [base])
Parse a string as a number. If the type is an integer type, then a base can be specified
(the default is 10). If the type is a floating point type, the string is parsed as a decimal
floating point number. If the string does not contain a valid number, an error is raised.
parse(T::Type, str, base=Int)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2209,14 +2177,6 @@ Compute the cosecant of `x`, where `x` is in degrees.

tryparse(type, str, [base])
Like [`parse`](@ref), but returns a [`Nullable`](@ref) of the requested type. The result will be null if the
string does not contain a valid number.

Expand Down
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions base/intfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,6 +224,14 @@ const HWNumber = Union{HWReal, Complex{<:HWReal}, Rational{<:HWReal}}
powermod(x::Integer, p::Integer, m)
Compute ``x^p \\pmod m``.
julia> powermod(2, 6, 5)
julia> mod(2^6, 5)
function powermod(x::Integer, p::Integer, m::T) where T<:Integer
p < 0 && return powermod(invmod(x, m), -p, m)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,6 +310,16 @@ ispow2(x::Integer) = x > 0 && count_ones(x) == 1
The smallest `a^n` not less than `x`, where `n` is a non-negative integer. `a` must be
greater than 1, and `x` must be greater than 0.
julia> nextpow(2, 7)
julia> nextpow(2, 9)
See also [`prevpow`](@ref).
function nextpow(a::Real, x::Real)
(a <= 1 || x <= 0) && throw(DomainError())
Expand All @@ -317,6 +335,16 @@ end
The largest `a^n` not greater than `x`, where `n` is a non-negative integer.
`a` must be greater than 1, and `x` must not be less than 1.
julia> prevpow(2, 7)
julia> prevpow(2, 9)
See also [`nextpow`](@ref).
function prevpow(a::Real, x::Real)
(a <= 1 || x < 1) && throw(DomainError())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,6 +439,16 @@ Return 0 if `n == 0`, otherwise compute the number of digits in
integer `n` written in base `b` (i.e. equal to `ndigits(n, b)`
in this case).
The base `b` must not be in `[-1, 0, 1]`.
julia> Base.ndigits0z(0, 16)
julia> Base.ndigits(0, 16)
See also [`ndigits`](@ref).
function ndigits0z(x::Integer, b::Integer)
if b < -1
Expand All @@ -427,6 +465,17 @@ end
Compute the number of digits in integer `n` written in base `b`.
The base `b` must not be in `[-1, 0, 1]`.
julia> ndigits(12345)
julia> ndigits(1022, 16)
julia> base(16, 1022)
ndigits(x::Integer, b::Integer, pad::Int=1) = max(pad, ndigits0z(x, b))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,6 +699,14 @@ end
Number of ways to choose `k` out of `n` items.
julia> binomial(5, 3)
julia> factorial(5) ÷ (factorial(5-3) * factorial(3))
function binomial(n::T, k::T) where T<:Integer
k < 0 && return zero(T)
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions base/number.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,13 +85,26 @@ abs(x::Real) = ifelse(signbit(x), -x, x)
Squared absolute value of `x`.
julia> abs2(-3)
abs2(x::Real) = x*x

flipsign(x, y)
Return `x` with its sign flipped if `y` is negative. For example `abs(x) = flipsign(x,x)`.
julia> flipsign(5, 3)
julia> flipsign(5, -3)
flipsign(x::Real, y::Real) = ifelse(signbit(y), -x, +x) # the + is for type-stability on Bool
copysign(x::Real, y::Real) = ifelse(signbit(x)!=signbit(y), -x, +x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +139,19 @@ map(f, x::Number, ys::Number...) = f(x, ys...)
Get the additive identity element for the type of `x` (`x` can also specify the type itself).
julia> zero(1)
julia> zero(big"2.0")
julia> zero(rand(2,2))
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
zero(x::Number) = oftype(x,0)
zero(::Type{T}) where {T<:Number} = convert(T,0)
Expand Down
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions base/parse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,11 +171,45 @@ end
throw(ArgumentError("invalid base: base must be 2 ≤ base ≤ 62, got $base"))

tryparse(type, str, [base])
Like [`parse`](@ref), but returns a [`Nullable`](@ref) of the requested type. The result will be null if the
string does not contain a valid number.
function tryparse end

tryparse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, base::Integer) where {T<:Integer} =
tryparse_internal(T, s, start(s), endof(s), check_valid_base(base), false)
tryparse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString) where {T<:Integer} =
tryparse_internal(T, s, start(s), endof(s), 0, false)

parse(type, str, [base])
Parse a string as a number. If the type is an integer type, then a base can be specified
(the default is 10). If the type is a floating point type, the string is parsed as a decimal
floating point number. If the string does not contain a valid number, an error is raised.
julia> parse(Int, "1234")
julia> parse(Int, "1234", 5)
julia> parse(Int, "afc", 16)
julia> parse(Float64, "1.2e-3")
function parse(T::Type, str, base=Int) end

function parse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, base::Integer) where T<:Integer
get(tryparse_internal(T, s, start(s), endof(s), check_valid_base(base), true))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,6 +245,28 @@ float(a::AbstractArray{<:AbstractString}) = map!(float, similar(a,typeof(float(0

## interface to parser ##

parse(str, start; greedy=true, raise=true) -> (Expr, Int)
Parse the expression string and return an expression (which could later be passed to eval
for execution). `start` is the index of the first character to start parsing. If `greedy` is
`true` (default), `parse` will try to consume as much input as it can; otherwise, it will
stop as soon as it has parsed a valid expression. Incomplete but otherwise syntactically
valid expressions will return `Expr(:incomplete, "(error message)")`. If `raise` is `true`
(default), syntax errors other than incomplete expressions will raise an error. If `raise`
is `false`, `parse` will return an expression that will raise an error upon evaluation.
julia> parse("x = 3, y = 5", 7)
(:(y = 5), 13)
julia> parse("x = 3, y = 5", 5)
(:((3, y) = 5), 13)
parse(str, start)

function parse(str::AbstractString, pos::Int; greedy::Bool=true, raise::Bool=true)
# pos is one based byte offset.
# returns (expr, end_pos). expr is () in case of parse error.
Expand All @@ -228,6 +284,33 @@ function parse(str::AbstractString, pos::Int; greedy::Bool=true, raise::Bool=tru
return ex, pos+1 # C is zero-based, Julia is 1-based

parse(str; raise=true) -> Expr
Parse the expression string greedily, returning a single expression. An error is thrown if
there are additional characters after the first expression. If `raise` is `true` (default),
syntax errors will raise an error; otherwise, `parse` will return an expression that will
raise an error upon evaluation.
julia> parse("x = 3")
:(x = 3)
julia> parse("x = ")
:($(Expr(:incomplete, "incomplete: premature end of input")))
julia> parse("1.0.2")
ERROR: ParseError("invalid numeric constant \\\"1.0.\\\"")
julia> parse("1.0.2"; raise = false)
:($(Expr(:error, "invalid numeric constant \"1.0.\"")))

function parse(str::AbstractString; raise::Bool=true)
ex, pos = parse(str, 1, greedy=true, raise=raise)
if isa(ex,Expr) && ex.head === :error
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions base/permuteddimsarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ vector specifying a permutation of length `ndims(src)`. The preallocated array `
have `size(dest) == size(src)[perm]` and is completely overwritten. No in-place permutation
is supported and unexpected results will happen if `src` and `dest` have overlapping memory
See also [`permutedims`](@ref)
function Base.permutedims!(dest, src::AbstractArray, perm)
Base.checkdims_perm(dest, src, perm)
Expand Down

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