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Tags: JuliaHealth/KomaMRI.jl



Toggle v0.8.2's commit message
[Diff since v0.8.1](v0.8.1...v0.8.2)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Documentation restructure (#377) (@beorostica)
- Update Koma package versions (#379) (@beorostica)

**Closed issues:**
- Modify Literate Examples Generation (#251)
- `plot_seq` not plotting Gx if Gy is not on and vice-versa (#374)
- KomaMRI errors when using Julia nightly (#375)
- Simulation crashes when trying to simulate soft-RF (get_rf_center) (#378)


Toggle v0.8.1's commit message
[Diff since v0.8.0](v0.8.0...v0.8.1)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Add GPU tested compatibility in documentation (#300) (@beorostica)
- Update codecov to consider all subdirectories (#303) (@beorostica)
- read and store signature in seq.DEF["signature"] (#313) (@aTrotier)
- Fixes for no gradients in seq file. (#314) (@curtcorum)
- KomaMRIFiles: RF phase read with the opposite sign from Pulseq (#315) (@beorostica)
- Hot fix empty grad (#316) (@beorostica)
- Hot version updates (#317) (@beorostica)
- Upsample phantoms (#319) (@curtcorum)
- Incorrect gradient interpretation when waveforms do not end in zero (#321) (@beorostica)
- Remove deprecation warning for sort function (#327) (@beorostica)
- Fix colormap bug when ploting phantom maps (#330) (@beorostica)
- Remove air tissue from pelvis phantom example (#331) (@beorostica)
- Refactor moment functions (#332) (@beorostica)
- CI: Set up Dependabot to auto-update pinned GitHub Actions (#336) (@DilumAluthge)
- CI: Update `codecov-action` to v4.1.1, and pass the organization-wide `CODECOV_TOKEN` secret (#337) (@DilumAluthge)
- CI: Add a manual (`workflow_dispatch`) trigger for CompatHelper; also don't run CompatHelper on PRs (#338) (@DilumAluthge)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#340) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#341) (@dependabot[bot])
- Anisotropic Phantoms (#342) (@curtcorum)
- Add an example Buildkite pipeline file (#344) (@DilumAluthge)
- Julia formatter (#369) (@cncastillo)
- Update Docs (#370) (@beorostica)

**Closed issues:**
- Incorrect interpretation of time shaped RFs (#200)
- Empty sequence adds an undesired block (#203)
- Unnecessary samples are considered when concatenating sequences (#205)
-  Resolve Circular Dependencies in Tests Environments (#237)
- Google Summer of Code (GSoC) (#243)
- Refactor functions for computing moments (#268)
- Compatible, tested or recommended julia versions for CPU and GPU? (#295)
- Default simulate fails after clean install of KomaMRI version 0.7.5 (#298)
- MRIReco.jl v0.8.0 incorrect initialization with multiple threads (#299)
- Update codecov to consider new subpackages (#302)
- Reduce spins for pelvis Phantom (#306)
- Interpretation of '.seq' files is not matching with sequence designed on PyPulseq (#320)
- Warning: `sort(d::Dict; args...)` is deprecated, use `sort!(OrderedDict(d); args...)` instead. (#326)
- Can't define colormap ranges when plotting phantom object (#328)
- [BUG] CodeCov Not Working (#335)
- Refactor get_Mk to compute 't' and 'tadc' more efficiently (#345)
- Performance improvements for plot_seq (function and UI) (#365)


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.5](v0.7.5...v0.8.0)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Improve UI Observables management (#210) (@beorostica)
- Fix StackOverflow error plots of big sequences (#220) (@gabuzi)
- KomaMRIIO subpackage (#231) (@beorostica)
- Add contibuting guidelines (#234) (@beorostica)
- KomaMRIBase (#239) (@cncastillo)
- KomaMRIBase/KomaMRIFiles: Avoid Circular Deps (#240) (@beorostica)
- Add contributors in README and GUI (#247) (@beorostica)
- Add educational example to docs (#248) (@beorostica)
- Create Template for Issues (#249) (@beorostica)
- Add Template for Issues (#250) (@beorostica)
- Add educational Pluto example (#253) (@beorostica)
- Templates for Issues (#254) (@beorostica)
- Update Issue Templates (#257) (@beorostica)
- Fix multiple docs warnings (#258) (@beorostica)
- Include Koma subpackages in CompatHelper (#259) (@beorostica)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Adapt to 4 for package KomaMRICore, (keep existing compat) (#261) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Interpolations to 0.15 for package KomaMRICore, (keep existing compat) (#262) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Interpolations to 0.15 for package KomaMRIPlots, (keep existing compat) (#263) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix URL for educational Pluto example (#266) (@beorostica)
- Pluto Educational Example (#267) (@beorostica)
- Update (#269) (@pabloirarrazaval)
- Fixing precompilation problems in Julia 1.10.0 (#277) (@cncastillo)
- Add test for `simulate_slice_profile` function (#280) (@beorostica)
- Run nightly CI on push trigger (#283) (@beorostica)
- Transform text to path in .svg image (#285) (@beorostica)
- Update koma subdir image (#289) (@beorostica)
- Patch CI for compat (#290) (@beorostica)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Interpolations to 0.15 for package KomaMRIBase, (keep existing compat) (#292) (@github-actions[bot])
- Improve the visualization of the contributors in the UI (#294) (@beorostica)
- Display Koma package versions in issue template (#296) (@beorostica)

**Closed issues:**
- Annoying random update of plots in GUI (#66)
- Separate KomaMRI into simpler subpackages (#92)
- Add contributors to UI (#191)
- Be more clear about the package versions in the UI (#192)
- Koma logo in the docs is incorrect (#193)
- Update pipeline figure to show the current organization of the Koma submodules (#194)
- GUI gets stuck when simulating twice (#198)
- Unattractive group of legends and colors in subplots (#199)
- Add Contributing Guidelines (#209)
- Add the ability to modify the `seq`, `obj`, `sys`, `raw` and `image` used in the UI from the REPL (#211)
- MRD Data opened in Python appears corrupted (#214)
- StackOverflowError on plots of large sequences (#221)
- Precompiling KomaMRIPlots hangs on Windows (#225)
- Add a template for reporting issues (#228)
- KomaMRIFiles (#232)
- Additional `<userParameters>` tag within XML header of exported MRD (#236)
- Upload educational Pluto notebook (#242)
- Update Subpackages in README (#244)
- Update CompatHelper to also check subpacakge's compat (#245)
- Add MRI together's talk to News section in README (#246)
- Generete a test for slice simulation (#252)
- Avoid Warnings During Document Generation (#255)
- KomaMRIBase (#265)
- Basic trapezoidal `Grad` usage, parameter definition with a plot. (#270)
- KomaMRIPlots doesn't precompile in Julia 1.10.0 (#274)
- Move Julia compat to 1.9  (#275)
- Use nightly tests in CI (#281)
- Increment code coverage (#282)
- Improve the visualization of contributors and colors in the UI (#293)


Toggle v0.7.5's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.4](v0.7.4...v0.7.5)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Use reshape() instead of ;; (#177) (@beorostica)
- Fix long names displayed in the sidebar (#180) (@beorostica)
- UI update. (#181) (@cncastillo)
- Update [skip ci] (#182) (@cncastillo)
- Update [skip ci] (#185) (@cncastillo)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MRIReco to 0.8, (keep existing compat) (#186) (@github-actions[bot])
- KomaMRIPlots Pluto compatibility (#195) (@cncastillo)

**Closed issues:**
- Edge cases arise during simple 1-spin simulation (#85)
- Plots fail when used in Pluto notebooks (#166)
- Default KomaUI sequence is different in julia versions 1.6 and 1.9 (#175)
- Long file names overflow from UI's navbar (#176)
- Adding code style, compatible Julia version, and license to (#188)
- Add KomaMRI.jl to MRHub (#196)
- Bug with Δf in RF_sinc function (#197)
- Replicate pulseq functions to create sequences (#206)


Toggle v0.7.4's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.3](v0.7.3...v0.7.4)

**Closed issues:**
- Exporting results to .mat from the GUI (#70)
- Solve edge-case for avoiding additional delay in the acquisition (#88)
- Separate simulation base to KomaMRIBase subpackage (#92)
- Problem with ADC next to RF object (#161)
- Discretization of gradient waveform fails for square gradients / very high slew rates   (#162)
- KomaUI not working in Julia 1.9 (#168)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Modules KomaMRICore and KomaMRIPlots (#148) (@beorostica)
- Fix for no-gpu devices (#153) (@beorostica)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for KomaMRICore at version 0.7, (keep existing compat) (#154) (@github-actions[bot])
- Change UUID of KomaMRIPlots subpackage (#156) (@beorostica)
- Add compat version 0.7 for KomaMRICore (#157) (@beorostica)
- Apidocs (#158) (@beorostica)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for KomaMRIPlots at version 0.7, (keep existing compat) (#159) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update ci.yml for codecov subpackages (#160) (@beorostica)
- KomaMRI v0.7.4: Bug fixes and minor features (#163) (@cncastillo)
- Avoid dialog (#171) (@beorostica)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for MAT at version 0.10, (keep existing compat) (#172) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update Project.toml for KomaMRIPlots to v0.7.6 (#173) (@beorostica)


Toggle v0.7.3's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.2](v0.7.2...v0.7.3)


Toggle v0.7.2's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.1](v0.7.1...v0.7.2)

**Closed issues:**
- Default number of threads for CPU parallelization (#141)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Literate (#140) (@beorostica)


Toggle v0.7.1's commit message
[Diff since v0.7.0](v0.7.0...v0.7.1)


Toggle v0.7.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.6.7](v0.6.7...v0.7.0)

**Closed issues:**
- RF implementation with GPU acceleration (#2)
- Documentation versions (stable & dev) (#115)
- Move `gpu` function calls to `simulate` (#116)
- Solve edge-case for one acquisition sample (#117)
- T2 decay was incorrectly calculated for the first sample after a delay. (#118)
- Move `get_grad` and `get_rfs` function calls to `simulate`, to used them only once. (Low priority) (#119)
- Type stability in core simulation types and functions (Phantom, DiscreteSequence, Magnetization). (#120)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Update make.jl (#114) (@beorostica)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Adapt at version 3, (keep existing compat) (#122) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Functors at version 0.4, (keep existing compat) (#123) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Parameters at version 0.12, (keep existing compat) (#124) (@github-actions[bot])


Toggle v0.6.7's commit message
[Diff since v0.6.6](v0.6.6...v0.6.7)

**Closed issues:**
- Margins of plot_signal are not consistent with plot_seq (#84)
- Plot functions throw error in Julia REPL (#86)
- Reconstructing without simulating first gives an error (#91)
- [Important] Simulation inconsistency in GUI due to thread racing condition (#94)
- Progress bar in GUI is not working (#95)

**Merged pull requests:**
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MRIReco to 0.6, (keep existing compat) (#93) (@github-actions[bot])
- Removed simulation inconsistency and other fixes (#96) (@cncastillo)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Scanf at version 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#98) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for ThreadsX at version 0.1, (keep existing compat) (#99) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix #86 (#101) (@beorostica)
- Add MRIReco v0.7 compatibility (#103) (@beorostica)
- Fix bug for Reconstruct button (#104) (@beorostica)
- Add codecov.yml configuration file (#106) (@beorostica)
- Remove target in codecov configuration (#107) (@beorostica)
- Add patch threshold to codecov settings (#108) (@beorostica)
- Set patch as informational in codecov configuration (#109) (@beorostica)
- Update API docstrings (#110) (@beorostica)
- Add 3D simulation example (#111) (@beorostica)
- Clean Packages (#112) (@beorostica)