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Salon Appointment Scheduler

This is one of the required projects to earn my freeCodeCamp 'Relational Database Certification'.

For this project, I had to create an interactive Bash program that uses PostgreSQL to track the customers and appointments of a salon.

Complete the tasks below

✔️ You should create a database named salon

✔️ You should connect to your database, then create tables named customers, appointments, and services

✔️ Each table should have a primary key column that automatically increments

✔️ Each primary key column should follow the naming convention, table_name_id. For example, the customers table should have a customer_id key. Note that there’s no s at the end of customer

✔️ Your appointments table should have a customer_id foreign key that references the customer_id column from the customers table

✔️ Your appointments table should have a service_id foreign key that references the service_id column from the services table

✔️ Your customers table should have phone that is a VARCHAR and must be unique

✔️ Your customers and services tables should have a name column

✔️ Your appointments table should have a time column that is a VARCHAR

✔️ You should have at least three rows in your services table for the different services you offer, one with a service_id of 1

✔️ You should create a script file named in the project folder

✔️ Your script file should have a “shebang” that uses bash when the file is executed (use #! /bin/bash)

✔️ Your script file should have executable permissions

✔️ You should not use the clear command in your script

✔️ You should display a numbered list of the services you offer before the first prompt for input, each with the format #) . For example, 1) cut, where 1 is the service_id

✔️ If you pick a service that doesn't exist, you should be shown the same list of services again

✔️ Your script should prompt users to enter a service_id, phone number, a name if they aren’t already a customer, and a time. You should use read to read these inputs into variables named SERVICE_ID_SELECTED, CUSTOMER_PHONE, CUSTOMER_NAME, and SERVICE_TIME

✔️ If a phone number entered doesn’t exist, you should get the customers name and enter it, and the phone number, into the customers table

✔️ You can create a row in the appointments table by running your script and entering 1, 555-555-5555, Fabio, 10:30 at each request for input if that phone number isn’t in the customers table. The row should have the customer_id for that customer, and the service_id for the service entered

✔️ You can create another row in the appointments table by running your script and entering 2, 555-555-5555, 11am at each request for input if that phone number is already in the customers table. The row should have the customer_id for that customer, and the service_id for the service entered

✔️ After an appointment is successfully added, you should output the message I have put you down for a at , . For example, if the user chooses cut as the service, 10:30 is entered for the time, and their name is Fabio in the database the output would be I have put you down for a cut at 10:30, Fabio. Make sure your script finishes running after completing any of the tasks above, or else the tests won't pass


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