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Youtube clone Project

This repo is part of a #PlatziChallenge.

Vid-Box is a Youtube Clone project. it started as a project developed on a Platzi Live class. in which I learned new concepts. The site was not fully funtional or responsive and I wanted more. So I put some work and managed to add new features and make it what its now. A responsive site with a darkmode button, a hidden sidebar menu and a working Search Box that consume a youtube API.

Challenge 🎲


Built With 🔑

This class is based on Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) but most importantly Javascript (JS).

Content 🚦

This course is part of a Platzi Challenge I participated on. In which for two months, I got the oportunity to join 24 live meeting and multiple classes with the only purpose of creating a Web Portaflio.

How to Contribute?

All contributions are welcome. Please read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.

Project deployed using:

Desktop Screen 💻

Lighthouse Score 🚀

Projects 🚀

Contact 📞

Acknowledgments 📚

Resources list that I find helpful and would like to give credit to.

Video Tutorials:

Pages used:
