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JoostZ edited this page Apr 20, 2013 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Oscad wiki!

OpenSCAD is an open source, script based CAD program for creating 3D objects. I have used it for several objects that I printed with my 3D printer.

Having been in software development for many years I got spoiled with the use of good development environments like Visual Studio and IntelliJ IDEA and I missed all the nice features these environments bring.

There were several initiatives for improving the development experience, such as openSCAD editor, which I have been using for my last few projects but it was still not what I am used to.

Then I realized that you can write your own plugins for the IntelliJ IDEA. I decided to write my own plugin for OpenSCAD files.

This is my first attempt to create such a plugin. As many have mentioned before. it is hard to find good documentation about this. In fact the documentation often is there but finding your way in what is present is not easy. Therefore I will put on this Wiki my experience in developing the Oscad plugin. See my Plugin page.

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