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WordPress pentest tool project with GUI

WordPress Brute Force & Username enumeration

Performs multiple brute force and username enumerations tasks in same time. This is a continuation of the WPCracker project.

With the Brute Force tool, you can control how aggressive an attack you want to perform, and this affects the attack time required. The tool makes it possible to adjust the number of threads as well as how large password batches each thread is tested at a time. However, too much attack power can cause the victim's server to slow down.

Aim for cross-platform

OS info Win32 Win64 macOS Linux
Backend X X X X
FrontEnd X X X X
Tested 0 X X deb11


.NET Core 3.1


  • Download repository:
    • git clone
  • Open project:
    • cd wpcrackergui
  • Install with package manager:
    • npm i
  • Build dev version:
    • npm run dev
  • build produciton version:
    • npm run prod
  • Run current version:
    • npm run start
  • If the backend is not builded or has changed:
    • npm run winCoreBuild
    • npm run macCoreBuild
    • npm run linuxCoreBuild

Build project for Windows x32 & x64

  1. npm run prod
  2. npm run build:win

Build project for MAC

  1. npm run prod
  2. npm run build:mac

After build is ready, you can locate the build files in the wpcrackergui/out directory

Build project for Linux

Build for linux with with docker

  • tested in Debian 11

electron-userland/electron-build-service#9 (comment)

  1. Open terminal at root of project
    1. run command npm run prod
    2. run command npm run cleanCore && npm run linuxCoreBuild
  2. Start docker
    1. run command docker pull electronuserland/builder (do this only the first time)
    2. run command docker run --rm -ti -v C:\Work\wpcrackergui\:/project -w /project electronuserland/builder (correct the project path if needed)
    3. run command npm i -g electron-builder
    4. run command cd /project
    5. run command electron-builder build --linux deb tar.xz
  3. After build is ready, you can locate the build files in the wpcrackergui/out directory


In this article, "victim" refers to the attacked WordPress site in pentest lab. Attacking a WordPress site for which you do not have permission may be illegal.

This is for ethical use only :)