Langflow is a low-code app builder for RAG and multi-agent AI applications. It’s Python-based and agnostic to any model, API, or database.
The project establishes a relationship between chance of admission to other factors stated in the data , in form of regression Models to predict the required chance of admission.
Online Groccerry Ordering Application for the Company: Kitchen Bsket
Data of tens of thousands of tweets about the early August GOP debate in Ohio is classified as positive or negative sentiment using Naive Bayes Classifier and Converting the words int wordcloud
Using RNN to predict Google Stock Price
Deep Learning based Gender Prediction Model which uses LSTM and Sequential too predict gender in form of [M,F] array where M and F represent prercentage of the name belonging to Male or Female Cate…
This Python code uses Pytorch from scratch to build a movie recommender system for un-supervised data.