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Workshop by the UNB Developer Society

Intro to Computer Vision and Machine Learning

Environment Setup


Installing Python
  • You can download an installer for the most recent Python3.7 version here: Python 3.7.5 install (32bit Python versions as well as Python 3.8.x is not supported by Tensorflow)
  • Once the download has completed run the installer
  • When prompted select the check the box for "Add Python3 3.7 to Path"s
  • When prompted click on the option to change the MAX_LENGTH for Paths on your machine
Creating a Virtual Environment

The first step to starting any Python3 project is creating a virtual environment. This allows us to keep our installs for different projects seperated.

  • Make a directory for the workshop project > mkdir ml-workshop
  • Create a virtual environment in your project folder > python -m venv workshop-env
  • Activate your new virtual environment > .\workshop-env\Scripts\activate
Installing Packages

Within the virtual environment we can then install Tensorflow 2.0, with the virtual environment active we can run > pip install tensorflow

We will also want to install Pillow for viewing the images that we will be training the computer to identify, we can install Pillow with the following command > pip install Pillow

You may have to updgrade your pip version before you can install Tensorflow 2.0, this can be done with > python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install Jupyter Notebook (recommended)

I'll be using Jupyter Notebook as a code editor for this tutorial, I would recommend you install and use it as well however you may use any IDE/code editor of your choice. To install Jupyter Notebook run the following command with the virtual environment activated > pip install jupyter

Once you have jupyter installed you can begin running it by entering the command > jupyter notebook

UNIX (Mac/Linux)

Part 1 -- Installing Python
  1. Download HomeBrew package manager.
  • To install it, run the command $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Homebrew is a package manager that stream lines the setup of developer technologies on Mac. In this case, we will use homebrew to install python 3
  1. Confirm if you installed Homebrew correctly by running the command $ brew doctor
  2. To install python, run the command $ brew install python3
  3. Now confirm if python was installed correctly by running $ python --version
  • If you ran into any problems while installing python on to, there are plenty of resources online to help
Part 2 -- Creating a virtual environment
  1. To create a virtual environment, run the command $ python3 -m venv <directory_name>-env. Replace <directory_name> with what you would like you virtual environment directory to be called.
  2. To activate the virtual environment, run the command $ source <directory_name>/bin/activate.
  • You know your virtual environment is properly activated when you see (<directory_name>) at the beginning of your command line.
Part 3 -- Installing Tensor Flow


  1. While your virtual environment is active, run the command $ pip install --upgrade pip
  2. While your virtual environment is active , run the command $ pip install tensorflow
Part 4 -- Install the Jupyter Digital Notebook
  1. In your virtual environment, run the command $ pip install jupyter
  2. To activte your notebook, run the command $ jupyter notebook
Part 5 -- Install Pillow
  1. In your virtual environment, run the command $ pip install Pillow


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