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JericoFX edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 1 revision


Here i will explain the features of the resources and a HOW - TO


The resource is created using Svelte , lua , svelte-lua-boilerplate from Project Error, the css framework i used is 7.css


  • Drop fx-computer (the name doest matters) in the resource folder.
  • Add this to qb-radialmenu or use the event from other resource
  •  	 {id =  "createReport",
     	title =  "Create a Report",
     	icon =  "exclamation-triangle",
     	type =  "client",
     	event =  "fx-mdt:client:setReport",
     	shouldClose =  true,
  • Update the config.lua


The interface is build to be similar to Windows 7 here you can find

  • Create Report App

  • Search Tool

  • My Tool yes

  • On the Right Side you can find the Active Reports. reports

On the windows bar you can find the start menu and on the right side with a small icon the language selector.


Creating Reports

There are 4 classes of reports:

  1. B.O.L.O: Here you can mark a person or a vehicle.
  2. Warrant: You can fill all the details to create a warrant
  3. Basic: This is use to create a fine report, this option will not generate a report on the Reports Tabs
  4. Report: Here you can fill a normal report, this will create a row in the Report Tabs



Here you have all the tools to fill a report, from top to bottom we have


On the Add Menu we can find menu

  • Closest Player:
    • This option will get the information from the closest player
  • Add Location:
    • This option will get the steet name and fill it on the "location" part of the report
  • Add Polices:
    • Here you can add the Polices involved on the report
  • Add Evidences:
    • Here you can add the evidences for the report
      • Remember... you need to have the bag item in your inventory
  • Add Fines:
    • Here you can add fines to the case.
  • Add Images: Not working at the moment

SEARCH menu Here you have 2 options

  • Search by Name
  • Search by Vehicle Plate, this option will automatic fill the "is vehicle" option

VIEW MENU If you have selected some item in the Add menu like, Add Polices, Add evidences, Add Fines, here you can see it and delete if necessary

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