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Tracking your investment portfolio and personal finances can be tedious. It either requires proprietary software to be used that often have limited features until you pay for a subscription or/and it requires a great amount of manual input just to get the overview you are looking for. And even once you have this overview, it is often not in the format you desire, does not apply the categorization as you wish or is simply not accurate in the first place.

I want to give you back the control to properly and efficiently track your finances with the FinancePortfolio. Through the usage of configuration files, it becomes possible to connect multiple brokers as you desire and have the FinancePortfolio do the heavy lifting for you. It will automatically obtain historical data for all instruments in your portfolio, calculate the returns, benchmark returns, alpha and weight of each instrument and (optionally) provide you with a neat looking Excel file that you can further customize yourself.

The FinancePortfolio has the ability to send over your assets and portfolio to the Finance Toolkit 🛠️ in an instant which allows the calculation of 130+ ratios, technicals, performance and risk measurements directly onto your portfolio. See here.

By doing most of these things through Python and Excel, you have the complete freedom to decide what to do with the output. For example, you can use it to create your own personalized dashboards via any programming language or application such as Excel, PowerBI, Tableau, etc. I don't want to bore you with custom dashboards that I tailored to myself just so that you can come to the conclusion that it isn't a perfect fit for you.


NOTE: STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. Not yet available.

Before installation, consider starring the project on GitHub which helps others find the project as well.

To install the FinancePortfolio it simply requires the following:

pip install financeportfolio -U

Then to use the features within Python use:

from financeportfolio import Portfolio

portfolio = Portfolio()

This will generate the configuration file for you to use which you can supply again by using configuration_file='portfolio.yaml. See below for more information about each capability and what you can do with this file.


This package allows you to track your portfolio by accepting your portfolio transactions and doing (basic) analysis on the portfolio. It uses functionality from the Finance Toolkit 🛠️ to be able to determine asset classes as well as obtain historical data and do currency conversions and can directly use ALL of the 130+ metrics that the FinanceToolkit has. It features the following core functionality:

  • The ability to read in any combination of datasets, based off the .yaml file, which allows you to combine multiple brokers or multiple accounts into one portfolio.
  • The ability to obtain historical data for all instruments in the portfolio including a custom benchmark for each instrument.
  • The ability to perform financial analysis on each individual asset and the portfolio as a whole by using functionality from the Finance Toolkit 🛠️.
  • The ability to create an Excel report which all of the acquired data can easily be send over to Excel to be further analysed as you desire in case Python isn't your cup of tea.

It can generate the following overviews:

  • Positions Overview: an overview which shows the cumulative volumes, costs, invested amount, current value, returns, invested weight and current weight since the inception of the portfolio.
  • Portfolio Overview: an overview which is an aggregation of each instrument based on volume, price, costs, invested and most recent value. Next to that, it also calculates the return, benchmark return, acquired alpha and the current portfolio weight.
  • Portfolio Performance Overview: an overview in which the portfolio is shown on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis and shows the performance of the portfolio, the benchmark, alpha and weight.
  • Transactions Overview: an overview which shows all transactions that have been made in the portfolio and their current performance.
  • Transactions Performance Overview: an overview in which the transactions are shown on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis and and shows the end of period returns of the transactions and the benchmark including the alpha.

Getting Started

To get started, you need to acquire a configuration file that defines your portfolio. This file consists of things such as the location of the datasets, the columns that define e.g. the volume, ticker and price, the currency of the portfolio, the benchmark to use, etc. An example version is automatically downloaded on initialization.

Find detailed guide how to use the Portfolio functionalities here.

A basic example is depicted below. This uses the same configuration file as also found in the guide above.

from financeportfolio import Portfolio

portfolio = Portfolio(

# Positions Overview
positions_overview = portfolio.get_positions_overview()

# Portfolio Overview
portfolio_overview = portfolio.get_portfolio_overview()

# Quarterly Portfolio Performance Overview
portfolio_performance_overview = portfolio.get_portfolio_performance_overview(period='quarterly')

# Transactions Overview
transactions_overview = portfolio.get_transactions_overview()

# Yearly Transactions Performance Overview
transactions_performance_overview = portfolio.get_transactions_performance_overview(period='monthly')

# The ability to utilize the FinanceToolkit to do further analysis
portfolio_toolkit = portfolio.to_toolkit()

# Show 12-month Rolling Sharpe Ratio
rolling_sharpe_ratio = portfolio_toolkit.performance.get_sharpe_ratio(rolling=12, period='monthly')

This returns DataFrame objects which can be used to further analyze the data in Python or send over to Excel.

Positions Overview

The Positions Overview shows the cumulative volumes, costs, invested amount, current value, returns, invested weight and current weight since the inception of the portfolio. Here, the first few rows for the instrument 'VUSA.AS' are shown (Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF):

Date Volume Costs Invested Amount Current Value Cumulative Return Invested Weight Current Weight
2020-01-15 4 0 224.32 224.41 1 0.44 0.44
2020-01-16 4 0 224.32 225.5 1.01 0.44 0.44
2020-01-17 4 0 224.32 227.54 1.01 0.44 0.44
2020-01-20 4 0 224.32 227.86 1.02 0.44 0.44
2020-01-21 4 0 224.32 227.71 1.02 0.44 0.44

It becomes possible to plot the current weight over time as follows:

positions_overview['Current Weight'].plot.area(figsize=(15, 5), title='Portfolio Allocation over Time')

Which returns:

Current Weights

Portfolio Overview

The Portfolio Overview is an aggregation of each instrument based on volume, price, costs, invested and most recent value. Next to that, it also calculates the return, benchmark return, acquired alpha and the current portfolio weight.

Ticker Name Volume Price Costs Invested Latest Price Latest Value Return Return Value Benchmark Return Alpha Weight
ESP0.DE VANECK VIDEO GAMING AND ESPORTS UCITS ETF 5 36.07 0 180.37 31 155.02 -0.14 -25.34 0.01 -0.16 0
IUSA.AS ISHARES S&P 500 96 38.15 -1 3662.57 41.09 3944.93 0.08 282.36 0.16 -0.08 0.08
IWDA.AS ISHARES MSCI WOR A 247 68.34 -5.14 16880.8 77.83 19225.2 0.14 2344.42 0.23 -0.09 0.38
SMH.MI VANECK SEMICONDUCTOR UCITS ETF -2 -22.33 0 44.67 26.42 -52.84 -2.18 -97.51 -1.2 -0.98 -0
UST.PA MULTI NASDAQ 100 84 43.48 -7.02 3652.35 57.54 4833.36 0.32 1181.01 0.19 0.13 0.1
VUSA.AS VANGUARD S&P500 116 62.97 -3 7304.21 78.27 9079.32 0.24 1775.11 0.2 0.04 0.18
VWRL.AS VANGUARD FTSE AW 132 99.24 0 13099.2 102.82 13572.2 0.04 473.07 0.02 0.01 0.27

Getting insights from this overview:

portfolio_overview['Return Value']'Returns of the Portfolio', figsize=(10, 5), color=['g' if x >= 0 else 'r' for x in portfolio_overview['Return Value']])

Which returns:

Return Value Portfolio

Portfolio Performance Overview

The Portfolio Performance Overview shows the performance of the portfolio, the benchmark, alpha and weight on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. Here some of the data is shown that represents the performance of the portfolio on a quarterly basis:

Date Ticker Volume Costs Invested Amount Current Value Invested Weight Current Weight Return
2023Q3 ESP0.DE 5 0 180.37 153.42 0 0 -0.15
2023Q3 IUSA.AS 96 -1 3662.57 3895.78 0.08 0.08 0.06
2023Q3 IWDA.AS 247 -5.14 16880.8 19090.6 0.38 0.38 0.13
2023Q3 SMH.MI -2 0 44.67 -51.24 0 -0 -2.15
2023Q3 UST.PA 84 -7.02 3652.35 4715.09 0.08 0.09 0.29
2023Q3 VUSA.AS 116 -3 7304.21 8962.74 0.16 0.18 0.23
2023Q3 VWRL.AS 132 0 13099.2 13490.4 0.29 0.27 0.03
2023Q4 ESP0.DE 5 0 180.37 155.02 0 0 -0.14
2023Q4 IUSA.AS 96 -1 3662.57 3944.93 0.08 0.08 0.08
2023Q4 IWDA.AS 247 -5.14 16880.8 19225.2 0.38 0.38 0.14
2023Q4 SMH.MI -2 0 44.67 -52.84 0 -0 -2.18
2023Q4 UST.PA 84 -7.02 3652.35 4833.36 0.08 0.1 0.32
2023Q4 VUSA.AS 116 -3 7304.21 9079.32 0.16 0.18 0.24
2023Q4 VWRL.AS 132 0 13099.2 13572.2 0.29 0.27 0.04

Transactions Overview

The Transactions Overview shows all transactions that have been made in the portfolio and their current performance. It demonstrates how well assets have performed over time and could be used for example to understand the market timing of the investor.

Date Ticker Name Price Volume Costs Currency Invested Amount Current Value % Return Return
2022-10-27 IWDA.AS ISHARES MSCI WOR A 71 22 0 EUR 1562 1712.37 0.0962676 150.37
2022-12-01 VUSA.AS VANGUARD S&P500 74.171 4 0 EUR 296.684 313.08 0.0552642 16.396
2022-12-01 IWDA.AS ISHARES MSCI WOR A 73.69 15 0 EUR 1105.35 1167.52 0.0562492 62.175
2022-12-01 VWRL.AS VANGUARD FTSE AW 99.98 5 0 EUR 499.9 514.1 0.0284057 14.2
2022-12-01 UST.PA MULTI NASDAQ 100 45.92 2 0 EUR 91.84 115.08 0.253049 23.24
2022-12-30 IWDA.AS ISHARES MSCI WOR A 68.47 14 -3 EUR 955.58 1089.69 0.140344 134.11
2022-12-30 SMH.MI VANECK SEMICONDUCTOR UCITS ETF 17.896 1 0 EUR 17.896 26.42 0.476308 8.524
2022-12-30 VUSA.AS VANGUARD S&P500 67.84 7 -3 EUR 471.88 547.89 0.161079 76.01
2022-12-30 UST.PA MULTI NASDAQ 100 40.58 4 -3 EUR 159.32 230.16 0.44464 70.84
2023-03-01 SMH.MI VANECK SEMICONDUCTOR UCITS ETF 21.245 -116 0 EUR -2464.42 -3064.72 0.243587 -600.3
2023-03-01 IUSA.AS ISHARES S&P 500 37.11 66 0 EUR 2449.26 2712.14 0.10733 262.878
2023-06-30 IUSA.AS ISHARES S&P 500 40.477 30 -1 EUR 1213.31 1232.79 0.0160553 19.48

Transactions Performance Overview

The Transactions Performance Overview shows the transactions on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis and and shows the end of period returns of the transactions and the benchmark including the alpha. Here some of the data is shown that represents the performance of the transactions on a monthly basis:

Date Ticker Volume Price Costs Invested Amount Current Value Return Benchmark Return Alpha
2022-10 IWDA.AS 22 71 0 1562 1591.48 0.0189 0.0191 -0.0002
2022-10 SMH.MI 1 17.71 0 17.71 18.03 0.0181 0.017 0.0011
2022-10 VUSA.AS 3 72.62 0 217.86 223.02 0.0237 0.017 0.0067
2022-10 VWRL.AS 3 95.5 0 286.5 291.99 0.0192 0.017 0.0022
2022-12 IWDA.AS 29 71.08 -3 2064.32 1980.26 -0.0407 -0.048 0.0073
2022-12 SMH.MI 1 17.9 0 17.9 17.83 -0.0039 0 -0.0039
2022-12 UST.PA 6 43.25 -3 262.5 243.27 -0.0733 -0.048 -0.0253
2022-12 VUSA.AS 11 71.01 -3 784.11 744.94 -0.05 -0.0299 -0.0201
2022-12 VWRL.AS 5 99.98 0 499.9 463.2 -0.0734 -0.0582 -0.0152
2023-03 IUSA.AS 66 37.11 0 2449.26 2468.4 0.0078 0.1041 -0.0963
2023-03 SMH.MI -116 21.24 0 -2463.84 -2589.7 0.0511 0.04 0.0111
2023-06 IUSA.AS 30 40.48 -1 1215.4 1214.55 -0.0007 0 -0.0007

Finance Toolkit Support

Once everything is prepared, the true power comes from integration with the Finance Toolkit 🛠️ as the data is formatted in such a way that it can be directly fed into the FinanceToolkit with .to_toolkit.

This gives access to 130+ ratios, technicals, performance and risk metrics as well as financial statements, earnings calendars, analyst estimates, snapshots and much more. Through the collected insights from the FinancePortfolio, a 'Portfolio' column is constructured which represents the performance of the portfolio as a whole.

For example, the following shows the Rolling 12-month Sharpe Ratio of both the individual assets as well as the entire portfolio as a whole.

2023-01 -0.6083 -0.6255 -0.5734 -0.6929 -0.37 -0.6105 -0.6122 -0.6553
2023-02 -0.5958 -0.6179 -0.5243 -0.6967 -0.3558 -0.6523 -0.5999 -0.682
2023-03 -0.7531 -0.7528 -0.5599 -0.816 -0.347 -0.4768 -0.7566 -0.8007
2023-04 -0.7155 -0.718 -0.5107 -0.7887 -0.2837 -0.4632 -0.7194 -0.7653
2023-05 -0.5999 -0.6375 -0.2826 -0.7082 -0.1535 -0.395 -0.6009 -0.6476
2023-06 -0.4816 -0.5157 -0.1866 -0.6056 -0.0341 -0.2954 -0.4848 -0.55
2023-07 -0.8659 -0.906 -0.3859 -0.9468 -0.172 -0.3764 -0.8779 -0.9031
2023-08 -0.8485 -0.8999 -0.3687 -0.9525 -0.1313 -0.4005 -0.8604 -0.9427
2023-09 -0.865 -0.9332 -0.3442 -1.0091 -0.0857 -0.3609 -0.8757 -0.9862
2023-10 -1.0288 -1.1043 -0.3222 -1.1324 -0.0592 -0.3196 -1.0327 -1.1474

Which can also be graphically depicted through:

rolling_sharpe_ratio.plot(figsize=(15, 5), title="Rolling 12-month Sharpe Ratio")

Which returns:

Rolling Sharpe Ratio

Excel Integration

It is possible to send all of this information (specified in the .yaml file) over to Excel. This is the same output as depicted above but in a neatly organized Excel file. This is done through the create_excel_report function.

from financeportfolio import Portfolio

portfolio = Portfolio(


This creates the following file:

Portfolio Excel Example


Portfolio Management for Everyone







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