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Jay Stevens edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 3 revisions

This Dungeon Generator is mainly inspired by the article "Adventures in Level Design: Generating Missions and Spaces for Action Adventure Games" (PDF), which details the high-level overview of how the Mission vs the Space works.

Essentially, it boils down to splitting dungeon generation into 2 parts:

  • The Mission generates a singly-linked list of nodes. Each one of these nodes will get linked to a Room in the dungeon Space, with rooms earlier in the linked list guaranteed to be accessible somewhere before rooms later in the list. Some nodes are "tightly-coupled" to each other, indicating that they have a special relationship with one another (placing treasure after defeating a boss, for example).

  • The Space is the actual physical representation of the Mission. This takes the Mission graph generated above and translates it into physical space. This is defined by the implementation of the Dungeon Mission Space Handler -- at the moment, only one Dungeon Mission Space Handler is defined, which chooses an already-generated room at random when it comes time to generate a new room. The end result is a maze-like dungeon with lots of branches and dead ends.

Now that you have a general idea of what's going on, let's jump right in with a Dungeon Generation Tutorial!

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