"Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient X-ray Novel View Synthesis" (ECCV 2024)
TinyEngine is a low-code engine based on which you can build or develop low-code platforms in different domains/TinyEngine是一个低代码引擎,基于这个引擎可以构建或者开发出不同领域的低代码平台
"Structure-Aware Sparse-View X-ray 3D Reconstruction" (CVPR 2024)
悟空财务管理系统(悟空FS) 实现凭证管理、账簿管理、资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表等管理。开启数智财务新时代。
悟空CRM-基于Spring Cloud Alibaba微服务架构 +vue ElementUI的前后端分离CRM系统
SeaTunnel is a next-generation super high-performance, distributed, massive data integration tool.
A Multi-relational Graph-Based Twitter Account Detection Benchmark
TensorLayerX: A Unified Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Framework for All Hardwares, Backends and OS.
DataCap is integrated software for data transformation, integration, and visualization. Support a variety of data sources, file types, big data related database, relational database, NoSQL database…
AKGR: Awesome Knowledge Graph Reasoning is a collection of knowledge graph reasoning works, including papers, codes and datasets
🚀 A modern, high-performance monorepo project designed with Google Translate JS SDK. Vue and react are supported!
This is an official implementation of our AAAI2022 paper AdaptivePose and Arxiv paper AdaptivePose++
The developer and operations friendly Kubernetes toolbox
婚纱影楼小程序提供了一个连接用户与影楼的平台,相当于影楼在微信的官网。它能帮助影楼展示拍摄实力,记录访客数据,宣传优惠活动。使用频率高,方便传播,是影楼在微信端宣传营销的得力助手。其采用腾讯提供的小程序云开发解决方案,无须服务器和域名。 样片页是影楼展示优秀摄影样片提供给用户欣赏并且吸引客户的。套系页是影楼根据市场需求推出的不同套餐,用户可以按照自己的喜好预定套系。个人中心可以查看用户预约的…
基于Yii2的Saas快速开发平台,内置多商户并内置商城、论坛、CMS等子系统。Yii2/Mysql/Mongodb/Redis/Elasticsearch/SnowFlake雪花算法ID生成 RBAC动态权限 数据权限 定时任务 日志/消息 代码生成Gii升级
zzzzzzzzyt / music-website
Forked from Yin-Hongwei/music-website🎧 Vue + SpringBoot + MyBatis 音乐网站
Hyperconverged cloud-edge native database
后端使用 SpringCloud Alibaba 开发,移动端使用 React Native 构建,管理后台使用 Arco Design 进行构建,并在支付上接入数字货币(比特币、以太坊UDST、平台Token)支付,后端采用 Hadoop 与 Flink 等大数据框架构建实时计算与离线计算体系。
ring_layout is a ui component that helps you build ring layouts.
☀️ A vue3 admin template | vue3 admin/element plus admin/vite admin/vue3 template/vue3 后台/vue3 模板/vue3 后台管理系统
💻 Project scaffolding with command line tools. 🛠
✨ 🚀 EasyTCP is a light-weight TCP framework written in Go (Golang), built with message router. EasyTCP helps you build a TCP server easily fast and less painful.