This a link aggregator site which is similar to Reddit or Hacker News.
A user can sign up and submit a link. Comments can be made as well as vote up or down on link submissions.
This is based on the Reddit clone that Mackenzie Child: How To Build A Reddit Clone With Rails 4 has build.
For more information, see Mackenzie Child.
- Rails
- Ruby 2.3.0
- RVM 1.27.0
These are some of the features that have been added to the web page.
- Scaffold of Links with "name" and "url" as fields
- User Authentication with devise Gem
- Front-end styling with the bootstrap-sass gem
- Votable functionality with the Acts_as_votable gem
- Simple form created using simple_form gem
- Scaffold of Comment with "link_id", "body", and "user" as fields
Commands used to create models and controllers. link
These are snapshots of the various pages of the app. link