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Python 3 library utilizing Pygame for visualizations, GUIs, and games.


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Python 3 library utilizing Pygame for visualizations, guis, and games.


Built into Pyngine, the following components allow for easy component implementation.

  • panels, labels
  • textboxes, imageboxes, listboxes
  • buttons, progress bars
  • custom layouts for scaling screen sizes
  • simple z-index placement of components


  • Define grids for relative component placement
  • Draw with the painter by binding a function to an automatic (or explicit) z-index
  • Measure real frame time
  • Built in colors
  • Built in first-person mouse mode
  • Define key and mouse events in a single line


See requirements.txt

  • pygame
  • numpy


See the ~/examples directory

Lables and Buttons

Labels and Buttons



Hot Keys

Hot Keys

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Controller Class

Below are the contents of the Controller class and how to use them.

  • self
    • painter
      • The painter object owned by the Controller (see painter).
    • delta_time
      • The length of time the previoius frame just took in seconds.
    • fps
      • The current amount of frames per second the program is achieving.
    • keyboard
      • The keyboard object owned by the Controller (see keyboard).
    • mouse
      • The mouse object owned by the Controller (see mouse).
    • background_panel
      • The panel object representing the component as z index 0 (see panel)
    • screen_grid
      • The Controller's grid layout set to self.grid (see layout).
    • screen_relative
      • The Controller's relative layout set to the background_panel (see layout).
  • self (inherited from Interface)
    • resolution
      • Resolution of the display in pixels as a tuple (w, h)
    • screen_width
      • Number of pixels width the display is.
    • screen_height
      • Number of pixels high the display is.
    • aspect_ratio
      • The ratio of the screen width by the screen height.
    • grid_width
      • The number of grids wide the display can reference.
    • grid_height
      • The number grids high that can be referenced
    • px
      • The pixel width of each grid.
    • py
      • The pixel height of each grid.
    • center
      • The center of the display as a tuple (x, y)
    • screen_rect
      • A list representing the display [x, y, width, height]
    • refresh_rate
      • The target frame rate to run the display at.
    • frame_time
      • The time each frame should take.
    • display
      • The Pygame display object.
  • self.painter
    • fill_grid(self, gx, gy, color=Color['white'])
      • Fill a rectangle based on the Controller's self.grid parameters.
    • fill_rect(self, x, y, width, height, color=Color['white'])
      • Fill a rectangle given the top left corner and the width and height.
    • fill_triangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color=Color['white'])
      • Fill a triangle given each corner.
    • draw_line(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color=Color['white'])
      • Draw a line between the given coordinates.
    • draw_circle(self, x, y, radius, color=Color['white'])
      • Draw a circle given the coordinate and the radius.
    • draw_triangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color=Color['white'])
      • Draw a triangle outline given each corner.
  • self.keyboard
    • presses
      • A dictionary of pygame keys (ie. pg.K_LSHIFT) mapped to whether they are pressed or not.
      • For example, if self.keyboard.presses[pg.K_LSHIFT]: ...
  • self.mouse
    • x or y
      • The current x or y position of the mouse.
    • presses
      • A dictionary of static mouse constants mapped to whether they are pressed or not
      • Static attributes
        • Mouse.l_click, Mouse.m_click, Mouse.r_click, Mouse.scroll_u, Mouse.scroll_d
      • For example, if self.mouse.presses[Mouse.l_click]: ...
    • First person view controls
      • dx or dy
        • How much the mouse moved last frame.
      • yaw
        • The rotation on the horizontal plane.
      • pitch
        • The rotation on the vertical plane
      • sensitivity
        • The factor to scale mouse rotation to.
      • unit_step
        • The smallest size which the mouse can move in any direction.
      • smoothing
        • Slowly decelerate the mouse after a rotation has finished.
      • cutoff
        • The point at which the smoothing will stop decelerating and just stop
    • set_visible(self, visible=True)
      • Specify whether the mouse is visible or invisible.
    • toggle_visibility(self)
      • Switch the mouse's visibility to the other option.
    • fix_mouse(self)
      • Freeze the mouse in the center of the screen

Objects to create in a Controller

  • Event
    • Event(controller, action=None, args=(), keys=())
    • halt(self)
      • Forcibly stop the input from being read (keys are read constantly, calling halt in the action will set key presses to False)
    • Bind keys or key combinations to a function call.
    • For example, Event(self, action=walk_forward, args=(step_size), keys=(pg.K_w))
    • Pass a reference to self into the Event
    • Bind a function and pass arguments to that function.
    • Bind 1 or many keys to that Event.
  • Drawer
    • Drawer(self, controller, refresh=None, load=None, z=0)
    • Pass a reference to self into the Drawer
    • Bind a function to refresh, this occurs every frame.
    • Bind a function to load, this occurs when the program initializes.
    • Specify a z index (automatically managed if ignored) to draw at
    • Drawers are meant to be able to split draw functions up into small z-index cognizant functions
  • Components
    • See ~/examples
    • To do

Global Objects

  • Pygame imported as pg
  • Controller
    • Meant to be extended for custom functionality.
  • Color


Python 3 library utilizing Pygame for visualizations, GUIs, and games.








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