Queen's University Hyperloop team 2019 software structure
This project combines 3 arduinos and a radio to monitor and determine the state of the pod. The pod can be remotely accessed via the SpaceX Base Station and reports the telemetry of the pod back to the base station. One arduino is dedicated to managing the state of the pod, another is for network communication and the third is given to SpaceX to calculate the velocity of the pod.
Follow instructions at https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-node-js-npm-on-windows to install npm and nodejs.
Open a powershell instance
cd to web_based_GUI/
run: npm install - This will install dependencies based on the contents of the package.json file.
Open a powershell instance
cd to web_based_GUI/
run: npm start
app should be running at https://localhost:3000
A list of all hardware components used on this project:
2 Arduino Due
1 M900 Ubiquiti Rocket
3 SainSmart Ethernet shield
1 Arduino Uno
3 Adafruit BMO055
2 Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F
1 Adafruit MPRLS
17 Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistor
1 Analog Switch
1 Packet Sniffer
The State Arduino will be an Arduino Due because it has more I/O pins (specifically analog) and has 4 serial ports to allow for communication to numerous internal boards. It operates at 16MHz.
The State Arduino will be directly connected to the motorcontrollers using an analog switch that is also connected to a communication arduino to enable remote shut off. As well as a physical switch that will be mounted on the arduino, which will allow for the hyperloop pod to be turned on and off once placed on the track and prevent motor operation in case of an arduino malfunction.
The state Arduino Due will manage all temperature sensors, pressure sensors and IMU data via analong multiplexers. Based on the data provided by the sensors the board will determine if the pod is safe to operate. If so it will provide a 1 to an analog switch, allowing the networking arduino to communicate with the motorcontrollers. The State Arduino also communicates with the networking arduino via I2C communication to report the state of the pod to the Networking Arduino.
The arduino will monitor these sensors
3 IMUs (Adafruit BMO055) 2 Laser sensor of choice with Class 1 Laser rating (potentially Infrared Proximity Sensor Long Range (Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F)) 1 0-100 psi transducer (Adafruit MPRLS) 17 Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistor - one per battery(2), - one per motor temperature sensors(4) - each axel temp(2) - internal compartment(1) - chassis(4) - brake calipers(4)
and ensure that the pod is within safe operating parameters.
This controller will be used to communicate with the Ubiquiti M900 Rocket via the Arduino Ethernet Shield 2 this the board will be connected to the Main Controller board using the Serial port, this allows the remote commands to the pod. It will have 3 analog outputs to the motor controllers via the analog switch to allow for remote stopping.
Connected to Ubiquiti Rocket M900 (Ethernet) Connected to Flash Arduino (Ethernet) State Arduino (I2C) Motorcontrollers (3 Analog Pins)
"In order for SpaceX to determine Pod speeds while in the Hyperloop tube, Pods are required to come equipped with hardware that allows for proper detection. The method of speed detection involves using on-Pod reflective laser sensors that detect the retro-reflective tape strips in the tube. An average speed between tape strips is then calculated and broadcast over the network using an on-Pod processor.
The Arduino shall be on the same wireless network as the Pod to allow communication in the tube via the Ubiquiti Rocket M900 radios. SpaceX developed code for the Arduino will be flashed to Pods during Competition Week. "
Quoted from 2019 SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition Rules and Requirements (November 30, 2018)
- 1x Arduino Uno
- 1x SainSmart Ethernet shield
- 2x Laser sensor of choice with Class 1 Laser rating (safe for viewing with naked eye)
- Left side laser sensor on pin 2 of the Arduino, rising edge trigger with a 3.3V to 5V level when under reflective tape.
- Right side laser sensor on pin 3 of the Arduino, rising edge trigger with a 3.3V to 5V level when under reflective tape.
Using data from https://dl.ubnt.com/datasheets/rocketm/RocketM_DS.pdf
The Ubiquiti Rocket M900 communicates at an interval of 900 MHz with a throughput of 150/Mbps, it has one 10/100Mbps Ethernet port. Must be aware of the however noise levels are typically higher. Can pair with a Point to Point link or Point to Multi Point network.
64 MB SDRAM, 8 MB Flash
The main Arduino will talk to the M900 using the 10/100 ethernet port on the radio. Can operate between 3MHz and 16MHz.