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A small unit testing framework for C.


Defining a module

With custom name:

su_module_d (module_name, "Module Name", { ... })

module_name must be valid C identifier but may also start with a number.

With default name:

su_module (module_name, { ... })

This uses the module name as display name.

Declaring an external module

su_extern (module_name);

Module options

su_module (my_module, {
  su_stop_on_failure = false;
  su_compact = false;
  • su_stop_on_failure stop module execution once a test fails (defaults to false)

  • su_compact squish subsequent passing tests into one line (see in examples) (defaults to false)

The default values can be changed by defining SU_COMPACT_DEFAULT or SU_STOP_ON_FAILURE_DEFAULT as respectively.

Defining a test case

su_module (my_module, {
  su_test ("My test case", {

Running a module

SUResult result = su_run_module (module_name);

The SUResult structure is declared as

typedef struct
  unsigned failed;
  unsigned passed;
  unsigned skipped;
  double milliseconds;
} SUResult;
  • failed, passed, skipped number of tests failed/passed/skipped

  • milliseconds time taken in milliseconds

Flow control

su_pass ();
su_fail ();
su_skip ();

Use inside a test case to abort and pass/fail/skip it.


su_assert (expr);

Asserts that expr is true.

su_assert_eq (a, b);

Asserts that a == b.

If both parameters are either char *, or const char *, asserts that strcmp(a, b) == 0.

su_assert_arrays_eq (a, b, count);

For each index i from 0 to count, asserts that a[i] == b[i].

Printing asserted values

If fmt or icecream-c are included the values of failed assertions are printed, if supported by those libraries (with fmt unsupported values are not printed at all, with icecream ? is printed). fmt also provides better string output, escaping non-printable characters and newlines/carriage returns, and requires linking with -lm.


su_test("case", {
    // Note that string literals are a sized array types and cannot be passed
    // to the assert macros directly, but need to be passed via a variable like
    // here or cast to a pointer.
    const char *s1 = "Hello";
    const char *s2 = "Hello\n";
    su_assert_eq(s1, s2);
test.c(10): Assertion failed:
  's1 == s2'
    with lhs: "Hello"
    with rhs: "Hello\n"



su_module (my_module, {
  su_test ("Assert expression", {
    su_assert (1);
    su_assert (0);

  su_test ("Assert equality", {
    su_assert_eq (1, 1);
    su_assert_eq (1, 2);

  su_test ("Assert equality of arrays", {
    const char *s1 = "Hello World";
    const char *s2 = "Hello Sailor";
    su_assert_arrays_eq (s1, s2, 11);


a.c(18): Assertion failed:
    :( Assert expression
a.c(23): Assertion failed:
  '1 == 2'
    :( Assert equality
a.c(30): Assertion failed:
  Buffers 's1' and 's2' differ at index 6
    :( Assert equality of arrays

  3 failing (0ms)

Stopping on failure

su_module (example, {
  su_stop_on_failure = true;
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Failing Test", { su_fail (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })


    :) Passing Test
    :( Failing Test

  1 passing 1 failing 1 skipped (0ms)

Compact output

su_module (a_lot_of_passing_tests, {
  su_compact = true;
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Failing Test", { su_fail (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Failing Test", { su_fail (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })
  su_test ("Passing Test", { su_pass (); })


    :) Passing Test (3)
    :( Failing Test
    :) Passing Test (7)
    :( Failing Test
    :) Passing Test (4)

  14 passing 2 failing (0ms)


  • Requires GCC or clang

  • Due to some problem with macros, designated initializers need some extra parentheses:

struct Pair { int x; int y; };

su_module (blabla, {
  struct Pair my_pair = ((struct Pair) { .x = 1, .y = 2 });
  • Requires C23 (typeof, #elifdef, [[maybe_unused]])


2-Clause BSD License (it's at the bottom of the header).


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