This repo is to look into Chinese Job website and make stats. 根据招聘网站,统计程序员就业信息。
- | Langueage | Percentage |
1 | java | 29.28% |
2 | cpp | 16.08% |
3 | javascript | 15.09% |
4 | c_sharp | 10.95% |
5 | python | 8.21% |
more details: https://github.com/juwikuang/china_job_survey/blob/master/notebook/programming_language.ipynb
996 means working from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. 996 Positions have a significant higher salary(25%) than the 996 positions. 996的职位比非996的职位工资高25%。
Overtime in Beijing is much severe than in other cities. 北京的996现象最严重
Companies without 996. 996 白名单(周末双休、朝九晚五的公司):
for more, look into the code. especially the jupyter notebooks. 更多信息,查看源代码(主要是jupyter notebook):
https://github.com/juwikuang/china_job_survey/blob/master/notebook/china_v2.ipynb https://github.com/juwikuang/china_job_survey/blob/master/notebook/996_Survey.ipynb