GIFBook is a Javascript SPA with a rails API backend intended to allow users to search and save their favorite GIFs to their account as well as send GIFs via SMS text.
These instructions will get a local copy of GIFBook up and running on your machine.
You will need to acquire your own Account SID and Authentication token from Twilio. Create a .env file in the root directory of the backend_api folder.
export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_AUTH="Twilio Auth Token"
Fork and clone this Repo.
Change directories into the backend local directory. Run bundle install to install dependencies. Ensure PostgreSQL is running on your machine, create and migrate the database.
$cd backend_api
$bundle install
$rails db:create
$rails db:migrate
- Start the rails server from the 'backend_api' directory by running
rails s
$cd frontend
$ open index.html
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.