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Releases: JJPPeters/Strainpp


10 Dec 20:52
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Added some limited support for stack files
Fixed bugs from unicode file paths
Fixed bugs in detecting data type of input files
Fixed bugs in not detecting or reporting errors when opening files
Added github based versioning to executable


26 Oct 18:19
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Added ability to reuse g-vectors between images
Messages asking to reuse g-vectors can be toggled off to avoid aggravation.
Moved to 3 point releases to better indicate very minor changes.


23 Jun 18:59
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Fixed a bug I created with FFTW not initialising properly and causing blank FFT (and therefore an unusable program)

v1.6: Improve input compatibility

06 Jul 22:09
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Fixed errors in loading .tif files that unset tag values (i.e. they used defaults)

v1.5: Added multithreading

11 Dec 12:08
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Added some multithreading to improve speed for large images
Fixed bug for image display where contrast limits were not updated

v1.4: Major fix to GPA

04 Jan 09:49
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Fixed many major bugs and added features.

Windows 64- bit only.


  • Changed styling for compatibility with future linux versions.
  • Converted source to also work with cmake.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed major bug where straiun values where negative. This was particularly noticable in the strain/rotation
  • Fixed an error with TIFF export being upside down.

v1.3a: MAJOR update

21 Jun 08:00
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v1.3a: MAJOR update Pre-release

Fixed many major bugs and added features.

Windows 64- bit only.


  • Added ability to export colour bar as RGB image.
  • Added axes widget to reflect the basis used in distortion calculations.
  • Added labels to distortion images to make it clear what is being shown.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed major bug where matrices where not initialised to zero. This caused massive errors for smaller images.
  • Fixed memory leak where old plot data would not be deleted on plot updates.
  • TIFF images now open the right way up.
  • Fixed bug where right clicking distortion plot would cause an update if the angle spin box had been used.
  • Fixed bug when the smalled g-vector could not be estimated. Now have a fallback case of half smallest image dimension.
  • Small usability tweaks (greying out invalid menu options, adding messages when an error was handled).


05 Jun 18:24
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v1.2.1a Pre-release

Fixed a major bug that effects image file exporting.

Windows 64- bit only.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed export issues for differentials because of an unsupported character in the generated filenames.


24 May 07:25
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v1.2a Pre-release

Fixed a couple of bugs (one of which affects the main function of the program)

Windows 64- bit only.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo in one dialog
  • Fixed manual mask size not being updated for analysis
  • Fixed issue where reuse of phase refinement area would carry over to new strain analysis


21 May 17:21
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v1.1a Pre-release

First major release. Not fully tested so release is designated alpha.

Windows 64- bit only.


  • Opens .dm3, .dm4 and .tif formats (non-RGB only)
  • Can add a Hann window to remove image edge artefacts from the FFT
  • Estimates mask size or can be input manually
  • Phases can be refined
  • Outputs distortion, strain, rotation or dilitation with colour maps
  • Can output all intermediate steps
  • Can output files as RGB, data images or as binary files