This is the Advent of Code: An annual programming event created by the company of the same name. In each december, for 25 consecutives days, a two part programming challenge is revealed. When completed each part gives a star and the ultimate goal is to collect 50 stars.
I plan to centralize all my solutions in this monorepo: My first edition was officially 2023 and overtime I've plans to tackle all the previous challenges as well as participate in any future editions.
At the time of writing, I plan to tackle each year with a different programming language, starting with the languages I've more confidence.
- 2023: Python
Ocasionally, I'll sparkle things up: In some challenges, I could use a different methodology (TDD, for example). In others, study a different lib or technology (like regex). It will all depend of my confidence and knowledge for the given challenge.
This is a event for improve my programming capabilities, so pull requests are not allowed. But if you've found a bug or a problem (like a important test missing in a challenge I stated I'd work with TDD) in one of my implementations, feel free to open a issue.