Logo by LogoJoy
Synco is a website for writers to publish work online. We are currently in Alpha prerelease, but are soon to be in Beta stages. Currently, we are not accepting any stories as of right now, and are still tesing and fixing up the database. We take pride in having all original code, and so the only non-original program that we used is Firebase, owned by Google.
- Pro Accounts
- Ability to Create and Star Stories Freely (TESTING)
- Accounts
- Advanced Profiles
We, until the first official release, are freely accpeting memebers to join the Dev Program. The Dev Program is a program which, for alimited time, allows anyone with coding knowledge to join us with limited access. By joining, you agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Please read these carefully before joining. NOTE: The dev program will be closing soon, so hurry up.
- @hen1227
- @phylocrania
- @hbjbook
If you have any interest in joining us here at the Synco Dev Team, or the Dev Program, or you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]
Our proud founders and owners are @TelOfLolth and @prealge.