This program has been created in order to maintain the most beneficial for the company customers. It calculates the amount of products that have passed the period of sale and the clients that have eliminated a lot their purchases and they may pull away from our company. Then it offers them the aforementioned products in order to lure them back to the company. Practically our program attempts to turn two negative phanomenon into one positive situation for our company.
src file(
- main(
- java classes(
- Resaurses(
- Manual(
- JUnit tests(
- main(
Members |
Eirianna Papoutsi(Team Captain) |
Niki Boura |
Katerina Dimatou |
Nefeli Maraka |
Ioanna Martini |
Maria Aspasia Stefadourou |
Vasiliki Chalkiopoulou |
Vassia Psoma |
- 2275 lines of java code
- 14 java classes
- 11 images
- 6 JUnit Tests classes